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Warhammer 40k 1v1 2k point le vieux monde - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Jérémy aka "singsorrow"Fcamps la source232Space MarinesMachomensno
2. Julien aka "Styx13"FMarseille270DrukhariBada Bing!no
3. Octave aka "Octave"FMarseille-Genestealer Cultsno
4. Thomas aka "Bobipowa"FToulon2683Space Wolvesle vieux mondeno
5. Guillaume aka "Guikro"FToulon327T'au Empirele vieux mondeno
6. (anonym)-Chaos Knightsno
7. Jonathan aka "Oueoueoue"FMarseille1341Leagues of Votannno
8. Édouard aka "Liciuss"FToulon262The Inquisitionno
9. Mehdi aka "Landoctopus"FToulon7522Chaos Knightsle vieux mondeno
10. Anthony aka "Lion_el_Tony"FToulon1510Dark Angelsno

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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