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NTRv3.0 Niemcy - Warmachine Miejsce 464 - Felix aka "Geliron" od DLeipzig

Felix zajął następujące pozycje w Turniejach-WM Niemcy...

Zaliczone turnieje (5 najlepszych według PP. Następnie zliczane jest PP * WF = NP):
16Gobber CrownD10589 BerlinProtectorate of Menoth15/03/1550670.13%+0%0.0624%0.01
24Nordisch Masters 2015D28195 BremenProtectorate of Menoth03/05/1562730.13%+0%0.0622%0.01
7Nordisch Masters 2015 -Vorfreude-TeamTurnier - DrużynaD28195 BremenProtectorate of Menoth01/05/1542630.13%+0%0.0520%0.01
817. VölkerschlachtD04329 LeipzigProtectorate of Menoth21/06/1518400.18%+0%0.0418%0.01
1QUICK AND DIRTYD27570 BremerhavenLegion of Everblight02/02/1430530.06%+20%0.0416%0.01
Więcej turnieji:
10Battlefield Brunswick 2015D38100 BraunschweigProtectorate of Menoth11/04/1522450.13%+0%0.03--
3Battlefield Brunswick 2015 Team - DrużynaD38100 BraunschweigProtectorate of Menoth12/04/1518400.13%+0%0.03--
4Bunker Brawl März 2014 - HMD Dojo - DrużynaD46149 OberhausenProtectorate of Menoth09/03/1448660.06%+0%0.03--
4Spree Attack Mini IV Steamroller 2015 BetaD12435 BerlinProtectorate of Menoth06/12/1414340.1%+0%0.03--
22. Dresdener IndustrieschlachtD01099 DresdenProtectorate of Menoth10/05/1416370.08%+0%0.03--
2Battlefield Brunswick WM/Ho 2013.2D38100 BraunschweigLegion of Everblight13/10/1324480.06%+0%0.03--
32. Meat´n´Metal... -Teambattle - DrużynaD28857 SykeLegion of Everblight30/03/1424480.08%+0%0.03--
75. Offizielle Deutsche Hardcore-MeisterschaftD71638 LudwigsburgProtectorate of Menoth14/12/1328520.06%+0%0.02--
18WM/H Spree-Attack vol. IIID12053 BerlinProtectorate of Menoth21/02/1526500.13%+0%0.02--
2Vorweihnachtlicher HighlanderD90402 NürnbergProtectorate of Menoth07/12/1317390.06%+0%0.02--
33. Dresdener IndustrieschlachtD01099 DresdenCryx23/08/1410250.1%+0%0.02--
23666 - Coin of Evil 2013D71640 LudwigsburgProtectorate of Menoth28/07/1360720.04%+0%0.02--
30HMD 2014 - Kindergeburtstag - DrużynaD46149 OberhausenProtectorate of Menoth06/07/14126850.08%+0%0.02--
11Meat'n'Metal-Arena ID28195 BremenCryx27/07/1423460.08%+0%0.02--
2Dresdner IndustrieschlachtD01099 DresdenProtectorate of Menoth19/10/1314340.06%+0%0.02--
116. Meat´n´Metal... -BattleD28857 SykeLegion of Everblight29/03/1420430.08%+0%0.02--
312. VölkerschlachtD04329 LeipzigProtectorate of Menoth30/06/1318400.04%+0%0.01--
2Battlefield Brunswick 2013 - WM/HOD38100 BraunschweigProtectorate of Menoth03/03/1324480.03%+0%0.01--
35. Meat´n´Metal... -BattleD28857 SykeProtectorate of Menoth28/09/1316370.04%+0%0.01--
16666 - Coin of Evil 2012D71640 LudwigsburgProtectorate of Menoth12/08/1260720.02%+0%0.01--
41. Erfurter WM/HOR TurnierD99085 ErfurtProtectorate of Menoth24/05/1410250.08%+0%0.01--
14Bavarian MoschpitD82110 GermeringProtectorate of Menoth04/11/1252680.02%+0%0.01--
5Spree Attack Mini VD12435 BerlinProtectorate of Menoth18/04/158200.13%+0%0.01--
7WM/H Spree-Attack vol. ID13627 BerlinProtectorate of Menoth16/03/1322450.03%+0%0.01--
34. Meat´n´Metal... -BattleD28857 SykeProtectorate of Menoth06/04/1316370.03%+0%0.01--
1Battlefield Brunswick 2012 - WM/HOD38100 BraunschweigProtectorate of Menoth23/06/1222450.02%+20%0.01--
3Blöed Island II - Goodbye SR 2012D95028 HofProtectorate of Menoth12/01/1314340.03%+0%0.01--
1Midland CarnageD38100 BraunschweigLegion of Everblight21/01/1232550.01%+20%0.01--
3Blöed Island IIID95028 HofProtectorate of Menoth09/03/1312300.03%+0%0.01--
4Blöed Island VD95028 HofProtectorate of Menoth06/07/1310250.04%+0%0.01--
5Meat´n´Metal... -Teambattle! - DrużynaD28857 SykeProtectorate of Menoth07/04/1324480.03%+0%0.01--
7Meat'n'Metal -Least but not Last 2012-D28215 BremenProtectorate of Menoth16/12/1219410.02%+0%0.01--
18Heavy Metal Dayz 2012 - Popkulturpüree - DrużynaD46149 OberhausenLegion of Everblight15/04/1290830.02%+0%0.01--
54Nordisch Masters 2014D28195 BremenLegion of Everblight04/05/1460720.08%+0%0.01--
1Mytholon präsentiert: Das WM/H NeujahresturnierD04107 LeipzigProtectorate of Menoth07/01/1214340.01%+20%0.01--
4Miniwar Hamburg und Tabletopshop Hamburg Steamroller TurnierD22297 HamburgProtectorate of Menoth26/08/1212300.02%+0%0.01--
3WW XI - Wagnerwatschen in BayreuthD95447 BayreuthProtectorate of Menoth17/03/1214340.02%+0%0.01--
17Coin of Evil 4 - 666D71640 LudwigsburgLegion of Everblight31/07/1150670.01%+0%0.00--
2Steam, Steel and Claws IVD80336 MünchenLegion of Everblight03/09/1120430.01%+0%0.00--
20Bavarian MastersD80333 MünchenProtectorate of Menoth25/03/1232550.02%+0%0.00--
8WM/H-Turnier auf der Modell-Hobby-Spiel 2011D04356 LeipzigLegion of Everblight01/10/1120430.01%+0%0.00--
9QUICK AND DIRTY - auch ohne Schlaf könnt ihr spielen.D27570 BremerhavenProtectorate of Menoth29/09/1312300.04%+0%0.00--
5Coin of Evil 3 - 666D71640 LudwigsburgLegion of Everblight15/08/1044640.01%+0%0.00--
2WW VIII - Wagnerwatschen in BayreuthD95447 BayreuthLegion of Everblight22/10/1110250.01%+0%0.00--
10Steam, Steel and Claws VD80336 MünchenLegion of Everblight03/12/1118400.01%+0%0.00--
5WW IV - Wagnerwatschen in BayreuthD95447 BayreuthLegion of Everblight25/06/1114340.01%+0%0.00--
2WW V - Wagnerwatschen in BayreuthD95447 BayreuthLegion of Everblight16/07/1110250.01%+0%0.00--
3Adventure Con 2011D22523 HamburgLegion of Everblight05/03/1114340.01%+0%0.00--
47. VölkerschlachtD04329 LeipzigThe Circle Orboros02/04/1112300.01%+0%0.00--
16Heavy Metal Dayz 7 - DrużynaD46149 OberhausenLegion of Everblight11/04/1058710%+0%0.00--
1Focused Fury VD09599 FreibergLegion of Everblight18/04/0924480%+20%0.00--
3Focused Fury IXD09599 FreibergLegion of Everblight20/03/1014340%+0%0.00--
2Nordcon 2010 - Steamroller TurnierD22111 HamburgLegion of Everblight05/06/1012300%+0%0.00--
3Focused Fury XD09599 FreibergLegion of Everblight04/12/108200.01%+0%0.00--
225. Offizielle Deutsche Warmachine Hordes Meisterschaft 2010D63303 DreieiechThe Circle Orboros20/11/1032550.01%+0%0.00--
54. VölkerschlachtD04349 LeipzigLegion of Everblight28/02/1014340%+0%0.00--
11. Sachsenmeisterschaft WM/HordesD04329 LeipzigThe Circle Orboros19/09/098200%+20%0.00--
7Focused Fury VI - SummerslamD09127 ChemnitzLegion of Everblight12/07/0918400%+0%0.00--
23. VölkerschlachtD04107 LeipzigThe Circle Orboros20/12/098200%+0%0.00--
10Focused Fury VIIID09599 FreibergLegion of Everblight09/01/1016370%+0%0.00--
62. VölkerschlachtD04103 LeipzigThe Circle Orboros05/09/0910250%+0%0.00--
31. VölkerschlachtD04103 LeipzigThe Circle Orboros20/08/098200%+0%0.00--
4Focused Fury ID09221 NeukirchenLegion of Everblight12/04/0812300%+0%0.00--
1710. Ludwigsburger Stronghold SiegeD71638 LudwigsburgThe Circle Orboros05/12/0920430%+0%0.00--
12Focused Fury VII - National QualifierD09599 FreibergThe Circle Orboros17/10/0914340%+0%0.00--
11Focused Fury IVD09599 FreibergLegion of Everblight10/01/0914340%+0%0.00--
7Kolosseum Arena Battles 03D95444 BayreuthLegion of Everblight02/08/0810250%+0%0.00--
10Focused Fury IID09221 NeukirchenLegion of Everblight12/07/0810250%+0%0.00--
Dodatkowe miejsca w rankingu NTR:
* 6. Miejsce w ASoIF-ranking w DNiemcy
* 440. Miejsce w LotR-ranking w DNiemcy
* 1854. Miejsce w XWING-ranking w DNiemcy
* 3398. Miejsce w W40K-ranking w DNiemcy
* 5110. Miejsce w WHFB-ranking w DNiemcy
Pozycja w ETR:
* 15. Miejsce w ASoIF-ranking w Europa
* 774. Miejsce w LotR-ranking w Europa
* 859. Miejsce w WM-ranking w Europa
* 3407. Miejsce w XWING-ranking w Europa
* 7399. Miejsce w W40K-ranking w Europa
* 11130. Miejsce w WHFB-ranking w Europa
Player's awards:
* Focused Fury I: player-award-youngbloodYoungblood
* Focused Fury V: player-award-specialSpecjalna Nagroda - Vollstrecker
* Focused Fury VII - National Qualifier: player-award-bestpaintedNajlepiej Pomalowane
* Coin of Evil 3 - 666: player-award-specialSpecjalna Nagroda - Best Legion
* WW IV - Wagnerwatschen in Bayreuth: player-award-specialSpecjalna Nagroda - Schönster Minzeatem
* Coin of Evil 4 - 666: player-award-specialSpecjalna Nagroda - Best Legion, Best Painted Single Choice
* Steam, Steel and Claws V: player-award-specialSpecjalna Nagroda - Grinch
* WW XI - Wagnerwatschen in Bayreuth: player-award-bestpaintedNajlepiej Pomalowane
* Miniwar Hamburg und Tabletopshop Hamburg Steamroller Turnier: player-award-bestpaintedNajlepiej Pomalowane
* Blöed Island II - Goodbye SR 2012: player-award-bestpaintedNajlepiej Pomalowane
* Blöed Island III: player-award-bestpaintedNajlepiej Pomalowane
* WM/H Spree-Attack vol. I: player-award-bestpaintedNajlepiej Pomalowane
* 4. Meat´n´Metal... -Battle: player-award-specialSpecjalna Nagroda - Konnte den Hals nicht voll genug bekommen
* 5. Meat´n´Metal... -Battle: player-award-bestpaintedNajlepiej Pomalowane
* Bunker Brawl März 2014 - HMD Dojo: player-award-bestpaintedNajlepiej Pomalowane
* 1. Erfurter WM/HOR Turnier: player-award-specialSpecjalna Nagroda - Goldene Brombeere
* Gobber Crown: player-award-specialSpecjalna Nagroda - Gobber-Feldmarschall / Best Menoth
* Battlefield Brunswick 2015: player-award-bestpaintedNajlepiej Pomalowane
Legenda: PT = Ilość uczestników TP = Punkty turniejowe TF = Czynnik czasu PB = Bonus za zajęte miejsce PP = Punkty gracza (zależne od wyniku i TF) WF = Weighting factor NP = zaliczone Punkty-NTR

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