Player Profile - Svenito
Player Profile |
Friends (45)
Games | Tournaments | Player's Awards | Rankings | Friends |
Battlefleet Gothic:
- Eldar Fleet
- Imperial Fleet
- Space Marine Fleet
Warhammer 40K (49850 Points):
- Adepta Sororitas - 300 Points
- Astra Militarum - 10000 Points
- Blood Angels - 7000 Points
- Chaos Daemons - 3500 Points
- Chaos Space Marines - 3000 Points
- Dark Angels - 3000 Points
- Drukhari - 1000 Points
- Eldar - 3000 Points
- Grey Knights - 3500 Points
- Harlequins - 1750 Points
- Imperial Knights - 1200 Points
- Necrons - 1500 Points
- Space Marines - 5000 Points
- Space Wolves - 3000 Points
- T'au Empire - 1250 Points
- Forge World armylists:
- Armored Battlegroup - 1850 Points
Warhammer Fantasy Battles (26000 Points):
- Chaos Warriors - 5000 Points
- Daemons of Chaos - 5000 Points
- Dwarfs - 5000 Points
- Lizardmen - 5000 Points
- Orcs & Goblins - 5000 Points
- Tomb Kings - 1000 Points
Total: 3 Games, 25 Armies, 75850 Points
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