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game2024-08-28 16:19
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Spearhead has landed

We finally added GW's Spearhead as it's own game system to our list of supported tabletops. We've updated some upcoming events where the change was easy to make. If you host a Spearhead event and you entry is still running under Age of Sigmar or Age of Sigmar Skirmish, feel free to contact your local admin and ask to set the proper game. Be aware that you sadly have to update all registrations and pick the proper faction again.
tec2023-04-11 11:19
Server issues resolved

Due to emergency maintenance before Easter, we were unfortunately unavailable for a few hours and a few problems persisted over the weekend, which prevented the creation of new accounts or tournaments, among other things.

Due to vacations, the problems could only be fixed today. We are sorry, but the old technology is slowly causing us more and more problems. We are working towards a permanent solution and the first step will be an upcoming server move. This will bring downtime again, but we will inform you in time.
tec2022-11-07 17:01
Server load issue [RESOLVED]

Unfortunately, our virus scanner went into the weekend a bit too early on Friday and this resulted in no more emails being sent. This in turn has led to the system becoming slower and slower and there were problems everywhere due to the load.

We have now been able to fix the problem and all outstanding emails have been sent in the last few hours. So if you have been waiting for an (automatic) email from the system, it should have arrived by now.

We are sorry and we will see to it that we detect such problems in a more timely manner in the near future.
tec2022-04-20 08:55
Issue with PayPal payment

There seems to be an issue with our PayPal integration and the PayPal button is just doing nothing. You can use paypal.me/tabletop as a workaround. Please note you order number in the comment so that we can link your payment to your order.

We're looking into the issue asap.
awd2020-09-16 15:45
Tournament Awards 2019

Due to the current sitation and the impact on T³ it took some time to get back on board.

We're happy to finally annouce the best events from 2019.

To the awards...
info2020-07-07 17:23
Reduced German VAT

To alleviate the consequences of Corona, Germany has decided to reduce the value added tax for half a year. This should put a little more money into the wallets of the population.

After some back and forth and talking with our tax consultant, a small detail in the legal basis has the consequence that we will not change the tax shown on T³.

The T³ premium access is a service which will is fully provided at the end of the period. And exactly this end counts for the value added tax. Since all premium purchases will end after 31.12.2020, we are therefore not affected by the reduction if it is not extended.

As we are talking about about 70 cents, we have decided to credit this to your account and let all new premium accounts run one week longer for the same price.
info2020-06-24 16:33
June news summary

Sign of life

With the situation slowly relaxing, the first tournaments are going online again and we are bringing the support back up. During the last weeks we had to keep it on low flame, because more important things were pending and T³ effectively generated zero income. All open requests will be processed within the next 1-2 weeks. Nothing will remain unanswered.

Virtual tournaments

In the last weeks some tournaments have been held via TTS or Discord. We have just installed an update, so that these are marked as "online" on T³ as well. These events are excluded from the rankings. We had set this manually until now. Please contact an admin if you see a tournament that is not listed correctly or is unexpectedly ranked in the rankings.

Premium and cancelled tournaments

As promised, we are going to book some premium time on the accounts of all Corona sufferers for a certain time. There is no exact schedule for this yet.
tnt2018-05-04 20:52
ROFortress Siege III - 1st Round Pairings

1 Team America - World Police v. Vomiting Bloodsnails
2 The Good Imperial Clowns v. The Soup
3 Birthammer v. Arata-mi tatele
tnt2018-05-02 22:48
ROFortress Siege III - Lists are here!

+ TEAM: Arată-mi Țâţele
+ PLAYER 1 CAPTAIN: Nándor “Hundead” Pál
== Battalion Detachment == Necrons – Sautekh [794 Points] + 5 CP
HQ 1 Overlord (84), Artefact (Sautekh): The Abyssal Staff (Replaces Staff of Light), Staff of Light (10), WARLORD (Hyperlogical Strategist) – [94pts]
HQ 2 Overlord (84), Warscythe (11) – [95pts]
HQ 3 Overlord (84), Warscythe (11) – [95pts]
Troop 1 10x Immortals (80), 10x Gauss Blaster (90) - [170pts]
Troop 2 10x Immortals (80), 10x Tesla Carbine (90) - [170pts]
Troop 3 10x Immortals (80), 10x Tesla Carbine (90) - [170pts]
== Outrider Detachment == Necrons – Novokh [707 Points] + 1 CP
HQ 4 Illuminor Szeras (143 - [143pts]
FA 1 9x Canoptek Scarabs (117) - [117pts]
FA 2 9x Canoptek Scarabs (117) - [117pts]
FA 3 6x Canoptek Wraiths (330) - [330pts]
== Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment == Necrons – Mephrit [496 Points] +0 CP
LoW 1 Tesseract Vault (496), Powers of the C’tan: Antimatter Meteor, Cosmic Fire, Seismic Assault, Time’s Arrow - [496pts]
+ TEAM: Arată-mi Țâţele
+ PLAYER 2: Cristi "helltrain696" Ionescu
== Spearhead Detachment == HERETIC ASTARTES– Black Legion [1150 Points] + 1 CP
HQ 1 Chaos Lord (74) <Mark of Khorne>, Chainsword, Power sword (4) – [78pts]
HS 1 Havocs <Mark of Slaanesh>, Aspiring Champion (13), Bolt pistol (0), Boltgun (0), 8x Havoc (104), 8x Bolt pistol (0), 4x Boltgun (0), 4x Missile launcher (100) – [217pts]
HS 2 Havocs <Mark of Slaanesh>, Aspiring Champion (13), Bolt pistol (0), Boltgun (0), 8x Havoc (104), 8x Bolt pistol (0), 4x Boltgun (0), 4x Missile launcher (100) – [217pts]
HS 3 Havocs <Mark of Slaanesh>, Aspiring Champion (13), Bolt pistol (0), Boltgun (0), 7x Havoc (91), 7x Bolt pistol (0), 3x Boltgun (0), 4x Missile launcher (100) – [204pts]
HS 4 Havocs <Mark of Slaanesh>, Aspiring Champion (13), Bolt pistol (0), Boltgun (0), 8x Havoc (104), 8x Bolt pistol (0), 4x Boltgun (0), 4x Lascannon (100) – [217pts]
HS 5 Havocs <Mark of Slaanesh>, Aspiring Champion (13), Bolt pistol (0), Boltgun (0), 8x Havoc (104), 8x Bolt pistol (0), 4x Boltgun (0), 4x Lascannon (100) – [217pts]
== Vanguard Detachment == Chaos – Black Legion [412 Points] + 1 CP
HQ 2 Warpsmith (45) <Mark of Khorne>, Bolt pistol (0), Flamer (9), Meltagun (17), Power axe (5) – [76pts]
Elite 1 Helbrute (72) <Mark of Tzeentch>, Missile launcher (25), Reaper autocannon (15) – [112pts]
Elite 2 Helbrute (72) <Mark of Khorne>, Missile launcher (25), Reaper autocannon (15) – [112pts]
Elite 3 Helbrute (72) <Mark of Slaanesh>, Missile launcher (25), Reaper autocannon (15) – [112pts]
== Battalion Detachment == HERETIC ASTARTES– Black Legion [438 Points] + 5 CP
HQ 3 Abaddon the Despoiler (240), WARLORD (FIRST AMONGST TRAITORS) – [240pts]
HQ 4 Chaos Lord (74) <Mark of Khorne>, Chainsword, Power maul [4pts] The Eye of Night – [78pts]
Troop 1 9x Chaos Cultist w/ autopistol and brutal assault weapon (36) <Mark of Khorne>, Cultist Champion (4), Brutal assault weapon and Autopistol – [40pts]
Troop 2 9x Chaos Cultist w/ autopistol and brutal assault weapon (36) <Mark of Khorne>, Cultist Champion (4), Brutal assault weapon and Autopistol – [40pts]
Troop 3 9x Chaos Cultist w/ autopistol and brutal assault weapon (36) <Mark of Khorne>, Cultist Champion (4), Brutal assault weapon and Autopistol – [40pts]
+ TEAM: Arată-mi Țâţele
+ PLAYER 3: Bogdan "Draechus" Suciu
+ ARMY FACTION: Tyranids
== Spearhead Detachment == Tyranids – Jormungandr [856 Points] + 1 CP
HQ Hive Tyrant with Wings (190), Power: Psychic Scream, 2x Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms (28) – [218pts]
HQ 2 Neurothrope (70), Power: Catalyst, WARLORD (Insidious Threat) – [70pts]
Troop 1 16x Termagants (64), 16x Fleshborer (0) - [64pts]
HS 1 2x Carnifex (134): 2x Enhanced Senses (20), Heavy Venom Cannon (50), 2x Spore Cysts (20), 2x Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms (28) - [252pts]
HS 2 1x Carnifex (67), Enhanced Senses (10), Heavy Venom Cannon (25), Spore Cysts (10), Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms (14) - [126pts]
HS 3 1x Carnifex (67), Enhanced Senses (10), Heavy Venom Cannon (25), Spore Cysts (10), Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms (14) - [126pts]
== Battalion Detachment == Tyranids – Kraken [1143 Points] + 5 CP
HQ 3 Broodlord (162), Power: The Horror - [162pts]
HQ 4 Hive Tyrant with Wings (190), Adrenal Glands (5), Monstrous Rending Claws (0), Power: Catalyst, Toxin Sacs (4), Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms (14) – [213]
HQ 5 Hive Tyrant with Wings (190), Adrenal Glands (5), Artefact: Chameleonic Mutation, Monstrous Rending Claws (0), Power: Catalyst, Toxin Sacs (4), Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms (14pts) – [213pts]
Troop 2 18x Genestealers (180): 4x Acid Maw (0), 18x Rending Claws (36) - [216pts]
Troop 3 18x Genestealers (180): 4x Acid Maw (0), 18x Rending Claws (36) - [216pts]
Troop 4 3x Ripper Swarms (33) - [33pts]
Elite 1 3x Venomthropes (90) – [90pts]
+ TEAM: Arată-mi Țâţele
+ PLAYER 4: Horia "Stiglitz" Furcovici
+ ARMY FACTION: T’au Empire
== Brigade Detachment == T’au Empire - Bork'an Sept [2000 Points] + 12 CP
HQ 1 Cadre Fireblade (39), Markerlight (3), 2x MV4 Shield Drone (20) – [62pts]
HQ 2 Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit (90), 2x Fusion blaster (42), Artefact: Plasma accelerator rifle (replaces 1 plasma rifle), Plasma rifle (11), Shield generator (8), WARLORD (Through Boldness, Victory) – [151pts]
HQ 3 Ethereal (45), Honour blade (0), 2x MV4 Shield Drone (20) - [65pts]
Troop 1 10x Kroot Carnivores (50) – [50pts]
Troop 2 11x Kroot Carnivores (55) – [55pts]
Troop 3 11x Kroot Carnivores (55) – [55pts]
Troop 4 Fire Warrior Shas'ui (7), 9x Fire Warrior (63) 10x Pulse Rifle (0) – [70pts]
Troop 5 Fire Warrior Shas'ui (7), 9x Fire Warrior (63) 10x Pulse Rifle (0) – [70pts]
Troop 6 Fire Warrior Shas'ui (7), 9x Fire Warrior (63) 10x Pulse Rifle (0) – [70pts]
Elite 1 Kroot Shaper (31), Kroot Rifle (0) – [31pts]
Elite2 XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), 2x Smart missile system (30), Advanced targeting system (18), Heavy burst cannon (35) – [268pts]
Elite 3 Stealth Shas'vre (20), 4x Stealth Shas'ui (80), 5x Advanced targeting system (60), 5x Burst cannon (40) – [200pts]
Elite 4 XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit (82), 2x Fusion blaster (42), Fusion collider (35), 2x MV5 Stealth Drone (20), Shield generator (8), Target lock (12) – [199pts]
FA 1 Pathfinder Shas'ui (5), 5x Pathfinder (25), 6x Markerlight (18); MV31 Pulse Accelerator Drone (8) – [56pts]
FA 2 Pathfinder Shas'ui (5), 5x Pathfinder (25), 6x Markerlight (18); MV31 Pulse Accelerator Drone (8) – [56pts]
FA 3 Pathfinder Shas'ui (5), 5x Pathfinder (25), 6x Markerlight (18); MV31 Pulse Accelerator Drone (8) – [56pts]
HS 1 1x Broadside Shas'vre (60), 2x High-yield missile pod (50), 2x Smart missile system (30), Velocity tracker (2); 2x MV4 Shield Drone (20) – [162pts]
HS 2 1x Broadside Shas'vre (60), 2x High-yield missile pod (50), 2x Smart missile system (30), Velocity tracker (2); 2x MV4 Shield Drone (20) – [162pts]
HS 3 1x Broadside Shas'vre (60), 2x High-yield missile pod (50), 2x Smart missile system (30), Velocity tracker (2); 2x MV4 Shield Drone (20) – [162pts]

+ TEAM: Birthammer
+ PLAYER 1 CAPTAIN: Bogdan Adrian "Todo" Todosiciuc - Captain
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED: Drukhari, Asuryani
==BATTALION DETACHMENT== – Drukhari: Kabal of the Black Heart, Cult of Strife – [295 Points] + 5CP
HQ 1 Archon (70), Venom Blade (2), The Helm of Spite, Warlord: Labirinthine Cunning - Kabal of the Black Heart [72pts]:
HQ 2 Lelith Hesperax (80), 2xPenetrating Blade (0) - Cult of Strife [80pts]
Troop 1 Wyches: Hekatrix (8) w Phantasm Grenade Launcher (3), 4x Wyches (32), 1x Shardnet and Impaler (5), Combat Drug: Painbringer (+1 T) - Cult of Strife [48pts]
Troop 2 Wyches: Hekatrix (8) w Phantasm Grenade Launcher (3), 4x Wyches (32), 1x Shardnet and Impaler (5), Combat Drug: Grave Lotus (+1 S) - Cult of Strife [48pts]
Troop 3 Wyches: Hekatrix (8) w Phantasm Grenade Launcher (3), 4x Wyches (32), 1x Razorflails (4), Combat Drug: Adrenalight (+1 A) - Cult of Strife [47pts]
== Vanguard Detachment == – Drukhari: Prophets of Flesh – [755 Points] + 1CP
HQ 3 Urien Rakarth [90pts]
Elites 1: Grotesques: 7x Grotesques (224), 7x Flesh Gauntlet (21) [245pts]
Elites 2: Grotesques: 6x Grotesques (192), 6x Flesh Gauntlet (18) [210pts]
Elites 3: Grotesques: 6x Grotesques (192), 6x Flesh Gauntlet (18) [210pts]
== Spearhead Detachment == – Asuryani: Ulthwe – [950 Points] + 1CP
HQ 4 Eldrad Ulthran: Psychic Powers: Guide, Doom, Executioner - [150 pts]
HS 1 Fire Prism (155), Twin Shuriken Catapult (5) - [160 pts]
HS 2 Fire Prism (155), Twin Shuriken Catapult (5) - [160 pts]
HS 3 Fire Prism (155), Twin Shuriken Catapult (5) - [160 pts]
HS 4 Fire Prism (155), Twin Shuriken Catapult (5) - [160 pts]
HS 5 Fire Prism (155), Twin Shuriken Catapult (5) - [160 pts]
+ TEAM: Birthammer
+ PLAYER 2: Ovidiu "Darkilian" Paul
+ ARMY FACTION: T'au Empire
== Battalion Detachment == T'au Empire – T’au Sept [500 Points] + 5CP
HQ 1 Commander in XV8 Crisis battlesuit (72), 4x Cyclic ion blaster (72) - [144pts] – WARLORD (2. Through Unity, Devastation)
HQ 2 Ethereal (45), Equalizers (1) - [46pts]
Troop 1 5x Firewarriors Strike Team (35), 5x Pulse Rifles (0) - [35pts]
Troop 2 5x Firewarriors Strike Team (35), 5x Pulse Rifles (0) - [35pts]
Troop 3 20x Kroot Carnivores (100) , 20x Kroot Rifles (0) - [100pts]
FA1 7x MV4 Shield Drone (70) - [70pts]
FA 27x MV4 Shield Drone (70) - [70pts]
== Outrider Detachment == T’au Empire– Sa’cea Sept [344 Points] + 1CP
HQ 3 Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit (90), 4x Fusion blaster (84) - [174pts]
Elite 1 Firesight Marksman (21), Markerlight (3), Pulse pistol (1) Puretide engram neurochip - [25pts]
Elite 2 Firesight Marksman (21), Markerlight (3), Pulse pistol (1) - [25pts]
FA 3 5x Pathfinder (25), 5x Markerlight (15) - [40pts]
FA 4 5x Pathfinder (25), 5x Markerlight (15) - [40pts]
FA 5 4x Tactical Drones MV4 Shield Drone - [40pts]
== Vanguard Detachment == T'au Empire – T'au Sept [1156 Points] + 1CP
HQ 4 Commander in XV8 Crisis battlesuit (72), 4x Cyclic ion blaster (72) - [144pts]
Elite 3 XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), 2x Smart missile system (30), Advanced targeting system (18), Heavy burst cannon (35), Target lock (12) - [280pts]
Elite 4 XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), 2x Smart missile system (30), Advanced targeting system (18), Heavy burst cannon (35), Target lock (12) - [280pts]
Elite 5 XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), 2x Smart missile system (30), Advanced targeting system (18), Heavy burst cannon (35), Target lock (12) - [280pts]
Elite 6XV25 Stealth Battlesuits: 5x Stealth Shas'ui (100), 1x Stealth Shas'vre (20), 6x Burst Cannon (48), 2x Velocity Tracker (4) - [172pts]
+ TEAM: Birthammer
+ PLAYER 3: Radu "Ocheanu" Oarcea
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED: Chaos Daemons, Thousand Sons
==BATTALION DETACHMENT== – Chaos Daemons – Chaos Undivided - [683 Points ] + 5CP
HQ 1 Daemon Prince of Chaos (146): Daemonic axe (10), Wings (24) - Mark of Khorne [180pts]
HQ 2 Daemon Prince of Chaos (146): Malefic Talon (10), Wings (24), The Impossible Robe, Psychic Powers: Gaze of Fate, Warlord - Lorekeeper of Tzeentch - Mark of Tzeentch [180pts]
HQ 3 Daemon Prince of Chaos (146): Hellforged Sword (10), Wings (24), Psychic Powers: Delightful Agonies - Mark of Slaanesh [180pts]
Troop 1 1x Blue Horror (5), 10x Pair of Brimstone Horrors (30) – Mark of Tzeentch [35pts]
Troop 2 3x Nurgling Swarms (54) - Mark of Nurgle [54pts]
Troop 3 3x Nurgling Swarms (54) - Mark of Nurgle [54pts]
== Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment == – Chaos: Questor Traitoris - [430 Points] + 0CP
LOW 1 Renegade Knight (320), Heavy stubber (4), Reaper chainsword (30), Thermal cannon (76) [430pts]
== Supreme Command Detachment == – Chaos: Thousand Sons - [886 Points] +1CP
HQ 4 Ahriman on Disc of Tzeentch (166), Psychic Powers: Doombolt, Temporal Manipulation, Weaver of Fates - Thousand Sons [166pts]
HQ 5 Daemon Prince of Tzeentch (146): Malefic Talon (10), Wings (24). Psychic Powers: Death Hex, Infernal Gateway - Thousand Sons [180pts]
HQ 6 Daemon Prince of Tzeentch (146): Daemonic Axe (10), Wings (24). Psychic Powers: Bolt of Change, Warptime - Thousand Sons [180pts]
HQ 7 Daemon Prince of Tzeentch (146): Daemonic Axe (10), Wings (24). Psychic Powers: Diabolic Strength, Tzeentch's Firestorm - Thousand Sons [180pts]
HQ 8 Daemon Prince of Tzeentch (146): Daemonic Axe (10), Wings (24). Psychic Powers: Treason of Tzeentch, Infernal Gaze - Thousand Sons [180pts]
+ TEAM: Birthammer
+ PLAYER 4: Iovanovici "Spielhosen" Marko
+ ARMY FACTION: Imperium
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED: Ultramarines/Adeptus Custodes
==Spearhead Detachment== - Adeptus Astartes, Ultramarines - [800 Points] +1CP
HQ 1 Techmarine(45) Boltgun, Chainsword, Servo-arm (12) [57pts]
Troops 1 1x Scout Sergeant (11) 4x Scout (44) 5x Boltgun (0) [55pts]
Troops 2 1x Scout Sergeant (11) 4x Scout (44) 5x Boltgun (0) [55pts]
Troops 3 1x Intercessor Sergeant (18), 4x Intercessor (72) [90pts]
Elites 1 Apothecary [55pts]
Elites 2 Company Ancient (63): Chainsword (0) Standard of the Emperor Ascendant [63pts]
HS 1 Devastator squad: 1x Sergeant w/ Boltgun, Chainsword (13), 4x Space Marines (52), Armorium Cherub (5), 3x Lascannon (75), 1x Heavy bolter (10) [155pts]
HS 2 Devastator squad: 1x Sergeant w/ Boltgun, Chainsword (13), 4x Space Marines (52), Armorium Cherub (5), 3x Lascannon (75), 1x Heavy bolter (10) [155pts]
HS 3 Devastator squad: 1x Sergeant w/ Boltgun, Chainsword (13), 4x Space Marines (52), 2x Boltgun (0), 2x Lascannon (50) [115pts]
==Supreme Command Detachment== - Adeptus Custodes - [800 Points] +1CP
HQ 2 Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (150): Hurricane Bolter (10) [160pts]
HQ 3 Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (150): Hurricane Bolter (10) [160pts]
HQ 4 Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (150): Hurricane Bolter (10) [160pts]
HQ 5 Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (150): Hurricane Bolter (10) [160pts]
HQ 6 Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (150): Hurricane Bolter (10) [160pts]

==Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment== - Adeptus Astartes, Ultramarines - [400 Points] +0CP
LoW 1 Roboute Guilliman, WARLORD, Trait: Adept of the Codex [400pts] +3CP

+ Team: Team America – World Police
+ PLAYER 1 CAPTAIN: Vlad "Velica" Velica
+ ARMY FACTION: Adeptus Mechanicus
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED: Adeptus Mechanicus
== Battalion Detachment == Adeptus Mechanicus [1597 Points] + 5 CP
HQ 1 Tech-Priest Enginseer (35), servo-arm (12) <Forgeworld: Graia> - [47pts] – WARLORD – Trait: Monitor Malevolus
HQ 2 Tech-Priest Enginseer (35), servo-arm (12), The Solar Flare <Forgeworld: Lucius> [47pts]
Troop 1 4x Skitarii Rangers (28), 1x Ranger Alpha (7), 5x Galvanic Rifle (0) <Forgeworld: Graia> [35pts]
Troop 2 4x Skitarii Rangers (28), 1x Ranger Alpha (7), 5x Galvanic Rifle (0) <Forgeworld: Graia> [35pts]
Troop 3 12x Kataphron Destroyers (360), 12x Plasma Culverin (324), 12x Phosphor Blaster (72) <Forgeworld: Ryza> [756pts]
Elite 1 20x Fulgerite Electro-Priests (320) <Forgeworld: Stygies VIII> [320pts]
HS 1 3x Kastelan Robots (195), 3x Kastelan fists (105), 2x Incendine combustor (42), 1x Heavy phosphor blaster (15) <Forgeworld: Stygies VIII> [357pts]
== Fortification Network == Unaligned [400 Points] + 0 CP
Fortification 1 Fortress of Redemption (400) Twin Icarus lascannon (0), Redemption missile silo (0) [400pts]
+ Team: Team America – World Police
+ PLAYER 2: Vagasi Zsombor “Medvih”
+ ARMY FACTION: Adeptus Custodes
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED: Adeptus Custodes, Adeptus Astartes
== Vanguard Detachment == Adeptus Custodes [1033 Points] + 1 CP
HQ 1 Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (150), Salvo Launcher (25), WARLORD: - Trait: Superior Creation [175 pts]
Elite 1 7x Allarus Custodians (490), 5x Castellan Axe (70), 2x Guardian Spear (24), 7x Ballistus Grenade Launcher (0) [584 pts]
Elite 2 Vexilus Praetor (80), 1x Castellan Axe (14), 1x Vexilla Magnifica (30) [124 pts]
Elite 3 Vexilus Praetor in Allarus Terminator Armor (100), 1x Vexilla Imperius (50), 1x Ballistus Grenade Launcher (0) [150 pts]
== Battalion Detachment == Adeptus Astartes – Raven Guard [967 Points] + 5 CP
HQ 2 Kayvaan Shrike (150) – [150 pts]
HQ 3 Lieutenant /w Jump Pack (78), Power Axe (5) – [83 pts]
Troop 1 4x Scouts (44), 1x Scout Sergeant (11), 5x Sniper Rifle (20) [75 pts]
Troop 2 4x Scouts (44), 1x Scout Sergeant (11), 5x Sniper Rifle (20) [75 pts]
Troop 3 4x Scouts (44), 1x Scout Sergeant (11), 5x Sniper Rifle (20) [75 pts]
Troop 4 4x Scouts (44), 1x Scout Sergeant (11), 1x Heavy Bolter (10) [65 pts]
Elite 4 6x Aggressors (126), 6x Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets (72), 6x Fragstorm Grenade Launcher (24) [222 pts]
Elite 5 6x Aggressors (126), 6x Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets (72), 6x Fragstorm Grenade Launcher (24) [222 pts]
+ Team: Team America – World Police
+ PLAYER 3: Bianca “Jellyfish” Trailescu
+ ARMY FACTION: Tyranids
== Battalion Detachment (Tyranids) [1035pts] == +5 CP
Hive Fleet: Jormungandr
HQ 1 Hive Tyrant with Wings (190): Adrenal Glands (5), Monstrous Rending Claws (0), Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms (14); Powers: Smite, Catalyst, Psychic Scream – [209pts]
HQ 2 Hive Tyrant with Wings (190): Adrenal Glands (5), Monstrous Rending Claws (0), Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms (14); Powers: Smite, Catalyst, The Horror – [209pts]
Troop 1 3x Ripper Swarm (33); 3x Claws and Teeth (0) – [33pts]
Troop 2 30x Termagants (120); 30x Devourer (120) - [240pts]
Troop 3 30x Termagants (120); 30x Devourer (120) - [240pts]
HS 1 Mawloc (104): Prehensile Pincer Tail (0); 3x Pair of Scything Talons (0); Distensible jaws (0) – [104pts]
==Outrider Detachment (Tyranids) [965pts] == +1CP
Hive Fleet: Kronos
HQ 3 Hive Tyrant with Wings (190): Adrenal Glands (5), Monstrous Rending Claws (0), Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms (14); Powers: Smite, Catalyst, Paroxysm; – [209pts]; WARLORD; Trait: Soul Hunger
HQ 4 Neurothrope (70); 1x Claws and Teeth (0); Powers: Smite, Catalyst – [70pts]
Troop 4 10x Termagants (40); 10x Fleshborer (0) – [40pts]
Troop 5 10x Termagants (40); 10x Fleshborer (0) – [40pts]
Elite 1 5x Hive Guard (90); 5x Impaler Cannon (150) – [240pts]
Elite 2 3x Venomthropes (90); 3x Toxic Lashes (0) – [90pts]
FA 1 1x Mucolid Spores (20) – [20pts]
FA 2 1x Mucolid Spores (20) – [20pts]
FA 3 1x Mucolid Spores (20) – [20pts]
HS 2 1x Exocrine (216); 1x Bio-plasmic cannon (0); 1x Powerful limbs (0) – [216pts]
+ Team: Team America – World Police
+ PLAYER 4: Bara Zoltán-Levente
+ ARMY FACTION: Imperium
== Battalion Detachment == Dark Angels [1409 Points] + 5 CP
HQ 1 Azrael(180) [180pts] - WARLORD(1CP)-Trait: Brilliant Strategist
HQ 2 1 x Lieutenant (60), Chainsword(0), Master-crafted boltgun(3) [63pts]- Relic: Shroud of heroes
Troop 1 5 x Scout (55), 5 x Bolt pistol(0), 5 x Boltgun(0) [55pts]
Troop 2 5 x Scout (55), 5 x Bolt pistol(0), 5 x Boltgun(0) [55pts]
Troop 3 5 x Scout (55), 5 x Bolt pistol(0), 5 x Boltgun(0) [55pts]
Elite 1 4 x Aggressor(84), 4 x Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets(48), 4 x Fragstorm Grenade Launcher(16) [148pts]
Elite 2 Apothecary(55) [55pts]
Elite 3 Primaris Ancient(69) [69pts]
FA 1 Ravenwing Darkshroud(128), Heavy bolter [10pts] [138pts]
HS 1 5xDevastator(65),Armorium Cherub(5),Heavy Bolter(10),3xMissile launcher(75),Boltgun(Sergeant,0) [155pts]
HS 2 10 x Hellblaster(180), 10 x Plasma incinerator(150), Bolt pistol(0, Sergeant) [330pts]
DT 1: Razorback (70), Storm bolter (2), Twin assault cannon (44) [116pts]
== Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment== QUESTOR IMPERIALIS [585 Points] + 0 CP
LoW 1: Knight Crusader (320), Avenger gatling cannon(95), Heavy flamer(17), 2 x Heavy stubber (8), Stormspear rocket pod(45),
Rapid-fire battle cannon(100) [585pts]
+ Team: Team America – World Police
+ COACH: Paul "Shadowseeker" Silaghi

TEAM: The Good Imperial Clowns
+ PLAYER 1 CAPTAIN :Rencsik Remus
+ ARMY FACTION: Imperium
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED: Astra militarum

== Battalion Detachment == Imperium - Astra Militarum – Militarum Tempestus [ 621pts] +5 CP
HQ 1.Tempestor Prime [40pts]: Chainsword, Tempestus Command Rod [5pts]; [45pts]
HQ 2.Tempestor Prime [40pts]: Chainsword, Tempestus Command Rod [5pts];[45pts]
HQ 3.Tempestor Prime [40pts]: Chainsword, Tempestus Command Rod [5pts];[45pts]
Troop 1 4x Tempestus Scion [9 pts]: 2x Hot-shot Lasgun [2pts], 2x Plasma gun [13pts], Tempestor [9 pts]: Chainsword [0 pts], Plasma pistol [5pts]; [78pts]
Troop 2 4x Tempestus Scion [9 pts]: 2x Hot-shot Lasgun [2pts], 2x Plasma gun [13pts], Tempestor [9 pts]: Chainsword [0 pts], Plasma pistol [5pts]; [78pts]
Troop 4x Tempestus Scion [9 pts]: 2x Hot-shot Lasgun [2pts], 2x Plasma gun [13pts], Tempestor [9 pts]: Chainsword [0 pts], Plasma pistol [5pts]; [78pts]
Elite 1 Militarum Tempestus Command Squad 4x Scion [9 pts]: 4x Plasma gun [13pts] [88 pts]
Elite 2 Militarum Tempestus Command Squad 4x Scion [9 pts]: 4x Plasma gun [13pts] [88 pts]
Elite 3 Militarum Tempestus Command Squad 4x Scion [9 pts]: 4x Plasma gun [13pts] [88 pts]
== Spearhead Detachment == Imperium - Astra Militarum – Cadian [1054pts] +1 CP
HQ 4 Knight Commander Pask [177 pts]: 2x Heavy Bolters [16pts], Heavy Stubber [4pts], Lascannon [20pts], Battle Cannon [22pts]; [239pts]
HQ 5 Tank Commander [167 pts]: Heavy Bolter [8pts], 2x Plasma Cannons [30pts], Battle Cannon [22pts]; [227pts]
Elite4. Platoon Commander [20pts]: Warlord trait: Grand Strategist, Relic: Kurov's Aquila, Laspistol, Chainsword
HS 1. Heavy Weapons Squad 3x Heavy Weapon Team [6pts]: Mortar [5pts]; [33pts]
HS 2. Heavy Weapons Squad 3x Heavy Weapon Team [6pts]: Mortar [5pts]; [33pts]
HS 3. Heavy Weapons Squad 3x Heavy Weapon Team [6pts]: Mortar [5pts]; [33pts]
HS 4. Manticore [135pts]: Heavy Bolter [8pts]; [143 pts]
HS 5.Manticore [135pts]: Heavy Bolter [8pts]; [143 pts]
== Patrol Detachment == Imperium - Astra Militarum – Valhallan [325pts] +0 CP
HQ 6. Company Commander [30pts]: Bolt pistol [1pts], Chainsword, Relic: Pietrov's Mk 45 [31 pts]
HQ 7. PrimarisPsyker [38pts]: Force Stave [8pts], Nightshroud, Psychic Barrier [46 pts]
Troop 4. Conscripts [4pts]: 20x Conscript [80pts]
Troop 5. Conscripts [4pts]: 22x Conscript [88pts]
Troop 6. Conscripts [4pts]: 20x Conscript [80pts]
+ PLAYER 2: Pitici Victor
+ ARMY FACTION: Imperium
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED: Adeptus Custodes, Imperial Knights
== Battalion Detachment == Imperium - AdeptusCustodes [1413pts] +5 CP
HQ 1.Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike [150pts]:Warlord, Trait: Radiant Mantle, Relic: Auric Aquilis, Hurricane Bolter [10 pts]; [160 pts]
HQ 2. Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike [150pts]: Relic: Eagle's Eye, Hurricane Bolter [10 pts] ; [160 pts]
HQ 3.Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike [150pts]: Hurricane Bolter [10 pts] ; [160 pts]
Troop 1.Custodian Guard Squad 3x Custodian guard [40 pts]:Guardian Spear [12 pts]; [156pts]
Troop 2. Custodian Guard Squad 3x Custodian guard [40 pts]:Guardian Spear [12 pts]; [156pts]
Troop 3. Custodian Guard Squad 4x Custodian guard [40 pts]:1 x Guardian Spear [12 pts]:3x sentinel blade and storm shield [19 pts]; [229pts]
Elite 1. Vexillus Praetor [80pts]: Guardian Spear [12pts], VexillaMagnifica [30 pts]; [122 pts]
FA 1. Vertus Praetors 3x Vertus Praetor [80pts]:Hurricane Bolter [10 pts]; [270 pts]
== Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment == Imperium - Imperial Knights [585pts] +0 CP
LoW 1.Knight Crusader [320pts]: Avenger gatling cannon [95 pts], Heavy flamer [17 pts], 2x Heavy stubber [8 pts], Stormspear rocket pod [45 pts], Rapid-fire battle cannon [100 pts] [585pts]
+ PLAYER 3: Patrick Bohoni
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED: Harlequins, Drukhari, Craftworlds.
== Battalion Detachment == Harlequins [1287pts] + 5CP
HQ1: Troupe Master [59 pts]: Fusion Pistol [9 pts] Harlequin's Embrace [6 pts] ; [74 pts]
HQ2: Troupe Master [59 pts]: Fusion Pistol [9 pts], Power sword [4 pts]; [72 pts]
Troop 1: Troupe x5 Players[75 pts]: 4x Fusion Pistol[9 pts], 4x Harlequin's Embrace[6 pts], 1x Harlequin's Blade [1 pt] ; [136 pts]
Troop 2: Troupe x5 Players[75 pts]: 4x Fusion Pistol[9 pts], 4x Harlequin's Embrace[6 pts], 1x Harlequin's Blade [1 pt] ; [136 pts]
Troop 3: Troupe x5 Players[75 pts]: 4x Fusion Pistol[9 pts], 4x Harlequin's Embrace[6 pts], 1x Harlequin's Blade [1 pt] ; [136 pts]
Elite 1: Solitaire [94 pts]: 1x Harlequin's Kiss[9 pts], 1x Harlequin's Caress[7 pts]; [110 pts]
FA 1: Skyweavers x4 [140 pts]: 4x Zephyrglaives[44 pts], 4x Shuriken Cannon[40 pts]; [224 pts]
HS 1: Voidweaver x1 [68 pts]: 1x Haywire Cannon[14 pts], 2x Shuriken Cannon[20pts]; [102 pts]
DT 1: Starweaver x1 [79 pts]; 2x Shuriken Cannon[20 pts]; [99 pts]
DT 2: Starweaver x1 [79 pts]; 2x Shuriken Cannon[20 pts]; [99 pts]
DT 3: Starweaver x1 [79 pts]; 2x Shuriken Cannon[20 pts]; [99 pts]
== Patrol Detachment == Drukhari - Kabal of the Black Heart [240pts] + 0CP
HQ 3: Archon [70 pts];, Relic: The Helm of Spite, Venom Blade [2 pts]; [72 pts] Warlord, Trait: Labyrinthine Cunning
Troop 4: Kabalite Warriors x9 [54 pts], Splinter Cannon[10 pts], Shredder[8 pts], Sybarite[6 pts]; [78 pts]
DT 4: Raider x1[65 pts], Disintegrator Cannon[15 pts], Splinter Racks[10 pts]; [90 pts]
== Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment == Craftworlds - Ulthwe [472pts] + 0CP
LoW 1: Wraithknight[402 pts], Titanic Ghostglaive[30 pts], Scattershield[20 pts], Shuriken Cannon x2[20 pts]; [472 pts].
+ PLAYER 4: Arany Jozsef
+ ARMY FACTION: T’au empire
== Battalion Detachment == T'au Empire - Vior'la Sept [945pts] + 5CP
HQ 1.Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit [90 pts]: 3x Fusion blaster [21 pts] MV7 Marker Drone [10 pts], Shield generator [8 pts]; [216 pts] Warlord, Ttrait: Through Unity, Devastation
HQ2.Ethereal [ 45pts]: Honour blade, Puretide engram neurochip; [45 pts]
Troop 1.Breacher Team: 5x Fire Warrior [7 pts]: pulse blaster [0 pts]; [35 pts]
Troop 2.Strike Team: 5x Fire Warrior [7 pts]: pulse rifle [0 pts]; [35 pts]
Troop 3. Strike Team: 5x Fire Warrior [7 pts]: pulse rifle [0 pts]; [35 pts]
Elite 1.XV8 Crisis Battlesuits: 4x MV4 Shield Drone [10 pts], 2x MV7 Marker Drone [10 pts], 2 x Crisis Shas'ui: Advanced targeting system [12 pts], Burst cannon [8 pts], 1x Crisis Shas'ui: 2x Burst cannon [8 pts], Drone controller [5 pts]; [263 pts]
Elite 2.XV8 Crisis Battlesuits : 4x MV4 Shield Drone[10 pts], 2x MV7 Marker Drone [10 pts],2 x Crisis Shas'ui: Advanced targeting system [12 pts], Burst cannon [8 pts], 1x Crisis Shas'ui: 2x Burst cannon [8 pts], Shield generator [8 pts], XV8-02 Crisis Iridium battlesuit [15 pts]; [281 pts]
FA 1.Pathfinder Team : MB3 Recon Drone [12 pts], MV31 Pulse Accelerator Drone [8 pts], MV33 Grav-inhibitor Drone [8 pts], 2x Pathfinder [5 pts]: Markerlight [3 pts], 3x Pathfinder [5 pts]:Ion rifle [7 pts]; [80 pts]
== Vanguard Detachment == T'au Empire - Vior'la Sept [856pts] + 1CP
HQ 3.Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit [90 pts]: High-output burst cannon [20 pts], 2x Missile pod [12 pts], MV4 Shield Drone [10 pts], Shield generator [8 pts]; [176 pts]
Elite 3. XV25 Stealth Battlesuits : MV7 Marker Drone [10 pts], 2x Stealth Shas'ui [20 pts]:Burst Cannon [8 pts], Shield generator [8 pts]; 1x Stealth Shas'ui [20 pts]: Fusion blaster[ 21 pts], Shield generator [8 pts]; [131 pts]
Elite 4.XV25 Stealth Battlesuits : MV7 Marker Drone [10 pts], 2x Stealth Shas'ui [20 pts]:Burst Cannon [8 pts], Shield generator [8 pts]; 1x Stealth Shas'ui [20 pts]: Fusion blaster[ 21 pts], Shield generator [8 pts]; [131 pts]
Elite 5. XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit [82 pts]: 2x Fusion blaster [21 pts], Advanced targeting system [18 pts], Cyclic ion raker [39 pts], 2x MV5 Stealth Drone [10 pts], Shield generator [8 pts]; [209 pts]
Elite 6.XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit [82 pts]: 2x Fusion blaster [21 pts], Advanced targeting system [18 pts], Cyclic ion raker [39 pts], 2x MV5 Stealth Drone [10 pts], Shield generator [8 pts]; [209 pts]
== Auxiliary Support Detachment == T'au Empire – T’au Sept [196pts] - 1CP
HQ 4.Longstrike [137 pts]: 2x MV1 Gun Drone [12 pts], Ion cannon [35 pts]; [196 pts]

+ Team: The Soup
+ Player 1 CAPTAIN: Zoltán Sipos
+ Army Faction: Imperium
+ Total Command Points: 7
+ Total Army Points: 1999 pts
+ Army Faction Used: Space Wolves, Adeptus Custodes
== Patrol Detachment == Adeptus Custodes [1117pts] +0 CP
HQ1: Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike(150), 1 Hurricane Bolter (10), 1 Misericordia (4) WARLORD - Superior Creation, Relic - Auric aquilis - [164]
HQ2: Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike(150), 1 Hurricane Bolter (10), Relic - Eagle's eye - [160]
Troop1: 6x Custodian Guard Squad (240), 5 Guardian Spear (60), 1 Sentinel Blade (9), 1 Storm Shield (10) - [319pts]
Elite1: Vexillus Praetor (80), Misericordia (4), Vexilla Magnifica (30) - [114pts]
FA1: 4x Vertus Praetors (320), 4 Hurricane Bolter (40) - [360pts]
== Battalion Detachment == Space Wolves [882pts] +5 CP
HQ3: Wolf Guard Battle Leader(60), 1 Frost sword (7), 1 Boltgun (0) - [67pts]
HQ4: Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf(108), 1 Thunder Hamemr (21), 1 Bolt pistol (0) - [129pts]
Troop1: 5x Intercessor Squad - [90pts]
Troop2: 5x Intercessor Squad - [90pts]
Troop3: 5x Grey Hunter Squad (65), 1 Wolf guard pack leader (13), 1 Plasmagun (13), 1 Combi Plasma(15) - [106pts]
Elite2: 5x Wulfen (140), 3 Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield (63), Great Frost Axe (17), Frost Claws (Wulfen Pack Leader, 15) - [235pts]
HS1: 5 Hellblaster Squad (90), 5 Plasma Incinerator (75) - [165pts]
+ Player 2: An4rkhy
+ Army Faction: Ta'u empire
+ Total Command Points: 8
+ Total Army Points: 2000 pts
+ Army Faction Used: Ta'u Empire
== Battalion Detachment == T'au Empire - Ta'u Sept [1015pts] +5 CP
HQ 1. Aun'Va [85pts], 2x Ethereal Guard [10pts] [95pts]
HQ 2. Cadre Fireblade [62pts]: Markerlight [3pts], 2x MV4 Shield Drone [20pts], Puretide engram neurochip, Warlord [85pts]
Troop 1. 11x Fire Warrior[77pts]Fire Warrior Shas'ui[7pts]2x MV4 Shield Drone [20pts][104pts]
Troop 2. 11x Fire Warrior[77pts]Fire Warrior Shas'ui[7pts]2x MV4 Shield Drone [20pts][104pts]
Troop 3. 11x Fire Warrior[77pts]Fire Warrior Shas'ui[7pts] MV36 Guardian Drone [8pts], MV4 Shield Drone [10pts][102pts]
Troop 4. 11x Fire Warrior[77pts]Fire Warrior Shas'ui[7pts] MV36 Guardian Drone [8pts], MV4 Shield Drone [10pts][102pts]
Elite 1. 3x Stealth Shas'ui[60pts],Stealth Shas'vre[20],2 MV4 Shield Drone [20pts],3 Burst cannon [24],Fusion blaster [21pts][145pts]
Elite 2. 3x Stealth Shas'ui[60pts],Stealth Shas'vre[20],2 MV4 Shield Drone [20pts],3 Burst cannon [24],Fusion blaster [21pts][145pts]
FA 1. 4x Pathfinder[32pts],Pathfinder Shas'ui [8pts],MV31 Pulse Accelerator Drone [8pts], MV33 Grav-inhibitor Drone [8pts] 5 Markerlight [15pts][56pts]
FA 2. 5x Shield Drones [50pts][50pts]
FA 2. 5x Shield Drones [50pts][50pts]
== Vanguard Detachment == T'au Empire - Ta'u Sept [985pts] +5 CP
HQ 3. Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit [90],2x MV4 Shield Drone [20pts],Airbursting fragmentation projector [8pts],2x Burst cannon [16pts],Fusion blaster [21pts],Supernova launcher (replaces 1 airbursting fragmentation projector)[155pts]
Elite 3. XV104 Riptide Battlesuit [185pts], 2x Plasma rifle [22pts], Ion accelerator [65pts][272pts]
Elite 4. XV104 Riptide Battlesuit [185pts], 2x Smart missile system [30pts], Ion accelerator [65pts][280pts]
Elite 5. XV104 Riptide Battlesuit [185pts], 2x Smart missile system [30pts], Advanced targeting system [18pts], Early warning override [10pts], Heavy burst cannon [35pts][278pts]
+Team: The Soup
+ Player 3: Sebastian Dragusin
+ Army Faction: Chaos
+ Total Command Points: 9
+ Total Army Points: 2000
+ Army Factions Used: Heretic Astartes
== Vanguard Detachment == Heretic Astartes – Alpha Legion [739pts] +1 CP
HQ 1: Dark Apostle (72) 1x Power Maul (4); 1x Bolt Pistol (0); Grenades; Mark of Slaanesh; [76pts]
HQ 2: Exalted Champion: 70: 1x Power Sword: 4; 1x Bolt Pistol: 0; Grenades; Mark of Khorne; Total: 74
Elite 1: Helbrute: 72: 1x Twin Heavy Bolter: 17; 1x Missile Launcher: 25; Total: 114
Elite 2: Helbrute: 72: 1x Twin Heavy Bolter: 17; 1x Missile Launcher: 25; Total: 114
Elite 3: 20x Khorne Berzerkers: 320: 19x Chainaxes: 19; 20x Chainswords: 0; 1x Power Fist: 12; 1x Icon of Wrath: 10; Mark of Khorne; Total: 361
== BATALLION DETACHMENT == Heretic Astartes – Alpha Legion [1261pts] +5 CP
HQ 3: Winged Daemon Prince: 170: 2x Malefic Talons: 10; Mark of Slaanesh; Psyker Powers: Smite, Diabolic Strength; Intoxicating Elixir; Total: 180 Warlord, Trait: Exalted Champion
HQ 4: Sorcerer: 90: 1x Bolt Pistol: 0; 1x Force Sword: 12; Grenades; Mark of Slaanesh; Psyker Powers: Smite, Delightful Agonies, Prescience; Total: 102
Troop 1: 5x Chaos Space Marines: 65: 4x Bolters: 0; 5x Bolt Pistols: 0; 1x Lascannon: 25; Grenades; Mark of Slaanesh; Total: 90
Troop 2:5x Chaos Space Marines: 65: 4x Bolters: 0; 5x Bolt Pistols: 0; 1x Lascannon: 25; Grenades; Mark of Slaanesh; Total: 90
Troop 3:10x Cultists: 40: 10x Autoguns: 0; Mark of Slaanesh; Total: 40
Elite 4: 10x Chaos Terminators: 310: 10x Combi Plasma: 150; 9x Power Axe: 45; 1x Chainfist: 14; 1x Icon of Excess: 10; Mark of Slaanesh; Total: 529
HS 1:5x Havocs: 65: 4x Heavy Bolters: 40; 1x Bolter: 0; Grenades; Mark of Slaanesh; Total: 105
HS 2:5x Havocs: 65: 4x Autocannons: 60; 1x Bolter: 0; Grenades; Mark of Slaanesh; Total: 125
+ Team: The Soup
+ Player 4: Gergő Tóth
+ Army Faction: Imperium
+ Total Command Points: 13
+ Total Army Points: 2000
+ Army Factions Used: Astra Militarum, Inquisition
== Brigade Detachment == Imperium - Astra Militarum – Cadia [1486pts] +12 CP
HQ 1 Company Commander: 30pts Chainsword, Laspistol Total:30pts
HQ 2 Company Commander: 30pts Chainsword, Laspistol Total:30pts
HQ 3 Company Commander: 30pts Chainsword, Laspistol, Relic2: Relic of Lost Cadia Total:30pts
HQ 4 Company Commander: 30pts Chainsword, Relic1: Kurov's Aquila, Laspistol, Warlord: Grand Strategist Total:30pts
HQ5 Primaris Psyker : 38pts Force Stave 8pts, Psychic Powers: Gaze of the Emperor, Psychic Maelstrom
Troop 1 Infantry Squad: 5x Guardsman (20pts) 1x Plasma gun (11pts) Vox-caster (9pts) Heavy Weapon Team: Lascannon (28pts) Sergeant: Chainsword, Laspistol (4pts) Total: 72pts
Troop2 Infantry Squad: 5x Guardsman (20pts) 1x Plasma gun (11pts) Vox-caster (9pts) Heavy Weapon Team: Lascannon (28pts) Sergeant: Chainsword, Laspistol (4pts) Total: 72pts
Troop3 Infantry Squad: 5x Guardsman (20pts) 1x Plasma gun (11pts) Vox-caster (9pts) Heavy Weapon Team: Lascannon (28pts) Sergeant: Chainsword, Laspistol (4pts) Total: 72pts
Troop 4 Infantry Squad: 5x Guardsman (20pts) 1x Plasma gun (11pts) Vox-caster (9pts) Heavy Weapon Team: Lascannon (28pts) Sergeant: Chainsword, Laspistol (4pts) Total: 72pts
Troop 5 Infantry Squad: 5x Guardsman (20pts) 1x Plasma gun (11pts) Vox-caster (9pts) Heavy Weapon Team: Lascannon (28pts) Sergeant: Chainsword, Laspistol (4pts) Total: 72pts
Troop 6 Infantry Squad: 5x Guardsman (20pts) 1x Plasma gun (11pts) Vox-caster (9pts) Heavy Weapon Team: Lascannon (28pts) Sergeant: Chainsword, Laspistol (4pts) Total: 72pts
Elite 1 Astropath: 30pts Laspistol, Psychic Powers: Nightshroud Total:30pts
Elite 2 Astropath 30pts Laspistol, Psychic Powers: Psychic Barrier Total:30pts
Elite 3 Ogryn Bodyguard: 55pts Ripper Gun, Slabshield, Relic3: The Deathmask of Ollanius Total:55pts
Elite 4 Ratlings: 5x Ratling: 35pts 5x Sniper Rifle 10pts Total:45pts
FA 1 1x Scout Sentinel: 35pts Heavy Flamer 17pts, Sentinel Chainsaw 2pts Total: 54pts
FA 2 1x Scout Sentinel: 35pts Heavy Flamer 17pts, Sentinel Chainsaw 2pts Total: 54pts
FA 3 1x Scout Sentinel: 35pts Heavy Flamer 17pts, Sentinel Chainsaw 2pts Total: 54pts
HS 1 3x Basilisk: 300pts 3xHeavy Bolter 24pts Total: 324pts
HS 2 3x Heavy Weapon Team 18 pts 3xMortar 15pts Total: 33pts
HS 3 3x Heavy Weapon Team 18 pts 3xMortar 15pts Total: 33pts
HS 4 3x Heavy Weapon Team 18 pts 3xMortar 15pts Total: 33pts
HS 5 Manticore: 135pts Heavy Bolter 8pts Total:143pts
== Patrol Detachment == Imperium - Astra Militarum – Militarum Tempestus [349pts] +0 CP
Troop 1 Tempestor Prime: 40pts Chainsword, Tempestus Command Rod 5pts Total:45pts
Troop 1 5x Scion 45pts 5x Hot-shot Lasgun 5pts 4x Scion w/ Special Weapon Plasma gun 88pts Tempestor: 9pts Chainsword, Plasma pistol 5pts Total: 152pts
Troop 2 5x Scion 45pts 5x Hot-shot Lasgun 5pts 4x Scion w/ Special Weapon Plasma gun 88pts Tempestor: 9pts Chainsword, Plasma pistol 5pts Total: 152pts
== Supreme Command Detachment == Imperium - Inquisition – Ordo? [165pts] +1 CP
HQ 1 Inquisitor: 55pts Bolt pistol, Chainsword, Ordo Xenos Psychic Power: Dominate Total: 55pts
HQ 2 Inquisitor: 55pts Bolt pistol, Chainsword, Ordo Xenos Psychic Power: Psychic Fortitude
HQ 3 Inquisitor: 55pts Bolt pistol, Chainsword, Ordo Xenos Psychic Power: Terrify Total: 55pts

+ Team: Vomiting Bloodsnails
+ Player : Schwarcz József
+ Army Faction: Imperium
+ Total Command Points: 9
+ Total Army Points: 1998 pts
+ Army Faction Used: Adeptus Mechanicus, Questor Mechanicus
== Battalion Detachment == Imperium - Adeptus Mechanicus – Forge World Stygies VIII [534pts] +5 CP
Hq 1 Tech-Priest Enginseer [ 47pts]
Hq 2 Tech-Priest Enginseer [47pts]
Troop 1 7x Skitarii Rangers[49pts] Arc rifle[4pts] [53pts]
Troop 2 7x Skitarii Rangers[49pts] Arc rifle[4pts] [53pts]
Troop 3 6x Skitarii Rangers[42pts] Arc rifle[4pts] [46pts]
FA 1 4x Sydonian Dragoons[236pts] 4Phosphor Serpenta[16pts] 4 Taser lance[36pts][288pts]
== Spearhead Detachment == Imperium - Adeptus Mechanicus – Forge World Mars [984pts] +1 CP
Hq 3 Belisarius Cawl [240pts] Warlord, Trait: Static Psalm-Code
Elit 1 Cybernetica Datasmith [ 44pts]
Heavy 1 4x Kastelan Robots [ 260pts] 12 Heavy Phosphor blasters [ 180pts] [ 440pts]
Heavy 2 Onager Dunecrawler [90pts]: Icarus Array[40pts] Board Spectrum Data-theter[0pts][ 130pts]
Heavy 3 Onager Dunecrawler [90pts]: Icarus Array[40pts] Board Spectrum Data-theter[0pts][ 130pts]
== Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment == Imperium - Imperial Knights – Qestor Mechanicus [984pts] +1
LoW 1 2x Armiger Warglaives [446pts] 2 Meltagun[34pts] [480pts]
+ Team: Vomiting Bloodsnails
+ Player 2: Tibor Balogh
+ Army Faction: Imperium
+ Total Command Points: 5
+ Total Army Points: 1999 pts
+ Army Faction Used: Astra Miliaturm
==Supreme Command Detachment== Imperium - Astra Militarum - Valhallan [1117pts] +1CP
LoW1 Shadowsword (390), 1 Twin Heavy Bolter(14) 2 Lascannon & Twin Heavy Bolter Sponsons(68) [472pts]
HQ 1: 1 Tank Commander, Leman Russ Command Battle Tank (167), 1 Battle Cannon (22), 1 Lascannon (20), 1 Hunter-Killer Missile (6) [215pts]
HQ 2: 1 Tank Commander, Leman Russ Command Battle Tank (167), 1 Battle Cannon (22), 1 Lascannon (20), 1 Hunter-Killer Missile (6) [215pts]
HQ 3: 1 Tank Commander,Warlord,Grand Strategist, Kurov's Aquila, Leman Russ Command Battle Tank(167),1 Battle Cannon(22), 1 Lascannon(20), 1 Hunter-Killer Missile(6) [215pts]
==Spearhead Detachment== Imperium - Astra Militarum - Valhallan [882pts] +1CP
HQ4: 1 Tank Commander, Leman Russ Command Battle Tank (167), 1 Battle Cannon (22), 1 Lascannon (20), 1 Hunter-Killer Missile (6) [215pts]
HS1: 2 Hydra (200) 2x Heavy Bolter (16), 2x Storm Bolter (4) [220pts]
HS2: 2 Leman Russ Battle Tanks (244) 2x Battle Cannon (44), 2x Heavy Bolter (16) [304pts]
HS3: 1 Manticore (135), 1x Heavy Bolter (8) [143pts]
+ Team: Vomiting Bloodsnails
+ Player 3: Györkei Ákos
+ Army Faction: Aeldari
+ Total Command Points: 9
+ Total Army Points: 1999 pts
+ Army Faction Used: Asuryani
==Battalion Detachment== Craftworld - Iyanden [1134pts] +5CP
HQ1: Avatar of Khaine [250pts]
HQ2: Farseer Skyrunner 1. Guide, 2. Doom, 3. Smite, Blazing Star of Vaul, Shuriken Pistol, Twin Shuriken Catapult, Witchblade [135pts]
HQ3: Prince Yriel: Warlord, Trait: Enduring Resolve [100pts]
Troop1: 5x Dire Avengers [3 PL, 40] 4x Avenger Shuriken Catapult(16), 1xAvenger Shuriken Catapult (Exarch, 4) [60pts]
Troop2: 5x Dire Avengers [3 PL, 40] 4x Avenger Shuriken Catapult(16), 1xAvenger Shuriken Catapult (Exarch, 4) [60pts]
Troop3: 5x Dire Avengers [3 PL, 40] 4x Avenger Shuriken Catapult(16), 1xAvenger Shuriken Catapult (Exarch, 4) [60pts]
FA 1 : 3x windrider [4 PL, 54] 3x Shuriken Cannon (30) [84pts]
FA 2: 3x windrider [4 PL, 54] 3x Shuriken Cannon (30) [84pts]
DT1: Wave Serpent (107) 1x Shuriken Cannon (10), 1x Scatter Laser (17) [134pts]
DT2: Wave Serpent (107) 1x Shuriken Cannon (10), 1x Twin Aeldari Missile Launcher (50) [167]
==Vanguard Detachment== Crafftworld - Iyanden [ 865pts] +1 CP
HQ4: 1 Spiritseer [3 PL, 65pts]
Elite1: 5x Wraithguard [11 PL, 115pts] 5 Wraithcannon (85) [200pts]
Elite2: 5x Wraithguard [11 PL, 115pts] 5 Wraithcannon (85) [200pts]
Elite3: 10x Wraithguard [11 PL, 230pts] 5 Wraithcannon (170)[400pts]
+ Team: Vomiting Bloodsnails
+ Player 4: Nagy Levente
+ Army Faction: Tyranids
+ Total Command Points: 9
+ Total Army Points: 1999 pts
+ Army Faction Used: Tyranids
== Battalion Detachment == Tyranids-Hive Fleet Gorgon [1157pts] +5 CP
HQ 1 :Hive Tyrant with wings (190pts): 2x Monstrous Scything Talons [20pts], Adrenal Glands [5pts], Toxin Sacs [4pts], Horror, Psychic Scream, Smite, Hyper-adaptive Biology, Warlord, Trait: Adaptive Biology [219pts]
HQ 2 :Hive Tyrant with wings [190pts]: 2x Monstrous Scything Talons [20pts], Adrenal Glands [5pts], Toxin Sacs [4pts], Catalyst, Onslaught, Smite [219pts]
HQ 3 :The Swarmlord: Catalyst, Paroxysm, Smite [300pts]
Troop 1 :3 Ripper Swarms <Hive Fleet Gorgon> [33pts]
Troop 2 :10 Termagants [40pts] 10xFleshborer [0pts] <Hive Fleet Gorgon> [40pts]
Troop 3 :10 Termagants [40pts] 9xDevourer [36pts] , Fleshborer [0pts] <Hive Fleet Gorgon> [76pts]
Elite 1: 6 Tyrant Guard [210pts] 6x Rending Claws [12 pts], 6x Toxin Sacs [6 pts], Adrenal Glands [6 pts] 3x Crushing Claws [36 pts], 3x Scything Talons [0pts] <Hive Fleet Gorgon> [270pts]
== Spearhead Detachment == Tyranids-Hive Fleet Gorgon [842pts] +1 CP
HQ 4: Broodlord: Horror, Smite [162pts]
Troop 4: Genestealers [160pts] 4x Acid Maw [0pts], 16x Rending Claws [32pts], 16x Toxin Sacs [64pts] [256pts]
Heavy 1: Mawloc [104pts]: Prehensile Pincer Tail [0pts], Toxin Sacs [1pts] [105pts]
Heavy 2 :Mawloc [104pts]: Prehensile Pincer Tail [0pts], Toxin Sacs [1pts] [105pts]
Heavy 3 :Tyrannofex [181pts]: Acid Spray [25pts], Stinger Salvo [8pts], Poweful Limbs [0pts] [214pts]
tnt2018-04-18 20:24
ROFortress Siege III - FAQ is in play

The new FAQ will be used at Fortress Siege III.

- -> new Beta Rules are IN!!!
- -> limit of 3 is OUT!!!
tnt2018-04-14 08:21
ROTransilvanian Singles Tournament - 1st round pairings

Zsombor S. - Ovi
Marko - Levi
Todo - Mihnea
Hanseriz - Zsombor V.
tnt2018-04-09 19:54
ROTransilvanian Singles Tournament - Lists are up!

The lists have been submitted, verified, corrected and transcribed.
I would like to mention that all players that did not submit a list in the required format received a 10 Point penalty.
The penalty will be applied at the end of the tournament, as to not affect pairings.

+ ARMY FACTION: Imperium
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED: Adeptus Custodes, Adeptus Astartes
== Supreme Command Detachment == Adeptus Custodes [1146 Points] + 1 CP
HQ 1: Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike /w Hurricane Bolter, Interceptor Lance, WARLORD: Superior Creation, Relic: Auric Aquilis - [160pts]
HQ 2: Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike /w Hurricane Bolter, Interceptor Lance, Relic: Eagle's Eye - [160pts]
HQ 3: Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike /w Hurricane Bolter, Interceptor Lance - [160pts]
Elite 1: 8x Allarus Custodians : 5x Castellan Axe, 3x Guardian Spear, 8x Ballistus Grenade Launcher - [666pts]
== Battalion Detachment == Adeptus Astartes – Raven Guard [853 Points] + 3 CP
HQ 4: Kayvaan Shrike - [150pts]
HQ 5: Lieutenant - [83pts] /w Power Axe, Bolt Pistol, Jump Pack
Troop 1 : Scouts : 5x Sniper Rifle, Bolt Pistol [75pts]
Troop 2 : Scouts : 5x Sniper Rifle, Bolt Pistol [75pts]
Troop 3 : Scouts : 5x Sniper Rifle, Bolt Pistol [75pts]
Troop 4 : Scouts : 4x Boltgun, Bolt Pistol; 1 Heavy Bolter, Bolt Pistol [65pts]
Elites 2: 6x Aggressor Squad Boltstorm Gauntlet, Fragstorm Grenade Launcher - [222pts]
FA 1: Bike Squad : 4x Bolt Pistol, Twin Boltgun - [108pts]

+ PLAYER 2: Mihnea "Apothecary" Capilnean
+ ARMY FACTION: Imperium
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED: Adeptus Astartes
== Vanguard Detachment == Adeptus Astartes – Ultramarines [643 Points] + 1 CP
HQ 1: Captain Master-crafted boltgun, Power axe, Warlord Trait: Storm of fire [82pts]
Troop 1 Scout Squad: Scout Sergeant, 4x Scout w/Boltgun [55pts]
Troop 2 Scout Squad: Scout Sergeant, 4x Scout w/Boltgun [55pts]
Troop 3 Scout Squad: Scout Sergeant, 4x Scout w/Boltgun [55pts]
Elites 1 Aggressor Squad 6x Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade Launcher [222pts]
Elites 2 Aggressor Squad 3x Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade Launcher [111pts]
Elites 3 Company Ancient: Boltgun, Standard of the Emperor Ascendant [63 pts]
== Spearhead Detachment == Adeptus Astartes – Ultramarines [972 Points] + 1 CP
HQ 2: Librarian, Powers: Psychic Fortress, Null Zone, Force axe, Jump Pack [122 pts]
HS 1 Devastator Squad: Armorium Cherub,2x Lascannon, 2x Missile launcher [170 pts]
HS 2 Devastator Squad: Armorium Cherub,2x Lascannon, 2x Missile launcher [170 pts]
HS 3 Devastator Squad: Armorium Cherub,2x Lascannon, 2x Missile launcher [170 pts]
HS 4 Devastator Squad: Armorium Cherub,2x Lascannon, 2x Missile launcher [170 pts]
HS 5 Devastator Squad: Armorium Cherub,2x Lascannon, 2x Missile launcher [170 pts]
== Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment == Adeptus Astartes – Ultramarines [385 Points] + 0 CP
LoW 1: Roboute Guilliman [ 385pts] 

+ PLAYER 3: Bogdan Adrian "Todo" Todosiciuc
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED: Heretic Astartes, Death Guard
==BATTALION DETACHMENT==– Black Legion – +3CP [1392 Points]
HQ 1 Abaddon the Despoiler Warlord [240pts]:
HQ 2 Sorcerer in Terminator Armour: Combi-bolter, Force stave, Intoxicating Elixir, Mark of Slaanesh, Prescience, Warptime [130pts]
HS 1 Havocs Mark of Slaanesh, 2 additional models, 4x Lascannon [191Points]
HS 2 Havocs Mark of Slaanesh, 2 additional models, 2x Lascannon, 2x Missile Launcher [191pts]
Troop 1 Chaos Cultists: 40x Autogun, Mark of Slaanesh[160pts]
Troop 2 Chaos Cultists: 40x Autogun, Mark of Slaanesh[160pts]
Troop 3 Chaos Cultists: 40x Autogun, Mark of Slaanesh[160pts]
Troop 4 Chaos Cultists: 40x Autopistol and CCW Mark of Slaanesh[160pts]
== Vanguard Detachment ==– Death Guard – + 1CP [607 Points]
HQ 3 Typhus: Psychic Powers: Miasma of Pestilence, Putrescent Vitality [175pts]
Elites 1: Noxious Blightbringer [4 PL, 65pts]
Elites 2 Plague Surgeon [4 PL, 65pts]
Elites 3Tallyman [4 PL, 62pts]
Troops 5 20x Poxwalkers [6 PL, 120pts]
Troops 6 20x Poxwalkers [6 PL, 120pts]

+ PLAYER 4: Iovanovici Marko
+ ARMY FACTION: Imperium
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED: Ultramarines/Adeptus Custodes
==Spearhead Detachment== - Adeptus Astartes, Ultramarines - [814 Points] +1CP
HS 1 Devastator squad: Armorium Cherub (5), 3x Lascannon (75), 1x Heavy bolter (10) [155pts]
HS 1 Devastator squad: Armorium Cherub (5), 3x Lascannon (75), 1x Heavy bolter (10) [155pts]
HS 1 Devastator squad: 2x Lascannon (25), 1x Heavy bolter (10) [125pts]
HQ 1:Techmarine: Boltgun, Chainsword, Servo-arm (12) [57pts]
Elites 1: Apothecary [55pts]
Elites 2: Company Ancient: Power sword (4) Standard of the Emperor Ascendant [67pts]
Troops 1: Scout Squad:5x Scout w/Boltgun [55pts]
Troops 2: Scout Squad:5x Scout w/Boltgun [55pts]
Troops 3: Intercessor Squad: Bolt rifle [90pts]
==Supreme Command Detachment== - Adeptus Custodes - [800 Points] +1CP
HQ 2 Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike: Hurricane Bolter (10) [160pts]
HQ 3 Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike: Hurricane Bolter (10) [160pts]
HQ 4 Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike: Hurricane Bolter (10) [160pts]
HQ 5 Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike: Hurricane Bolter (10) [160pts]
HQ 6 Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike: Hurricane Bolter (10) [160pts]
==Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment== - - Adeptus Astartes, Ultramarines - [385 Points] +3CP
LoW 1 Roboute Guilliman, Warlord [385pts]

+ PLAYER 5: Hanseriz "Hanseriz" Flaviu
+ ARMY FACTION: Imperium
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED: Imperial Knights, Officio Assassinorum, Adeptus Astartes
== Super-Heavy Detachment == – Imperial Knights – +3CP [1434 Points]
LoW 1 Knight Errant Heavy stubber, Ravager, Thermal cannon, Twin Icarus autocannon, Warlord, Trait: Tenacious Survivor [460pts]
LoW 2 Knight Paladin 2x Heavy stubber, Rapid-fire battle cannon, Reaper chainsword, Stormspear rocket pod [503pts]
LoW 3 Knight Warden [25 PL,]: Avenger gatling cannon, Heavy flamer, Heavy stubber, Thunderstrike gauntlet [471pts]
== Vanguard Detachment == – Officio Assassinorum – + 1CP [303 Points]
HQ 1 Lieutenant: Chainsword, Master-crafted boltgun <Ultramarines> [63pts]
Elites 1 Callidus Assassin [80pts]
Elites 2 Eversor Assassin [70pts]
Elites 3 Vindicare Assassin [90pts]
== Patrol Detachment == – Adeptus Astartes, Ultramarines – [16 PL, 261pts] ++
HQ 2 Techmarine Boltgun, Chainsword, Servo-arm [57pts]
Troops 1 Scout Squad [108pts] 4x Camo cloak, 1x Missile launcher, 4x Sniper rifle [108pts]
Troops 1 Scout Squad [108pts] 5x Camo cloak, 1x Heavy Bolter, 4x Sniper rifle [96pts]

+ PLAYER 6: Zsombor "Penguin" Sarossy
+ ARMY FACTION: Imperium
==BATTALION DETACHMENT==– Blood Angels – +3CP [369 Points]
HQ 1 Lemartes [129pts]
HQ 2 Lieutenant: Master-crafted boltgun, Power fist [75pts]
Troops 1 Scout Squad, 5x Boltgun [55pts]
Troops 2 Scout Squad, 5x Boltgun [55pts]
Troops 3 Scout Squad, 5x Boltgun [55pts]
== Spearhead Detachment == Blood Angels [895 Points] + 1 CP
HQ 3 Commander Dante Warlord, Trait: Heroic Bearing [215pts]
HS 1 Devastator Squad: Armorium Cherub, 4x Missile Launcher [170pts]
HS 2 Devastator Squad: Armorium Cherub, 4x Missile Launcher [170pts]
HS 3 Devastator Squad: Armorium Cherub, 4x Missile Launcher [170pts]
HS 4 Devastator Squad: Armorium Cherub, 4x Missile Launcher [170pts]
== Vanguard Detachment == – Blood Angels – + 1CP [734 Points]
HQ 4 The Sanguinor [170pts]
Eliets 1 Company Ancient: Power axe, Standard of Sacrifice [68pts]
Elites 2 Death Company [18 PL, 248pts]: 10x Jump Pack, 3x Thunder Hammer, 7x Boltgun, Chainsword [248pts]
Elites 3 Death Company [18 PL, 248pts]: 10x Jump Pack, 3x Thunder Hammer, 7x Boltgun, Chainsword [248pts]

+ PLAYER 7: Zoltán-Levente "kisjoker" Bara
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED: Questor Traitoris, Chaos Space Marines
== Super-Heavy Detachment == – Questor Traitoris – +3CP [1681 Points]
LoW 1 Renegade Knight: 2x Heavy stubber, Avenger gatling cannon, heavy flamer, Rapid-fire battle cannon[540pts]
LoW 2 Renegade Knight: Heavy stubber, Stormspear Rocket Pod, 2x Avenger gatling cannon, 2x heavy flamer [593pts]
LoW 3 Renegade Knight: 3x Heavy stubber, Ironstorm Missile Pod, 2x Rapid-fire battle cannon [548pts]
==BATTALION DETACHMENT==– Alpha Legion – +3CP [314 Points]
HQ 1 Chaos Lord: Bolt pistol, Chainsword, No Chaos Mark [74pts]
HQ 2 Sorcerer with Jump Pack: Bolt pistol, Force sword, Warlord, Warlord trait:I am Alpharius, Unholy Fortitude, Powers: Warptime, Death Hex [120pts]
Troops 1 Chaos Cultists [3 PL, 40pts]: 10x Autogun, No Chaos Mark [40pts]
Troops 2 Chaos Cultists [3 PL, 40pts]: 10x Autogun, No Chaos Mark [40pts]
Troops 3 Chaos Cultists [3 PL, 40pts]: 10x Autogun, No Chaos Mark [40pts]

+ PLAYER 8: Paul Ovidiu Alexandru
+ ARMY FACTION: T'au Empire
== Battalion Detachment == T'au Empire – T’au Sept [360 Points] + 3 CP
HQ 1 Commander in XV8 Crisis battlesuit (72), 4x Cyclic ion blaster (72) [144pts] – WARLORD - Trait: Through Unity, Devastation
HQ 2 Ethereal (45), Equalizers (1)[46pts]
Troop 1 5 Firewarriors Strike Team (35), 5x Pulse Rifles (0)[35pts]
Troop 2 5 Firewarriors Strike Team (35), 5x Pulse Rifles (0)[35pts]
Troop 3 20 Kroot Carnivores [100pts]
== Outrider Detachment == T’au Empire– Sa’cea Sept [484 Points] + 1 CP
HQ 3 Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit (90), 4x Fusion blaster (84)[174pts]
Elite 1 Firesight Marksman (21), Markerlight (3), Pulse pistol (1) Puretide engram neurochip [25pts]
Elite 2 Firesight Marksman (21), Markerlight (3), Pulse pistol (1) [25pts]
FA 1: 5 Pathfinder (25), 5x Markerlight (15) [40pts]
FA 2: 5 Pathfinder (25), 5x Markerlight (15) [40pts]
FA3: 6 MV4 Shield Drone [60pts]
FA4: 6 MV4 Shield Drone [60pts]
FA5: 6 MV4 Shield Drone [60pts]
== Vanguard Detachment == T'au Empire – T'au Sept [1156 Points] +1 CP
HQ 4 Commander in XV8 Crisis battlesuit (72), 4x Cyclic ion blaster (72) [144]
Elite 3 XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), 2x Smart missile system (30), Advanced targeting system (18), Heavy burst cannon (35), Target lock (12) [280pts]
Elite 4 XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), 2x Smart missile system (30), Advanced targeting system (18), Heavy burst cannon (35), Target lock (12) [280pts]
Elite 5 XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), 2x Smart missile system (30), Advanced targeting system (18), Heavy burst cannon (35), Target lock (12) [280pts]
Elite 6 XV25 Stealth Battlesuits: 5 Stealth Shas'ui (140), 1 Stealth Shas'vre (28), 6x Burst Cannon (48),
2x Velocity Tracker (4) [172pts]

+ PLAYER 9: Bianca "Jellyfish" Trailescu
+ ARMY FACTION: Tyranids
==Supreme Command Detachment== - Tyranids, Leviathan - [756 Points] +1CP
HQ 1 Hive Tyrant Monstrous Rending Claws, Power: Catalyst, Paroxysm, Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms, Wings, Adrenal Glands [189pts]
HQ 2 Hive Tyrant Monstrous Rending Claws, Power: Catalyst, Psychic Scream, Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms, Wings, Adrenal Glands [189pts]
HQ 3 Hive Tyrant Monstrous Rending Claws, Power: Catalyst, Onslaught, Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms, Wings, Adrenal Glands [189pts]
HQ 4 Hive Tyrant Monstrous Rending Claws, Power: Catalyst, Psychic Scream, Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms, Wings, Adrenal Glands [189pts]
== Outrider Detachment == Tyranids, Kronos [422 Points] + 1 CP
HQ 5 Hive Tyrant Power: Catalyst, Psychic Scream, 2x Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms, Warlord, Trait: Soul Hunger, Wings [198pts]
FA 1 Mucolid Spore [20pts]
FA 2 Mucolid Spore [20pts]
FA 3 Mucolid Spore [20pts]
FA 4 Mucolid Spore [20pts]
FA 5 Mucolid Spore [20pts]
FA 6 Mucolid Spore [20pts]
HS 1 Mawloc Prehensile Pincer Tail [104pts]
==BATTALION DETACHMENT== – Tyranids, Kronos – +3CP [822 Points]
HQ 6 Hive Tyrant Monstrous Rending Claws, Power: Catalyst, Psychic Scream, Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms, Wings, [184pts]
HQ 7 Hive Tyrant Monstrous Rending Claws, Power: Catalyst, Psychic Scream, Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms, Wings, [184pts]
Troop 1 3xRipper Swarm [33pts]
Troop 2 3xRipper Swarm [33pts]
Troop 3 3xRipper Swarm [33pts]
FA 7 Mucolid Spore [20pts]
FA 8 Mucolid Spore [20pts]
HS 2 Mawloc Prehensile Toxinspike [105pts]
HS 3 Mawloc Prehensile Toxinspike [105pts]
HS 4 Mawloc Prehensile Toxinspike [105pts]

+ PLAYER 10: Vlad Velica
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED: Ynnari, Asuriani, Drukhari
HQ 1 Yvraine (Gaze of Ynnead, Word of Phoenix) <Ynnari> [132p] ‐Warlord (Tenacious Survivor)
HQ 2 Spiritseer (Quicken/Restrain) <Biel‐Tan, Ynnari> [45p]
HQ 3 Succubus (50), Shardnet and Impaler (5), <Cult of the Cursed Blade, Ynnari> [55p]
HQ 4 Baharoth <Ynnari> [110]
Elite 1 10x Wraithguard (230), D-Scythe (220), <Alaitoc, Ynnari> [450p]
==BATTALION DETACHMENT== – Asuriani, Alaitoc – +3CP [370p]
HQ 5 Farseer (Doom, Fortune), Witchblade (0) [100p]
HQ 6 Spiritseer (Conceal/Reveal) [45p]
HQ 7 Spiritseer (Protect/Jinx) [45p]
Troop 1 (5)Rangers [60p]
Troop 2 (5)Rangers [60p]
Troop 3 (5)Rangers [60p]
== Spearhead Detachement == – Drukhari, Kabal of the Black Heart – +1CP [837p]
HQ 8 Archon (70), Venom Blade (2), Phantasm grenade launcher (3) [75p]
HS 1 Ravager (80) 3x Desintegrator Cannon (45), Phantasm grenade launcher (3) [128p]
HS 2 Ravager (80) 3x Desintegrator Cannon (45), Phantasm grenade launcher (3) [128p]
HS 3 Ravager (80) 3x Desintegrator Cannon (45), Phantasm grenade launcher (3) [128p]
HS 4 Ravager (80) 3x Desintegrator Cannon (45), Phantasm grenade launcher (3) [128p]
HS 5 Ravager (80) 3x Desintegrator Cannon (45) [125p]
HS 6 Ravager (80) 3x Desintegrator Cannon (45) [125p]
tnt2018-03-29 13:36
ROTransilvanian Singles Tournament - Information to list submission

Please note that the lists for each team must be submitted by the team captain.

Any list that do not respect the formating guide lines in the rules pack will not be accepted and will be considered late submissions if not corrected by the deadline!
tnt2018-03-05 12:23
ROWarmaster Warm-Up - Lists are up!

Lists can be found here:


The lists have NOT been formatted, they are posted as they have been sent.
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