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Tabletop Südwest Jahres-Abschlussturnier - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Heiko aka "Daemonic"DKarlsruhe3The Vermin SwarmTeam Karlsruheyesno
2. Yann aka "Bat_cat"FYutz361Empire of Sonnstahlyesno
3. Christian aka "Varaner"DDörrebach29Warriors of the Dark GodsTabletop Südwest TSWyesno
4. Christian aka "Starspieler"DFrankfurt am Main36Empire of SonnstahlFrankfurt Cup Tabletopyesno
5. Moritz aka "Rock-n-Roll"DMannheim6The Vermin SwarmToolboxyesno
6. Oskar aka "CreeperO"DDarmstadt-Infernal Dwarvesyesno
7. Marc aka "Caledoriv"DKaiserslautern20Vampire CovenantTabletop Südwest TSWyesno

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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