T³ - TableTop Tournaments
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ETR Europa - Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game Miejsce 43 - Timo aka "CorynTL" od DBuseck

Timo zajął następujące pozycje w Turniejach-XWING Europa...

Zaliczone turnieje (5 najlepszych według PP. Następnie zliczane jest PP * WF = NP):
36World Open Qualifier 2023 KölnD50670 Köln02/12/23697656.25%+0%20.7524%4.98
37X-Wing Grand Tournament Münster 2024D48161 Münster10/11/245268100%+0%20.0022%4.40
4Strasswars VI - Revenge of StrassWarsF67380 LingolsheimScum and Villainy03/03/24143475%+0%19.6220%3.92
8SZ-Wing Store-Championship feat. Allerlei Spielerei II [V2.5]D38226 SalzgitterScum and Villainy20/01/24244856.25%+0%18.7818%3.38
2Asgards Force Awakens Episode XVIID63741 AschaffenbrgScum and Villainy06/07/24820100%+0%17.1416%2.74
Więcej turnieji:
4TTS Liga-Pokal & Store-Championship 2023D69231 Rauenberg04/11/23163756.25%+0%16.65--
4Wormswing XXXD67547 WormsScum and Villainy13/05/23163742.19%+0%12.49--
9X-wing Store Championship StrasbourgF67000 StrasbourgRebel Alliance08/10/23184056.25%+0%11.91--
3S21 & Fantasy Stronghold X-Wing ChampionshipD70499 StuttgartGalactic Empire19/11/22133231.64%+0%8.44--
4Strasswars V - Attack of StrasswarsF67380 LingolsheimSeparatist Alliance05/03/23143431.64%+0%8.28--
4Asgards Force Awakens Episode XVD63741 Aschaffenbrg10/06/23112842.19%+0%8.27--
365. Mayener X-Wing Turnier - Extended FormatD56727 MayenScum and Villainy06/04/2471675%+0%8.00--
562. Mayener X-Wing Turnier - Extended FormatD56727 MayenScum and Villainy25/02/23112831.64%+0%5.32--
6Strass Wars IV, The Phantom Menace - extended 2.5 -, 45 AYF67380 LingolsheimScum and Villainy15/05/22143417.8%+0%3.72--
3Wormswing XXVIIID67547 WormsScum and Villainy25/06/2282023.73%+0%3.39--
913.01.2024 YODASDATA Star Wars X-Wing Store Championship 2023.2D65510 IdsteinFirst Order13/01/24112856.25%+0%3.15--
22SZ-Wing Blaster-Cup 2024 [V2.5]D38239 Salzgitter ThiedeScum and Villainy04/05/24244875%+0%3.13--
2Funwing 5F67450 LampertheimGalactic Republic02/04/2282017.8%+0%3.05--
5Asgards Force Awakens Episode XIVD63741 AschaffenbrgSeparatist Alliance22/04/2371642.19%+0%2.25--
6X-Wing Hyperspace Trial - KoblenzD56072 KoblenzScum and Villainy14/09/1946653.17%+0%1.83--
1Wormswing XXIIID67547 WormsScum and Villainy07/12/1918403.17%+20%1.52--
70System Open Series 2019D30669 Hannover28/04/19246852.38%+0%1.45--
15Erfurter X-Wing Store Championship feat. der_TabletopperD99086 ErfurtFirst Order28/10/23163756.25%+0%1.39--
64Hyperspace Tournament 2019D30669 Hannover28/04/19192852.38%+0%1.35--
7Fantasy Stronghold‘s X-Wing Hyperspace TrialD70376 StuttgartRebel Alliance19/05/1940612.38%+0%1.23--
11HYPERSPACE TRIAL de L'ESTF67170 MittelhausenFirst Order29/09/1931543.17%+0%1.14--
7X-Wing Kaiserslautern - 1. Battle im Bear - Store ChampionshipD67655 KaiserslauternScum and Villainy16/02/2016374.22%+0%0.94--
7Wormswing XXID67547 WormsGalactic Republic01/06/1926502.38%+0%0.90--
31X-Wing Hyperspace MannheimD67067 MaudachScum and Villainy08/06/1959722.38%+0%0.83--
10Fantasy Stronghold X-Wing RegionalD71732 TammScum and Villainy18/02/1873771%+0%0.68--
1X-Wing Homburg - 1. Schlacht um KesselD66424 Homburg / ErbachScum and Villainy05/01/1912301.78%+20%0.64--
92Hyperspace Germany 2018D30669 Hannover08/04/18331851%+0%0.62--
547. Mayener X-Wing Turnier - Wave ChampionshipD56727 MayenSeparatist Alliance06/04/1915352.38%+0%0.59--
46.X-Wing Turnier auf der Szenario 2019D55546 HackenheimScum and Villainy04/01/1918401.78%+0%0.59--
1X-Wing Grand Slam:Kessel 2018 GNK Q1/2018!!!D66386 St. IngbertGalactic Empire28/04/1815351.34%+20%0.56--
11Äbbelwoi Aces Cup IID64832 BabenhausenScum and Villainy21/09/1918403.17%+0%0.52--
1X-Wing Grand Slam:Coruscant 2018 (GNK Turnier, Dragonlord Games)D66386 St. IngbertScum and Villainy10/02/1816371%+20%0.45--
24X-Wing System Open Series: Lothal 2017D90402 Nürnberg26/02/17270850.56%+0%0.44--
1X-Wing Store Championship Dragonlord GamesD66111 SaarbrückenRebel Alliance19/08/1810251.34%+20%0.40--
6X-Wing Homburg - 2. Schlacht um Kessel: Hyperspace TrainingD66424 Homburg / ErbachFirst Order02/03/1911302.38%+0%0.36--
15Order 1017 - Die 2. Schlacht über EllernD55497 Ellern Hunsrück15/10/1742630.75%+0%0.31--
2KaRoTa presents X-Wing 2.0 GNK Q2D67663 KaiserslauternScum and Villainy01/12/188201.78%+0%0.31--
255System Open Germany 2018D30669 Hannover08/04/18379851%+0%0.28--
34.X-Wing Turnier auf der Szenario 2018D55546 HackenheimScum and Villainy05/01/1812301%+0%0.25--
7Rogue Assault on KesselD66424 HomburgScum and Villainy04/06/1728520.56%+0%0.23--
12Imperial Retribution on Kessel [GNK 2/2017]D66333 VölklingenScum and Villainy23/09/1726500.75%+0%0.21--
21Wormswing XVIID67547 WormsGalactic Empire13/10/1826501.78%+0%0.18--
23Hyperspace Trial - Barely Lightspeed EditionD76133 KarlsruheScum and Villainy01/03/2025494.22%+0%0.17--
9Wormswing XID67547 WormsScum and Villainy07/10/1718400.75%+0%0.16--
23. Schlacht um das Homburg SystemD66424 HomburgScum and Villainy22/01/1718400.42%+0%0.16--
5Do or do not. There is no try.D66424 HomburgScum and Villainy16/04/1716370.56%+0%0.15--
1415. Mannheimer X-Wing TurnierD68161 MannheimScum and Villainy05/02/1728520.56%+0%0.15--
6Wormswing IXD67547 WormsScum and Villainy05/08/1713320.75%+0%0.14--
2X-Wing Wizard´s Well goes MuRoCoD67112 MutterstadtRebel Alliance11/03/187161%+0%0.13--
19Order 217 - Die Schlacht über EllernD55497 Ellern (Hunsrück)Galactic Empire12/02/1731540.56%+0%0.12--
72. Schlacht um das Homburg SystemD66424 HomburgGalactic Empire18/09/1618400.42%+0%0.11--
31X-Wing Regionalmeisterschaft in TrierD54295 TrierScum and Villainy27/11/1648660.42%+0%0.10--
8Schlacht um Karota X-Wing Turnier auf der Karota 31 GNK 17/Q2D67663 KaiserslauternRebel Alliance18/11/1713320.75%+0%0.10--
12Wormswing XIVD67547 WormsRebel Alliance24/03/1816371%+0%0.10--
4Die Schlacht um Karota: Zweites Xwing Turnier Karota 28D67663 KaiserslauternScum and Villainy22/05/1614340.32%+0%0.08--
46Strass Wars II, Strass Wars Strikes BackF67380 LingolsheimRebel Alliance27/05/1850671.34%+0%0.07--
71. Schlacht um das Homburg SystemD66424 Homburg ErbachGalactic Empire19/06/1615370.32%+0%0.07--
1513.Mannheimer X-Wing TurnierD68161 MannheimScum and Villainy09/10/1622450.42%+0%0.06--
6Die Schlacht um Karota: Drittes Xwing Turnier Karota 29D67663 KaiserslauternScum and Villainy12/11/1611280.42%+0%0.06--
18Standard Turnier der Gryphons auf der Brain and DiceD69124 HeidelbergGalactic Empire30/09/1720430.75%+0%0.03--
6Harley läd ein..D66424 HomburgScum and Villainy25/03/178200.56%+0%0.03--
202. DüW Star Wars X-Wing Spieletage 2016 UK Store ChampionshipD67098 Bad DürkheimScum and Villainy27/02/1624480.24%+0%0.02--
18Store Championship 2.0 + GNK Q2 in HomburgD66424 HomburgScum and Villainy29/09/1817401.78%+0%0.00--
266. Mayener X-Wing Turnier - Extended FormatD56727 MayenScum and Villainy22/06/245075%+0%0.00--
Additional ETR-placements:
* 644. Miejsce w SWA-ranking w Europa
Pozycja w NTR:
* 28. Miejsce w XWING-ranking w DNiemcy
* 38. Miejsce w XWING-ranking w FFrancja
* 381. Miejsce w SWA-ranking w DNiemcy
Player's awards:
* 3. Schlacht um das Homburg System: player-award-specialSpecjalna Nagroda - Bester Scumspieler
Legenda: PT = Ilość uczestników TP = Punkty turniejowe TF = Czynnik czasu PB = Bonus za zajęte miejsce PP = Punkty gracza (zależne od wyniku i TF) WF = Weighting factor EP = zaliczone Punkty-ETR

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