1. Wiener Wm/H Meisterschaften |
Description: Vienna is searching the best!
2 days, 5 rounds, Swiss tournament format
50 points, 3 lists required, baseline restricted
Play like you've got a pair!
Please, read "Informationen und Regeln" carefully!
Any questions? Please, contact me.. please read Information and Rules carefully ...
for questions please contact me ...
Organizers: ML84 (Contact), shakespeare (Contact)
Gamesystem: Warmachine (WM)
Start: 2013-02-16 09:00
End: 2013-02-17 17:00
Seats: 32
Charge: 20 €
Clublokal der WOW/KeepersLoeschenkohlgasse 341150 Wien Austria
Load:  81% Info: The tournament has ended.
2013-02-06 14:13 Armylist release
written by ML84
2012-12-26 22:32 Payment
Please pay via bank transfer or cash [e.g. at the Final Days Tournament (29.Dez)] the 20€ Tournament fee.
Deathline for payment: 1.2.2013 13:00!
Bankacc: [Please contact tournamenthost]
Please fill in with reference to: WWM-name [your T3 nick or fullname]
If you pay for more than 1 player please contact me!
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
written by ML84