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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Tournoi SDA - Qu'en est il du second petit déjeuner?

1.Alexis aka "Manadar"FMalleville-les-GrèsErebor
2.Julien aka "Thelion_AOE"FToulouseHarad
3.Audric aka "Didic7447"FLa Roche Sur ForonLothlórien
4.Corentin aka "Imrahilovic"FRueil-MalmaisonErebor
5.Edouard aka "Hyxperion"FGrenobleKhazad-dûm
6.Pierre-Antoine aka "maltroc"FVilleurbanneMinas Tirith
7.Aaah aka "Magnor"FBoulogne sur MerThe Legions of the White Hand
8.Alexandre aka "glordfindel"FLyonThe Army of Lake-town
9.Gabriel aka "CaptnFrene"FParisMinas Tirith
10.Victor aka "Kroakaaris"FPrades-Le-LezNúmenor
11.Hadrien aka "decalogus"FParisThe Army of Lake-town
12.Alistaire aka "Ali"FParisLothlórien and Mirkwood
13.Samuel aka "Melidiath"FLe ReposoirMoria
14.Joachim aka "MonsieurFrodon"FParisMinas Tirith
15.Marc aka "Sorent"FBourg-en-BresseMoria
16.Simon aka "Wimbl3r"FGrenobleThéoden's Host
17.Alexandre aka "L_Auvergnat"FSaint Didier En VelayMordor
18.Guillaume aka "Zahef38"FVersaillesRivendell
19.Thomas aka "Tohm"FThorens GlieresThe Legions of the White Hand
20.Senellart aka "Captnnarcisse"FParisMoria
21.Fabien aka "ScorpionTau38"FVarcesLothlórien
22.(anonim)The Legions of the White Hand
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