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NTRv3.0 Niemcy - Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game Miejsce 581 - Harald aka "Hardrider" od DSchönbrunn

Harald zajął następujące pozycje w Turniejach-XWING Niemcy...

Zaliczone turnieje (5 najlepszych według PP. Następnie zliczane jest PP * WF = NP):
8Asgards Force Awakens Episode IXD63743 AschaffenburgScum and Villainy20/10/1826501.34%+0%0.4824%0.12
11Regular Turnier des Gryphon Squad Season 19-2D69115 HeidelbergScum and Villainy06/07/1918402.38%+0%0.3922%0.09
1324. Mannheimer X-Wing TurnierD68161 MannheimScum and Villainy20/10/1920432.38%+0%0.3820%0.08
255System Open Germany 2018D30669 Hannover08/04/18379851%+0%0.2818%0.05
15Wormswing XXIIID67547 WormsScum and Villainy07/12/1918403.17%+0%0.2216%0.04
Więcej turnieji:
12[19.08.2017] X-Wing Store Championship im JK EntertainmentD60388 Frankfurt am Main19/08/1735580.56%+0%0.22--
130X-Wing - Deutsche Meisterschaft 2018D40545 Düsseldorf01/09/18157851.34%+0%0.20--
255Hyperspace Germany 2018D30669 Hannover08/04/18331851%+0%0.20--
130X-Wing System Open Series: Lothal 2017D90402 Nürnberg26/02/17270850.42%+0%0.19--
5Regular-Turnier des Gryphon Squad Season 18-5D69115 HeidelbergScum and Villainy24/11/1810251.34%+0%0.19--
7Asgards Force Awakens Episode VD63741 AschaffenburgScum and Villainy01/04/1726500.42%+0%0.16--
7Asgards Force Awakens Episode VIIID63743 AschaffenburgScum and Villainy16/06/1812301%+0%0.14--
6Standard-Turnier der Gryphon Squad auf der Brain and Dice 2019D69124 HeidelbergScum and Villainy05/10/198202.38%+0%0.14--
53X-Wing Hyperspace MannheimD67067 MaudachScum and Villainy08/06/1959721.78%+0%0.13--
4Regular-Turnier des Gryphon Squad Season 17-1D69115 HeidelbergScum and Villainy25/03/1716370.42%+0%0.13--
175. Südbaden X-Wing Open DELUXE [Store Championship]D78166 DonaueschingenScum and Villainy21/05/1734570.42%+0%0.12--
70Deutsche Meisterschaft 2016D74731 Walldürn04/09/16127850.32%+0%0.12--
20Asgards Force Awakens Episode VIID63743 AschaffenburgScum and Villainy17/03/1828520.75%+0%0.12--
11Wormswing VIID67457 WormsScum and Villainy15/04/1724480.42%+0%0.11--
9Moonshine over AlderaanD63897 MiltenbergScum and Villainy28/01/1721440.42%+0%0.11--
13Standard-Turnier des Gryphon Squad auf der Brain and Dice 2018D69124 HeidelbergRebel Alliance06/10/1816371.34%+0%0.10--
12X-Wing meets V-ConD78050 Villingen-SchwenningenScum and Villainy19/11/1626500.32%+0%0.09--
32Order 1017 - Die 2. Schlacht über EllernD55497 Ellern Hunsrück15/10/1742630.56%+0%0.09--
15Asgards Force Awakens Episode VID63743 AschaffenburgScum and Villainy21/10/1720430.75%+0%0.09--
63Fantasy Stronghold X-Wing RegionalD71732 TammScum and Villainy18/02/1873770.75%+0%0.08--
3Wormswing ID67547 WormsScum and Villainy05/12/1522450.18%+0%0.07--
121. Schwarzwald Cup X-WingD75217 BirkenfeldScum and Villainy14/11/1534570.18%+0%0.07--
4Asgards Force Awakens Episode 3D63741 AschaffenburgGalactic Empire21/05/1614340.24%+0%0.06--
174. Südbaden X-Wing Open DELUXED78166 DonaueschingenScum and Villainy08/10/1626500.32%+0%0.06--
100X-Wing System Open Series: LothalD70629 Stuttgart26/06/16136850.24%+0%0.05--
12Gryphon Squad Store Championship 2017D69115 Heidelberg27/05/1715350.56%+0%0.04--
10X-Wing meets V-Con (40 Jahre Star Wars)D78050 Villingen-SchwenningenScum and Villainy11/11/1712300.75%+0%0.04--
15Mannheim Store ChampionshipsD68161 MannheimScum and Villainy04/06/1718400.56%+0%0.04--
301. Dürkheimer Spieleclub Star Wars Ad Arma Turnier 2017D67346 SpeyerScum and Villainy06/05/1735580.42%+0%0.04--
15Asgards Force Awakens Episode IVD63743 AschaffenburgScum and Villainy17/09/1618400.32%+0%0.02--
6SCS HeidelbergD69115 Heidelberg24/01/1514340.1%+0%0.02--
31. Mannheimer X-Wing TurnierD68161 MannheimRebel Alliance08/03/1416370.06%+0%0.02--
265.X-Wing Turnier auf der Szenario 2018D55546 HackenheimScum and Villainy06/01/1827510.75%+0%0.01--
12X-Wing Store Championship MannheimD68161 MannheimRebel Alliance13/04/1424480.06%+0%0.01--
233. X-Wing Meisterschaft SüdWestD67454 HasslochScum and Villainy25/10/1526500.18%+0%0.01--
112. Dice & Bayonets Tabletop Convention X-Wing TurnierD67346 SpeyerScum and Villainy06/06/1514340.13%+0%0.01--
55X-Wing Regional Süd 2015D76133 Karlsruhe25/05/1561730.13%+0%0.01--
84. Mannheimer X-Wing Turnier - Eskalation!D68161 MannheimGalactic Empire19/10/1412300.08%+0%0.01--
18Asgards Force Awakens Episode 2D63743 AschaffenburgScum and Villainy20/02/1620430.18%+0%0.01--
172. X-Wing Meisterschaft SüdWestD67454 HasslochScum and Villainy26/04/1519410.1%+0%0.00--
221. X-Wing Meisterschaft SüdWestD67454 HasslochGalactic Empire15/02/1524480.1%+0%0.00--
202. Mannheimer X-Wing TurnierD68161 MannheimRebel Alliance20/07/1422450.08%+0%0.00--
2Wormswing X - EpicD67547 WormsScum and Villainy09/09/17400.56%+0%0.00--
19X-Wing: Assault at Imdaar Alpha Pre-Release Turnier MannheimD68161 MannheimRebel Alliance01/06/1419410.06%+0%0.00--
9Star Wars X-Wing TurnierD69115 Heidelberg21/11/159230.18%+0%0.00--
Dodatkowe miejsca w rankingu NTR:
* 59. Miejsce w SWA-ranking w DNiemcy
* 133. Miejsce w CBT-ranking w DNiemcy
* 379. Miejsce w ASoIF-ranking w DNiemcy
Pozycja w ETR:
* 83. Miejsce w SWA-ranking w Europa
* 133. Miejsce w CBT-ranking w Europa
* 743. Miejsce w ASoIF-ranking w Europa
* 1092. Miejsce w XWING-ranking w Europa
Legenda: PT = Ilość uczestników TP = Punkty turniejowe TF = Czynnik czasu PB = Bonus za zajęte miejsce PP = Punkty gracza (zależne od wyniku i TF) WF = Weighting factor NP = zaliczone Punkty-NTR

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