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Tournoi Conf'frontation à Versailles le 9 novembre - List of Participants

1. Docteur aka "Docteur_Hareng"FLe Grand Bérou82Dwarves of Tir-Na-Bornono
2. Jérôme aka "Duglandal"FFagnières171The Griffins of AkkylannieDuglandalnono
3. Benjamin aka "Shannara"FAsnières Sur Seine-Wolfen of Yllianono
4. Brice aka "brice82"FSouancé-Au-Perche68Orcs of Bran-ô-Kor & Behemothnono
5. Olivier aka "the_red_eye"FBordeaux-Bègles69Alchemists of Dirzla GUILDnono

Distribution of Armies
Alchemists of Dirz:1
Dwarves of Tir-Na-Bor:1
Orcs of Bran-ô-Kor & Behemoth:1
The Griffins of Akkylannie:1
Wolfen of Yllia:1
Distribution of Origins
Eure-et-Loir (28):2
Gironde (33):1
Marne (51):1
Hauts-de-Seine (92):1
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