T³ - TableTop Toernooien
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Saturday geek fever - Toernooi resultaten

Spelers awards

FKevin aka "hyperion36"player-award-specialSpeciale Prijs - Moquette
FRaffal aka "Raffal"player-award-youngbloodYoungblood
FYohann aka "touba"player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted

Enkel speler resultaten:

No. Plaats Naam Oorsprong Team Leger Totaal
1.1.p1Vincent aka "vince3310"FToulouseOrcs and Goblins0
2.2.p2Guillaume aka "Khrom"FEtréchyLes Résistants BattleKingdom of Equitaine0
3.3.p3Vincent aka "Abhorach"FHOUILLESFBJKingdom of Equitaine0
4.4.Maxime aka "Mweax"FParisLes Résistants BattleDwarven Holds0
5.5.Raffal aka "Raffal"player-award-youngbloodFSaint-DenisLes Chevaliers de la Table raseDread Elves0
6.6.Pierre aka "Tharbak"FLilleLes Chevaliers de la Table raseInfernal Dwarves0
7.7.Yohann aka "touba"player-award-bestpaintedFPoilly lez GienPapy BurgerInfernal Dwarves0
8.8.Florian aka "bouffy"FParisLes Résistants BattleHighborn Elves0
9.9.Yann aka "yann_l_elfe"FBry sur marneFBJDread Elves0
10.10.Jean-Julien aka "JeanJu"FParisNewbie FBJVampire Covenant0
11.11.Renaud aka "renaud_"FParisFBJOrcs and Goblins0
12.12.Sami aka "Galdenos"FChatillonJubeïHighborn Elves0
13.13.Adrien aka "Ikit976"FSaint-DenisLes Chevaliers de la Table raseThe Vermin Swarm0
14.14.Baptiste aka "Braxx"FVeneux-les-SablonsLes Résistants BattleOgre Khans0
15.15.Georges aka "pioupiou"FIvry-sur-SeineOrcs and Goblins0
16.16.Mathieu aka "Matkempo"FLe PoinçonnetSons of BonnellesOgre Khans0
17.17.Nicolas aka "Scoub"FFontenay sous BoisDwarven Holds0
18.18.Kevin aka "hyperion36"player-award-specialFBOIS D'ARCYSons of BonnellesThe Vermin Swarm0
Beschrijving van de gebruikte afkortingen (ze hoeven niet allemaal gebruikt te worden): LS= Leger Samenstelling, VS=Verf Score, ES = Eerlijk Spel, QP= Quiz Punten, AP= Andere Punten

Team resultaten (op zijn minst 2 spelers):

1.Sons of Bonnelles (2)0.00
2.Les Résistants Battle (4)0.00
3.Les Chevaliers de la Table rase (3)0.00
4.FBJ (3)0.00

Stads resultaten (op zijn minst 2 spelers):

1.Saint-Denis (2)0.00
2.Paris (4)0.00

Leger resultaten:

1.Kingdom of Equitaine (2)0.00
2.Infernal Dwarves (2)0.00
3.The Vermin Swarm (2)0.00
4.Orcs and Goblins (3)0.00
5.Dwarven Holds (2)0.00
6.Highborn Elves (2)0.00
7.Vampire Covenant (1)0.00
8.Dread Elves (2)0.00
9.Ogre Khans (2)0.00
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