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Raccoon Rumble 2025: WH40K | GW WM Qualifier - List of Participants

1. Christian aka "Kalbel"DTrier204Adeptus CustodesMosel Gladiatorsyesno
Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
2. Matthias aka "Oerd"DGochsheim1101Orks40k-Dadsnono
3. Moritz aka "Goblinpower"DBayreuth103Astra MilitarumTTCBnono
4. Aron aka "Angron"DDinslaken933World EatersWürfelgötternono
5. Cedric aka "Cedric92"DDinslaken300Space Marinesnono
6. Thomas aka "Kettengesicht"DBerlin857Chaos KnightsFalkenknightsnono
7. Dennis aka "Dei"DBerlin750NecronsLiga der kompetitiven Gentlemennono
8. Valentino aka "Langustenmann"DKrefeld388Genestealer CultsBattle Brosnono
9. Florian aka "MrFlo"DBrühl676Thousand SonsBTTFnono
10. Thomas aka "Slaxxx"DEmden623Ynnari40Kingsnono
11. Andreas aka "Octavian415"DLeipzig257Chaos DaemonsFlat 3 Damagenono
12. Tobias aka "Belgaraht"DGroßmecka617T'au EmpireChemnitzer Tabletop Communitynono
13. Martin aka "Ikarus_dV"DNürnberg85Space MarinesKings of the hillnono
14. Matthias aka "Quarkqt"DBremen2EldarKings of the Hillnono
15. Ronny aka "RonnyEndler"DHohenstein-Adepta SororitasHighstonernono
16. Lennox aka "Xonell"DBerlin46World EatersFNP7+nono
17. Sebastian aka "wusa"DBorne624DeathwatchDice Guysnono
18. Marc aka "Terestri0r"DHohenstein-Death GuardHighstonernono
19. Gordon aka "Hasho"DUetze365EldarNSA3Bnono
20. Julian aka "neffy"DLinkenheim-Hochstetten107EldarCanes Bellinono
21. Thomas aka "Silberhand"DBad Schönborn116TyranidsCanes Bellinono
22. Philip aka "Carion"DBremen395Chaos DaemonsBremer Tabletop Verein e.V.nono
23. Dino aka "Pinosaurus"DIngolstadt-T'au Empirenono
24. Moritz aka "PowerNerd"DHeidelberg453Imperial KnightsCanes Bellinono
25. Maximilian aka "DrunkenCorps"DFeucht411Death Guardnono
26. Christian aka "Majornaise"DDüsseldorf30OrksKings of the hillnono
27. Lars aka "DerSiggi"DHennigsdorf2619Space Marinesnono
28. Till aka "JaenkeT"DLübeck220EldarBaltic Brawlernono
29. Alexander aka "BigH1608"DOldenburg In Holstein1080Death GuardBaltic Brawlernono
30. Christoph aka "Chris94"DArnstorf726Imperial Knightsnono
31. Arne aka "meeouw"DLutherstadt Wittenberg200T'au EmpireTabletop Club Anhaltnono
32. Tobias aka "Reginalt"DErfurt1110Adeptus Mechanicusnono
33. Miriam aka "Mirien"DHohenstein-Imperial KnightsHighstonernono
34. Thilo aka "Roachbeef"DNeustadt an der Aisch-Eldarnono
35. Patrick aka "Pat_reek"DHeidelberg77HarlequinsSpitzkliggernono
36. Max aka "Press"DChemnitz15OrksKings of the hillnono
37. Christian aka "vonFreudiger"DGelsenkirchen446Death GuardTeam Lurchnono
38. Julian aka "EvilJuu"DBorken1059Chaos Space MarinesTeam Lurchnono
39. (anonym)-The Inquisitionnono
40. Max aka "Wueste"DBerlin1076Space MarinesEpic Noobz Wargamingnono
41. Sebastian aka "Noogus"DFröndenberg1170Adeptus CustodesPathfinders Dortmundnono
42. Oliver aka "Fablelicious"DDinslaken2087Dark AngelsWhite Rabbitnono
43. Christian aka "Chriso"DMünchen633Chaos KnightsFMPnono
44. Mirco aka "Jester_Head"DSchönau am Königssee1941World EatersRackelhähnenono
45. Alexander aka "UglyGecko"DFreilassing829Chaos Space MarinesRackelhähnenono
46. Flo aka "Foster"DDreieich827Adepta SororitasRhein Main Rhinosnono
47. Thomas aka "TJC"DUsingen657Thousand SonsRhein Main Rhinosnono
48. Niklas aka "SneakyElf"DErlangen2475Ynnarinono
49. Andreas aka "Queck"DSchmitten250Astra MilitarumSpitzkliggernono
50. Richard aka "Fat_Geesus"DHalle139NecronsTabletop Club Anhaltnono
51. Matti aka "mtti"DKönigstein-T'au EmpireSpitzkliggernono
52. Dennis aka "Ghoritsch"DBad Homburg275EldarSpitzkliggernono
53. Kevin aka "Re93van"DFürstenfeldbruck1207World EatersSquiggznono
54. Jörg aka "Khorgor-"DPfungstadt642Adeptus CustodesTTS DaDinono
55. Kevin aka "Ketho"DBad Salzuflen169NecronsTG Play!nono
56. Sebastian aka "hAyno"DAntdorf576World EatersLevel Zero Heroesnono
57. Grischa aka "Gigiloco"DEichlinghofen370The InquisitionKings of the hillnono
58. Sebastian aka "Cerwy"DHof915YnnariGames Islandnono
59. Dominik aka "Maverdre"DMünchen852EldarFMPnono
60. Johannes aka "Bonbuku"DFinsing197World EatersFMPnono
61. Ivica aka "Kroatos151"DRegensburg1318Chaos KnightsBembel und Bolternono
62. Michael aka "Twin"DFrankfurt am Main618Death GuardBembel und Bolternono
63. Daniel aka "IdaBene"DRiedenburg276Adepta SororitasBembel und Bolternono
64. Astrid aka "Neutrum"DGladbeck1678OrksWürfelgötternono
65. Adrian aka "RamsesII"DMeerbusch75Adeptus CustodesKings of the Hillnono
66. Clifford aka "Psycrcyo"DFrankfurt am Main981NecronsBembel und Bolternono
67. Martin aka "Judge666"DDorsten Rhade62Orksnono
68. Robert aka "Sordulax"DFrankfurt am Main2406Astra Militarumnono
69. Martin aka "Sheina"DFichtelberg679Death GuardGames Islandnono
70. Dominik aka "Avang"AKlagenfurt214The InquisitionFluffige Wuschelhasen des Todesnono
71. Manuel aka "Berades"DBayreuth5Chaos DaemonsKings of the Hillnono
72. Kevin aka "planB_GOD"ATrofaiach22Space MarinesKings of the hillnono
73. Sven aka "Freekkel"DKoblenz383Death GuardHigh Performance Mindsetnono
74. Jean Pierre aka "Ginger_Ninja"DAndernach2094Blood AngelsHigh Performance Mindsetnono
75. Justin aka "Navalion"DBraubach1400Chaos Space MarinesHigh Performance Mindsetnono
76. Joseph aka "Bloodbath"DEschenau355EldarSnazzy boi'snono
77. Ben aka "Blue_Sky"DGriesheim352Chaos Space MarinesHessenhammer Tabletopnono
78. Stefan aka "Astapore"DRegnitzlosau2542Adepta Sororitasnono
79. Marco aka "Boneman"DBerlin2196Space MarinesEpic Noobz Wargamingnono
80. Florian aka "Klaas"DBerlin2126Chaos Space MarinesEpic Noobz Wargamingnono
81. Alex aka "kusu"DSeefeld-Space Marinesnono
82. Tommy aka "Cluin"DNimritz507Chaos DaemonsGames Islandnono
83. Tician aka "Xoniat09"DKarlsruhe-World EatersSpielegilde Karlsruhenono
84. Julian aka "Vaegon"DJockgrim-DeathwatchSpielegilde Karlsruhenono
85. Max aka "FDoppelU"DKarlsruhe-Grey KnightsSpielegilde Karlsruhenono
86. Steffen aka "MacBride"DHöhenkirchen-Siegertsbrunn1596Adeptus MechanicusDeck and Dice Munichnono
87. Julien aka "Enderborn"DLeimersheim-Imperial KnightsSpielegilde Karlsruhenono
88. Fabian aka "BobbyG"DDuisburg910The InquisitionDrunken Dwarfs Duisburgnono
89. Franz aka "Cade"DTeisendorf962T'au EmpireTTKnightsnono
90. Fabian aka "Sal-ty"DHerne581World EatersWürfelgötternono
91. Robert aka "Midorr"DMünchen841Imperial KnightsHobbycenter Munichnono
92. Joshua aka "ImJosh"DMönchengladbach856Leagues of VotannFight First Clubnono
93. Erik aka "Bob065"DMönchengladbach1696OrksFight First Clubnono
94. Philipp aka "Bonini"DBerlin277The InquisitionBerliner Wargaming Betriebenono
95. Philipp aka "Trefnix"DDuisburg79Dark AngelsDrunken Dwarfs Duisburgnono
96. Leif aka "McL"DSaarbrücken303Chaos KnightsTabletopcrew Saarhammernono
97. Leon aka "Skodde"DBerlin798Adepta SororitasBerliner Wargaming Betriebenono
98. Tom aka "Grenter"DDresden90Chaos Space MarinesS.G.Anono
99. Nino aka "elnino84"DHennigsdorf-Adepta Sororitasnono

Distribution of Armies
Adeptus Custodes:1
Distribution of Origins
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