T³ - TableTop Tournaments
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The Alpine Major GT 9th Age: Salzburg - Informacje i Zasady

2-days (5games) 4500 Points Single Tournament for T9A in Salzburg!

We are once again part of a bigger gaming venue!

Tabletop, different kind of Tournaments (200-300 Players for 4 Systems!!!), Gaming events, foodtrucks and much more! Compared to last year, we are starting on Saturday & will be in a much less louder part of the area.

If you are a newer player (even with you are not) and are struggling with new recruit, rules or something else, let me know and we will figure it out ;).

For tickets it is really important to use the following 2 links:

https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-alpine-gt-2023-tickets-447976920027 this link is for your tournament ticket to be part of the t9a tournament. [27€ make sure to choose the t9a event]

https://tickets.mzs.at/webshop/29/tickets this link is for the venue ticket, you will be able to do stuff at the venue as well = so make sure you have a look around ;). Make sure to get the 2days tickets.

We will mostlikely use the saturday evening to get some community engagement, so drinks, chats & food while checking out the venue!

4500 Points playing with the most recent rules 1 week ahead of the tournament! List deadline is the 28.06.

Pairing through the swiss system, first day without matching against players from your local community (if possible), working with NewRecruit once more.



08:00 registration

08:30-12:00 Round 1

12:00-13:00 Lunch

13:00-16:30 Round 2

16:30-16:45 Coffeebreak

16:45-20:15 Round 3


08:30-12:00 Round 4

12:00-13:00 Lunch

13:00-16:30 Round 5

16:30 winning and closing ceremony.


Fully painted army (TT Standard): 3 points

Not fully painted army : 1 point

Most of the army not painted/not painted army: 0 points

Informacje: Organizator turnieju jest odpowiedzialny za zawartość tej strony.
©2004-2025. T³ is operated by Althaus.IT.