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3 Aces over Atlantis HQ - Tournament Results

Players' Awards

DGregor aka "Loki-Wan"player-award-armycompBest Army Composition

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Sebastian aka "Laminidas"DHamburgOuter Rim SquadronRebel Alliance15
2.2.p2Mario aka "Surlick-Zek"DBremenRebel Alliance10
3.3.p3Gregor aka "Loki-Wan"player-award-armycompDHamburgHolsten InfernoRebel Alliance10
4.4.Alexander aka "luke732"DKielOuter Rim SquadronGalactic Empire10
5.5.Paul A.DHamburgRebel Alliance10
6.6.Aaron aka "AChapin"DHamburgHyperspace HotspursScum and Villainy10
7.7.Florian aka "Tului_Khan"DBremerhavenGalactic Empire10
8.8.Marc-Andreas aka "Reddead"DHamburgGalactic Empire8
9.9.Dennis aka "RogueLeader"DHamburgNorth Rim RaidersScum and Villainy5
10.10.Wolfgang A.DScum and Villainy5
11.11.Sebastian aka "Lys"DHamburgGalactic Empire5
12.12.Steve aka "Scorglum"DHamburgGalactic Empire1
13.13.Olaf aka "DarthOlaf"DHamburgGalactic Empire1
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.Outer Rim Squadron (2)12.50

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Hamburg (9)7.22

Army Results:

1.Rebel Alliance (4)11.25
2.Scum and Villainy (3)6.67
3.Galactic Empire (6)5.83
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