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Tournoi Dés Rangés du 8 mai - Tournament Results

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Gab aka "Dundee"FLa RochelleAuniX WingRebel Alliance4
2.2.p2Golven aka "ZeRan"FMontaiguNANTES SQUADRONSeparatist Alliance3
3.3.p3Vincent aka "Teregan"FLe ThouAuniX WingSeparatist Alliance3
4.4.Florent aka "flo86"FAiffresAuniX WingScum and Villainy3
5.5.Pascal aka "BukarooB"FLéognanLes Wookies BordelaisRebel Alliance3
6.6.Matthieu aka "Wedge_Nantillais"FOudonNANTES SQUADRONGalactic Republic2
7.7.Benjamin aka "JediYoda"FTalenceLes Wookies BordelaisResistance2
8.8.Philippe aka "El_Moutane"FGujan MestrasLes Wookies BordelaisRebel Alliance2
9.9.Michaël aka "Al-Bu"FCenonRebel Alliance2
10.10.Bertrand aka "Nebal"FPessacLes Wookies BordelaisSeparatist Alliance1
11.11.Nicolas aka "WARGH"FSt Etienne De MontlucNANTES SQUADRONGalactic Empire2
12.12.Anton aka "Arnakh"FMerignacLes Wookies BordelaisFirst Order1
13.13.Sylvain aka "Sepresham"FSaintesLes Dés RangésScum and Villainy1
14.14.Fred aka "D3R-7"FRouffiacLes Dés RangésGalactic Republic0
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.AuniX Wing (3)3.33
3.Les Wookies Bordelais (5)1.80
4.Les Dés Rangés (2)0.50

City Results (at least 2 players):

No results...

Army Results:

1.Rebel Alliance (4)2.75
2.Separatist Alliance (3)2.33
3.Resistance (1)2.00
4.Scum and Villainy (2)2.00
5.Galactic Empire (1)2.00
6.Galactic Republic (2)1.00
7.First Order (1)1.00
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