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Freibeuter Dojo III - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Peter aka "ElErecose"DHamburg9Shiho ClanTabletop Freibeuterno
2. Christoph aka "MrMayo"DMagdeburg1Savage WaveTabletop Magdeburg e.V.no
3. (anonym)-MinimotoJunge Leuteno
4. Carsten aka "Kiefer"DSaarbrücken5Tengu DescensionTabletop Freibeuterno
5. Martin aka "Courynn"DMagdeburg6Prefecture of RyuTabletop Magdeburg e.V.no
6. Daniel Christoph aka "Xardaria"DVerden (Aller)-Temple of Ro-KanDragon Warrior Verdenno
7. (anonym)-Prefecture of RyuDragon Warrior Verdenno
8. Leon aka "Commander_Vimes"DBerlin8Temple of Ro-KanCombo Attackno

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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