Octogones 2013 - 40K |
Description: Tournoi 40k de la convention octogônes.
Organizer: Les_Chats_Geeks (Contact)
Gamesystem: Warhammer 40K (W40K)
Start: 2013-10-05 08:00
End: 2013-10-05 19:00
Seats: 24
Charge: 11 €
Espace Tête d'Or103 bld Stalingrad69100 Villeurbanne (Lyon)France
Load:100% Info: The tournament has ended.
Other tournaments at this event: * Warhammer Fantasy Battles (canceled) * Dust 1947 * Blood Bowl * Confrontation 3/3.5 * Eden * Malifaux
To the group page
2013-08-23 15:39 nouveaux suppléments
Les suppléments lyanden et farsight sont acceptés
written by Les_Chats_Geeks