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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Fratzenknacken IX - Abschied von LA

1.Wo ist Andi Tonndorf?
Paul aka "FirePaul"DLeipzigDaemon Legions
Thomas aka "Scrub"DMarburgKingdom of Equitaine
Tore aka "Langbart"DGreifswaldEmpire of Sonnstahl
2.Incompetent Retards
Frederick aka "Frederick"DHiddenhausenKingdom of Equitaine
Stefan aka "Gorobh"DEmstekOgre Khans
Malte aka "SnakeEyes"DKielThe Vermin Swarm
Jan aka "Ja-Ba"DHannoverDread Elves
Constantin aka "PrinzKaos"DMarburgWarriors of the Dark Gods
Marcel aka "Micky"DDoberschützVampire Covenant
4.d00m5h!t HuS0s
Christian aka "Da_Orkboss"DGlashütteWarriors of the Dark Gods
Alexander aka "Streifenkarl"DJenaOgre Khans
Rolf-Henryk aka "Jobst"DSaalfeldThe Vermin Swarm
5.Oldschool Ostfront
Thomas aka "Zwergnase"DLeipzigWarriors of the Dark Gods
Marius aka "masterchief90"DDresdenDaemon Legions
Erik aka "Lupo"DDresdenOrcs and Goblins
6.Lucky Lucs
Tim aka "Talwin"DEmsdettenThe Vermin Swarm
Hendrik aka "2-Green-2-Stop-Killing"DFrankfurt am MainOrcs and Goblins
Christian aka "Starspieler"DFrankfurt am MainEmpire of Sonnstahl
7.WCH-Nerdi By Nature
Ricardo aka "PaterLeXx"DHamburgEmpire of Sonnstahl
Maik aka "Athos"DHamburgWarriors of the Dark Gods
Benjamin aka "Prophet_of_Truth"DHannoverKingdom of Equitaine
Daniel aka "Herby"DSalzwedelOgre Khans
Sebastian aka "bBaron"DBerlinUndying Dynasties
David aka "Lissi"DDelmenhorstDread Elves
Jakub aka "GeneralFlash"CZPragueOgre Khans
Marek aka "xberny"CZPragueDread Elves
Tobias aka "Anthrax"CZPrahaWarriors of the Dark Gods
10.Xiquets de la Terra
Roger aka "Roger91"DBraunschweigDaemon Legions
Martí aka "Thesongbegins"EPalsDwarven Holds
Maurice aka "Kasocles"NLRotterdamInfernal Dwarves
11.Sparta this is
Frank aka "Fritz-X"DLeverkusenEmpire of Sonnstahl
Dominik aka "Todesbrot"DMonheimThe Vermin Swarm
Maximilian aka "Roque"DLeichlingenKingdom of Equitaine
12.Django and the Boys
Peter aka "Borgio"DRheinbergWarriors of the Dark Gods
Johannes aka "mustfeed"DBochumVampire Covenant
Anthony aka "blacky"DLünenSylvan Elves
13.This is Sparta
Marc aka "Pofalischt"DKölnWarriors of the Dark Gods
Simon aka "dr-pepper86"DKölnEmpire of Sonnstahl
Jan aka "GabbaGandalf"DFrankfurt am MainVampire Covenant
14.Northland Slayers
Thorsten aka "Rigger"DEckernfördeDwarven Holds
Lars aka "Larsemann"DLehrteWarriors of the Dark Gods
Marc aka "TheMangler"DKielOrcs and Goblins
15.Hauptstadt Legionäre
René aka "Buliwyf"DBerlinOgre Khans
Gregor aka "Grossmeister"DBerlinEmpire of Sonnstahl
Oliver aka "Exalted_Champion"DBerlinWarriors of the Dark Gods
Matěj aka "Malis"CZLiberecDwarven Holds
Michal aka "Houba"CZLiberecVampire Covenant
Tomas aka "mabool"CZPrahaBeast Herds
17.Team Toughness
Maik aka "Bladeox"DBad ZwischenahnCultists
Christian aka "Hayo"DArnstadtWarriors of the Dark Gods
Joachim aka "melcher"DOldenburgThe Vermin Swarm
18.Team Oldschool
Patric aka "PJ-Pimmelmann"DCelleWarriors of the Dark Gods
Jens aka "Darth-Pimmelmann"DCelleDaemon Legions
Marc aka "RagnaroekHH"DHamburgMakhar
Nico aka "warlock96"DMagdeburgSaurian Ancients
Torsten aka "Haland1r"DOebisfeldeDwarven Holds
André aka "DIE_BART_DIE"DVinzelbergWarriors of the Dark Gods
20.Würfeln für Glitzer
Thomas aka "Ambassador"DLeipzigSylvan Elves
Thomas aka "Wetterlicht"DLeipzigInfernal Dwarves
Lars aka "Laurentius"DHamburgHighborn Elves
21.The Original Deichgrafen
Jan Olaf aka "Josch"DWedemarkDaemon Legions
Lucas aka "Doedel9"DBremenSaurian Ancients
Jannik aka "Greedymeyer"DGanderkeseeOrcs and Goblins
22.Team Fassungslos
Maurice aka "Terrorpie"DParchimSaurian Ancients
Martin aka "Bersy"DSalzwedelWarriors of the Dark Gods
Fabian aka "Smerg"DWolfenbüttelUndying Dynasties
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