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Good Games MK3 - List of Participants

1. Cédric aka "LeKhorneux"FNice323Retribution of Scyrahno
2. Romain aka "harchere"FNice444Retribution of Scyrahzazano
3. Stéphane aka "Khal06"FNice220Protectorate of MenothGGMno
4. Alexandre aka "LePirate06"FNice279CryxGGMno
5. Thagrosh aka "Thagrosh06"FNice498Legion of Everblightzazano
6. Nasser aka "nasalem"FNice576CryxNWAno

Distribution of Armies
Retribution of Scyrah:2
Legion of Everblight:1
Protectorate of Menoth:1
Distribution of Origins
Alpes-Maritimes (06):6
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