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ETC 2009 - Germany
The European Tabletop Championship 2009!

Growing bigger and bigger the ETC came 2009 to Germany taking place in the tournament approved "Eissporthalle Münster" (Ice Rink Münster). Being a great success the ETC returns 2010 to Münster.

Start: 2009-08-08 08:00
End: 2009-08-09 21:00

ETC Tournaments

European Team Championship 2009

Gamesystem: Warhammer Fantasy Battles (WHFB)
Start: 2009-08-08 10:00
End: 2009-08-09 18:00
Seats: 200


  • p1 Italy
  • p2 Poland
  • p3 Denmark

European Team Championship 40k 2009

Gamesystem: Warhammer 40K (W40K)
Start: 2009-08-08 10:00
End: 2009-08-09 18:00
Seats: 128


  • p1 Sweden
  • p2 Poland
  • p3 France

ETC Related Tournaments

ETC Side Event

Location: 48149 Münster, DGermany
Gamesystem: Warhammer Fantasy Battles (WHFB)
Start: 2009-08-08 10:00
End: 2009-08-09 18:00
Seats: 120

ETC Side Event 40k

Location: 48149 Münster, DGermany
Gamesystem: Warhammer 40K (W40K)
Start: 2009-08-08 10:00
End: 2009-08-09 18:00
Seats: 60


Eispalast Münster
Steinfurter Straße 113/115
48149 Münster

CZ 2015 - Czech Republic
SRB 2014 - Serbia
SRB 2013 - Serbia
PL 2012 - Poland
CH 2011 - Switzerland
D 2010 - Germany
D 2009 - Germany
I 2008 - Italy
PL 2007 - Poland
PL 2006 - Poland

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