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ETR Europa - Warmachine Miejsce 78 - Johannes aka "JoJoBrunnix" od DLeipzig

Johannes zajął następujące pozycje w Turniejach-WM Europa...

Zaliczone turnieje (5 najlepszych według PP. Następnie zliczane jest PP * WF = NP):
7Eisenhammer VI- Family Reunion - DrużynaD40468 DüsseldorfLegion of Everblight21/11/21456413.35%+0%4.8524%1.16
9RHEIN - CON Warmachine / HordesD40468 DüsseldorfInfernals08/03/2038604.22%+0%1.9922%0.44
8BTC_Wein is i the House - DrużynaD76131 KarlsruheInfernals26/01/2054704.22%+0%1.7320%0.35
2Reckentecken vol. 14D01199 DresdenInfernals28/12/1916374.22%+0%1.4618%0.26
4Dice MachineD09125 ChemnitzLegion of Everblight19/09/2012305.63%+0%1.2316%0.20
Więcej turnieji:
1Refugium goes WM/HOD78194 ImmendingenLegion of Everblight24/02/1914342.38%+20%0.97--
2ReckenTekken RebootD01099 DresdenInfernals27/09/208205.63%+0%0.97--
5WoKH-Machine - DrużynaD67547 WormsLegion of Everblight14/10/1842631.78%+0%0.77--
314. Wormsmachine/Hordes Turnier - DM QualifierD67547 WormsThe Circle Orboros23/03/1916372.38%+0%0.76--
39Guildmachine Warball 2019 - Deutsche MeisterschaftD22111 HamburgLegion of Everblight28/07/1957713.17%+0%0.72--
413. Deutsche Warmachine/ Horde Meisterschaft 2018D63303 DreieichLegion of Everblight18/11/1819411.78%+0%0.61--
3WarKHasper während der Szenario 2019 - DrużynaD55543 Bad KreuznachLegion of Everblight05/01/1924481.78%+0%0.59--
211. Wormsmachine/Hordes TurnierD67547 WormsLegion of Everblight23/06/1820431.34%+0%0.54--
3Darmstädter Soloturnier Nr. 189D64289 DarmstadtLegion of Everblight01/12/1815351.78%+0%0.53--
2Fair & Balanced II - Return of the FurycornD69115 HeidelbergLegion of Everblight12/05/1813321.34%+0%0.39--
6Games n´ Dice e.V. WarmaHordes Turnier 22D40212 DüsseldorfThe Circle Orboros14/04/1912302.38%+0%0.39--
5Refugium 3x3 Teamturnier - DrużynaD78194 ImmendingenLegion of Everblight29/06/1921442.38%+0%0.37--
7Drachental WarmaHordes Turnier 20D40212 DüsseldorfLegion of Everblight22/12/1814341.78%+0%0.33--
21Delfinmachine™ vol. 2: so long and thanks for all the fishD80797 MünchenLegion of Everblight11/08/1926503.17%+0%0.32--
313. Wormsmachine/Hordes TurnierD67547 WormsLegion of Everblight15/12/188201.78%+0%0.25--
1911. Deutsche Warmachine/ Horde MeisterschaftD63303 DreieichLegion of Everblight20/11/1648660.42%+0%0.17--
32Heavy Metal Dayz 2017 - Ruhrpott Romance - DrużynaD46149 OberhausenLegion of Everblight13/08/17126850.75%+0%0.16--
3WarKHaspers auf der Szenario 2017D55546 HackenheimThe Skorne15/01/1717390.42%+0%0.14--
7Eisenhammer 3 - DrużynaD46119 OberhausenLegion of Everblight10/12/1660720.42%+0%0.14--
2The Focused and the Furious #2 / Road 2 SaarCon!D54290 TrierLegion of Everblight10/09/1614340.42%+0%0.13--
2SaarCon 2016: WaHo NG+WMD66123 SaarbrückenLegion of Everblight30/10/1614340.42%+0%0.13--
4Dead Fish Gladiators #22 - Hasta la vista, PandaD69115 HeidelbergLegion of Everblight08/10/1614350.42%+0%0.11--
6Warmachine Mannheim 3D68161 MannheimThe Circle Orboros12/03/1713320.56%+0%0.11--
2The Focused and the Furious #5D54290 TrierLegion of Everblight06/05/178200.56%+0%0.10--
7Warmachine MannheimD68161 MannheimLegion of Everblight23/10/1616370.42%+0%0.09--
3Multiversum Marburg e.V. Rookie RumbleD35037 MarburgLegion of Everblight22/10/168200.42%+0%0.06--
4The Focused and the Furious #1D54290 TrierLegion of Everblight20/08/1610250.32%+0%0.05--
4T.T.C.R Steam Battle 4D45888 GelsenkirchenThe Circle Orboros28/12/168200.42%+0%0.05--
46. Wormsmachine/Hordes TurnierD67547 WormsThe Circle Orboros18/02/177160.56%+0%0.05--
8Full Metal XIII - Der Nikolaus kommt wiederD55116 MainzLegion of Everblight05/12/1515350.24%+0%0.04--
9The Focused and the Furious #7D54291 TrierLegion of Everblight05/05/1810251.34%+0%0.04--
3Döner Cup - MK3 EditionD55116 MainzLegion of Everblight02/07/167160.32%+0%0.03--
72, Darmstädter Warmachine/Hordes TurnierD64289 DarmstadtLegion of Everblight07/11/1514340.18%+0%0.03--
7Gobber Mini 9D12435 BerlinLegion of Everblight25/11/169230.42%+0%0.02--
10B.A. Con 2015 5. Qualifier Teamturnier - DrużynaD53639 KönigswinterLegion of Everblight03/10/1536580.18%+0%0.02--
172. Wormser WM/H-TurnierD67547 WormsLegion of Everblight12/12/1520430.24%+0%0.02--
5Rookieclash KO vs KH Re-MatchD56072 MetternichThe Skorne12/09/158200.18%+0%0.02--
25WarKHaspers auf der Szenario 2016D55546 HackenheimThe Skorne10/01/1628520.24%+0%0.01--
Pozycja w NTR:
* 46. Miejsce w WM-ranking w DNiemcy
Player's awards:
* Dead Fish Gladiators #22 - Hasta la vista, Panda: player-award-youngbloodYoungblood
* Multiversum Marburg e.V. Rookie Rumble: player-award-specialSpecjalna Nagroda - Multible Anfahrt!
* T.T.C.R Steam Battle 4: player-award-bestpaintedNajlepiej Pomalowane
* Dice Machine: player-award-bestpaintedNajlepiej Pomalowane
* ReckenTekken Reboot: player-award-bestpaintedNajlepiej Pomalowane
Legenda: PT = Ilość uczestników TP = Punkty turniejowe TF = Czynnik czasu PB = Bonus za zajęte miejsce PP = Punkty gracza (zależne od wyniku i TF) WF = Weighting factor EP = zaliczone Punkty-ETR

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