Spelers awards
Enkel speler resultaten:
No. |
Plaats |
Naam |
Oorsprong |
Team |
Leger |
Totaal |
1. | 1. | Fabian aka "Eisriese" | Gelsenkirchen | Die Würfelgötter | Stormcast Eternals | 55 |
2. | 2. | Philipp aka "PhiSt" | Bochum | Die Würfelgötter | Cities of Sigmar | 54 |
3. | 3. | Daniel aka "Tanuki" | Bottrop | Die Würfelgötter | Daemons of Tzeentch | 53 |
4. | 4. | Patrick aka "Babywind" | Kassel | Faszination Wargaming | Kharadron Overlords | 52 |
5. | 5. | Jens aka "Vampi" | Kassel | Faszination Wargaming | Seraphon | 44 |
6. | 6. | Sebastian aka "hefferson" | Düsseldorf | | Grand Alliance Order | 40 |
7. | 7. | Tilo aka "SonorK" | Recklinghausen | Die Würfelgötter | Grand Alliance Chaos | 36 |
8. | 8. | Tobias aka "Tobias77" | Bochum | | Grand Alliance Chaos | 34 |
9. | 9. | Mourad aka "Mocca" | Vellmar | Faszination Wargaming | Grand Alliance Chaos | 27 |
10. | 10. | Manuel aka "Flamba" | Vellmar | Faszination Wargaming | Disciples of Tzeentch | 27 |
11. | 11. | Antonio aka "Der_Rafter2k" | Düsseldorf | Die Würfelgötter | Grand Alliance Death | 26 |
12. | 12. | Christian Paul aka "Druss73" | Bochum | | Flesh-eater Courts | 26 |
13. | 13. | Julian aka "JulesBorgi" | Unna | Lucky Bastards | Blades of Khorne | 25 |
14. | 14. | Michael aka "BLS" | Mainz | | Ogor Mawtribes | 21 |
15. | 15. | Thorsten aka "DocKeule" | Ahlen | | Grand Alliance Order | 19 |
16. | 16. | Dennis aka "DerLetzteFreak" | Essen | | Grand Alliance Order | 14 |
Beschrijving van de gebruikte afkortingen (ze hoeven niet allemaal gebruikt te worden): LS= Leger Samenstelling, VS=Verf Score, ES = Eerlijk Spel, QP= Quiz Punten, AP= Andere Punten |
Team resultaten (op zijn minst 2 spelers):
Plaats | Team | Punten |
1. | Die Würfelgötter (5) | 44.80 |
2. | Faszination Wargaming (4) | 37.50 |
Stads resultaten (op zijn minst 2 spelers):
Plaats | Oorsprong | Punten |
1. | Kassel (2) | 48.00 |
2. | Bochum (3) | 38.00 |
3. | Düsseldorf (2) | 33.00 |
4. | Vellmar (2) | 27.00 |
Leger resultaten:
Plaats | Leger | Punten |
1. | Stormcast Eternals (1) | 55.00 |
2. | Cities of Sigmar (1) | 54.00 |
3. | Daemons of Tzeentch (1) | 53.00 |
4. | Kharadron Overlords (1) | 52.00 |
5. | Seraphon (1) | 44.00 |
6. | Grand Alliance Chaos (3) | 32.33 |
7. | Disciples of Tzeentch (1) | 27.00 |
8. | Flesh-eater Courts (1) | 26.00 |
9. | Grand Alliance Death (1) | 26.00 |
10. | Blades of Khorne (1) | 25.00 |
11. | Grand Alliance Order (3) | 24.33 |
12. | Ogor Mawtribes (1) | 21.00 |