T³ - TableTop Tournaments
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ETC 2010 - Niemcy
The European Team Championship 2010 (ETC 2010) is the biggest tabletop event this year. It's the 5th incarnation of a small fabulous idea which has grown and grown and grown. In 2010 over 50 teams will battle for the ultimate title in Warhammer and Warhammer 40K. With teams from A like Australia to W like Wales including for example Canada, Latvia and New Zealand and many more this is the one and only really international tabletop event of the world.

2010 the ETC is held in Germany (again after the great response to 2009) from 5th to 9th August. Wait? Four days? Yes, because this year there're the official European Single Player Championships (ESC) where up to 340 players can battle for being the best Warhammer or Warhammer 40K player of the world.

If you're slightly interested in tabletop gaming at all... be sure to move heaven and earth so that you won't miss this event. You never can know if it will be that near to you again! In other cases: just come to us, too. ;-)

Początek: 05/08/10 08:00
Koniec: 08/08/10 21:00

ETC Tournaments

European Team Championship 2010

System Bitewny: Warhammer Fantasy Battles (WHFB)
Początek: 07/08/10 08:00
Koniec: 08/08/10 21:00
Miejsca: 220


  • p1 Denmark
  • p2 Italy
  • p3 Germany

European Team Championship 40k 2010

System Bitewny: Warhammer 40K (W40K)
Początek: 07/08/10 08:00
Koniec: 08/08/10 21:00
Miejsca: 120


  • p1 Polska
  • p2 Germany
  • p3 Spain

European Single Player Championship 2010

System Bitewny: Warhammer Fantasy Battles (WHFB)
Początek: 05/08/10 08:00
Koniec: 06/08/10 18:00
Miejsca: 220
Obłożenie: 21%

  • UK
  • AUS
  • A
  • B
  • DK
  • FIN
  • NL
  • D
  • N
  • NZ
  • USA
  • CH

playersLista graczy

European Single Player Championship 40k 2010

System Bitewny: Warhammer 40K (W40K)
Początek: 05/08/10 08:00
Koniec: 06/08/10 18:00
Miejsca: 120
Obłożenie: 64%

  • UK
  • A
  • FIN
  • F
  • NL
  • D
  • RUS
  • S
  • USA
  • CH

playersLista graczy

ETC Related Tournaments

ETC warm up

Miejsce: 7330 Brande, DKDania
System Bitewny: Warhammer Fantasy Battles (WHFB)
Początek: 18/06/10 20:00
Koniec: 20/06/10 14:00
Miejsca: 80


Eispalast Münster
Steinfurter Straße 113/115
48149 Münster

CZ 2015 - Czechy
SRB 2014 - Serbia
SRB 2013 - Serbia
PL 2012 - Polska
CH 2011 - Zwajcaria
D 2010 - Niemcy
D 2009 - Niemcy
I 2008 - Włochy
PL 2007 - Polska
PL 2006 - Polska

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