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Player Profile - Speedy

Player Profile
Picture of Speedy
Origin:B2900 Schoten
Team:Iron Warriors
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Friends (6)

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GamesTournamentsPlayer's AwardsRankingsFriends
Bolt Action (5000 Points):
  • British Army - 2500 Points
  • German Army - 2500 Points
Flames of War (300 Points):
  • Fallschirmjägerkompanie - 100 Points
  • German Others - 100 Points
  • US Parachute Rifle Company - 100 Points
Frostgrave (500 Points):
  • Elementalist - 500 Points
Star Wars: Legion (1800 Points):
  • Empire - 500 Points
  • Rebels - 1300 Points
Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game (1200 Points):
  • Galactic Empire - 200 Points
  • Rebel Alliance - 500 Points
  • Scum and Villainy - 500 Points
Warhammer 40K (9000 Points):
  • Orks - 4000 Points
  • Space Marines - 5000 Points
Warhammer Fantasy Battles (1000 Points):
  • Bretonnia - 1000 Points
World War III: Team Yankee (200 Points):
  • 55th Guards Soviet Force - 200 Points
Total: 8 Games, 15 Armies, 19000 Points

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