Hammers & Bolters - Duo Tournament - Fall 2025 |
Description: Charge fee 25€ per team of 2 players - 24 team - 12 tables - Special duo missions
Organizer: Antaios (Contact)
Gamesystem: Warhammer 40K (W40K) - Team Tournament
Team size: 2 players per team
Start: 2025-09-21 09:00
End: 2025-09-21 16:00
Seats: 48
Charge: 25 €
Clubhouse Tin Soldiers of AntwerpLeugenberg 187/22180 Ekeren Belgium
Website: https://www.tsoa.be https://www.tabletoptournaments.net/rs/t3_tournament.php?tid=36602
Info: The registration phase will be open manually by the organizer team.
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