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Kluby Gier Bitewnych - Gaming Lords Leuven

Szczegóły Klubu
Nazwa: Gaming Lords Leuven
Kontakt: Tom_ep (Kontakt), minisnatcher (Kontakt)
Miejsce Spotkań: Demo-Spel Leuven
Adres: Sint Hubertusstraat (St-Jacobsplein) 3
3000 Leuven
Opis: Gaming Lords Leuven is a small a club in Leuven with about 20 members. We play at Demo-Spel in Leuven. We mostly play Warhammer AOS, Warhammer 40k and Warhammer underworlds but on occasion some other systems are played. Next to our forum https://demo-spel.be/forum/ , you can also find us on FB in the Miniature Gaming Leuven group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1814776858535230/.
Strona: https://www.facebook.com/Gaming-Lords-Leuven-102
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