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Finale Alkemy - Tournament Results

Players' Awards

FGuillaume aka "Elladan"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Qualifié pour la finale 2017
FYann aka "YannSolo"player-award-youngbloodYoungblood

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Guillaume aka "Elladan"player-award-specialFRambouilletSFJKingdom of Avalon12
2.2.p2Vincent aka "Elethorn"FRouenBERNAYKingdom of Avalon10
3.3.p3Pierre aka "caillou"FmarinesSFJEmpire of the Jade Triad10
4.4.Jérémy aka "Figo95"FEpiais-RhusKingdom of Avalon9
5.5.Benoît aka "Ben-95"FErmontSFJAurlok Nation9
6.6.Benoit aka "Restimel"FSartrouvilleSFJAurlok Nation9
7.7.Julien aka "isyn"FCergySFJEmpire of the Jade Triad9
8.8.Michel aka "kataklysm"FSaint Georges de DidonneEmpire of the Jade Triad8
9.9.Nicolas aka "nicoleblond"FMarinesSFJEmpire of the Jade Triad8
10.10.Olivier aka "LE0N"FLa NorvilleFig78TeamKhaliman republic7
11.11.Arnold aka "Reldan"FBrécéLes hussards d'isengardTemplar7
12.12.Thomas aka "tomlef"FSartrouvilleSFJEmpire of the Jade Triad7
13.13.Yann aka "YannSolo"player-award-youngbloodFBréal Sous MontfortSonges élémentairesKhaliman republic7
14.14.Emmanuel aka "EMMLEF"FSartrouvilleSFJKhaliman republic7
15.15.Jean-Pierre aka "Shinji"FLilleLes Conteurs de LégendesEmpire of the Jade Triad7
16.16.Anthony aka "Toony"FValframbertLa SagerieKhaliman republic6
17.17.Cédric aka "Petrol27"FVERNONCCJHWalosi Clan6
18.18.Ludovic aka "el_ludo"FLa Chapelle LargeauLa Banniere de l'ombreAurlok Nation6
19.19.Hervé aka "rv_adiadon"FOrléansOrléans WargamesKingdom of Avalon6
20.20.Tristan aka "telrunya"FJuziersWalosi Clan6
21.21.Kevin aka "kaboom"FSaint Jean De BrayeOrléans WargamesKhaliman republic6
22.22.Nicolas aka "Letchai"FCominesMLFTemplar5
23.23.Harold aka "Metanoir"FRouenBERNAYKingdom of Avalon4
24.24.Estelle aka "Estelle"FValframbertLa SagerieAurlok Nation4
25.25.Alexandre aka "Mourph"FRennesLes hussards d'isengardKhaliman republic4
26.26.Gautier aka "Zeg"FLilleMLFEmpire of the Jade Triad4
27.27.Pascal aka "Papaperdro"FPerdreauvilleClub LafayetteKingdom of Avalon4
28.28.François aka "Mellal"FBréal-Sous-MontfortSonges élémentairesAurlok Nation3
29.29.Thomas aka "Dogma"FCholetLa Banniere de l'ombreKhaliman republic3
30.30.Marc aka "Marcus_Coyote"FLes UlisLa Confrérie du PhoenixTemplar3
31.31.Nicolas aka "k-sandre"FMeauxLa Confrérie du PhoenixThe Escapees3
32.32.Nicolas aka "maitre_nain"FBruzLes hussards d'isengardKingdom of Avalon3
33.33.David aka "eolias"FEponeLCDAEmpire of the Jade Triad3
34.34.Benjamin aka "Swompy"FLe BessatKingdom of Avalon2
35.35.Gael aka "cainvsabel"FPloërmelSonges élémentairesAurlok Nation1
36.36.Johan aka "j2c"FChartresAurlok Nation0
37.37.Baptiste aka "le_maitre_des_des"FMarinesSFJAurlok Nation0
38.38.Christophe aka "Baratt"FAcy en multienLa Confrérie du PhoenixAurlok Nation0
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.SFJ (9)7.89
2.BERNAY (2)7.00
3.Orléans Wargames (2)6.00
4.La Sagerie (2)5.00
5.Les hussards d'isengard (3)4.67
6.MLF (2)4.50
7.La Banniere de l'ombre (2)4.50
8.Songes élémentaires (3)3.67
9.La Confrérie du Phoenix (3)2.00

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Sartrouville (3)7.67
2.Rouen (2)7.00
3.Marines (3)6.00
4.Lille (2)5.50
5.Valframbert (2)5.00

Army Results:

1.Empire of the Jade Triad (8)7.00
2.Kingdom of Avalon (8)6.25
3.Walosi Clan (2)6.00
4.Khaliman republic (7)5.71
5.Templar (3)5.00
6.Aurlok Nation (9)3.56
7.The Escapees (1)3.00
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