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A boùt de soufre 1.0 - Toernooi resultaten

Spelers awards

FGuillaume aka "Tassadar-01"player-award-specialSpeciale Prijs - Cuillere en bois
FMickael aka "Mamibaba"player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted

Enkel speler resultaten:

No. Plaats Naam Oorsprong Team Leger Totaal
1.1.p1Sylvain aka "Lelith"FLilleGinyu ForceRetribution of Scyrah0
2.2.p2Andy aka "Sexy_Andy"BChâteletSweedish Switched WitchesCryx0
3.3.p3Fabien aka "MarcelChamblard"FCambraiGinyu ForceCygnar0
4.4.Mickael aka "Mamibaba"player-award-bestpaintedFLes Rues Des VignesGinyu ForceLegion of Everblight0
5.5.Quentin aka "lasoul"FBénéjacqLegion of Everblight0
6.6.Stephane aka "Artemousse"FHellemmes-LilleLes 4 fantastiquesCryx0
7.7.Antoine aka "ShasO_ADias"FDunkerqueIllusion gamerRetribution of Scyrah0
8.8.Frederic aka "Fred57"FMetzThe Skorne0
9.9.Thomas aka "Neuron_Psychare"FLilleThe Circle Orboros0
10.10.Jonathan aka "Brolock"FWattrelosL'allianceThe Circle Orboros0
11.11.Olivier aka "sata"FCoudekerque BrancheKhador0
12.12.Maxime aka "svinkaL"FLilleLes 4 fantastiquesRetribution of Scyrah0
13.13.Sylvain aka "AbySSS"FLambersartLes 4 fantastiquesLegion of Everblight0
14.14.Carl aka "Carlito"FGrande SyntheIllusion gamerThe Skorne0
15.15.Damien aka "QSPainting"FMetzBlitz57The Skorne0
16.16.Steve aka "sly"BSambrevilleSweedish Switched WitchesLegion of Everblight0
17.17.Cédric aka "Forcystus"FBéthuneProtectorate of Menoth0
18.18.Guillaume aka "Tassadar-01"player-award-specialFMARQUETTE LEZ LILLETEAM No teamTrollblood0
Beschrijving van de gebruikte afkortingen (ze hoeven niet allemaal gebruikt te worden): LS= Leger Samenstelling, VS=Verf Score, ES = Eerlijk Spel, QP= Quiz Punten, AP= Andere Punten

Team resultaten (op zijn minst 2 spelers):

1.Ginyu Force (3)0.00
2.Illusion gamer (2)0.00
3.Sweedish Switched Witches (2)0.00
4.Les 4 fantastiques (3)0.00

Stads resultaten (op zijn minst 2 spelers):

1.Metz (2)0.00
2.Lille (3)0.00

Leger resultaten:

1.Retribution of Scyrah (3)0.00
2.Cygnar (1)0.00
3.Legion of Everblight (4)0.00
4.Cryx (2)0.00
5.Protectorate of Menoth (1)0.00
6.The Circle Orboros (2)0.00
7.The Skorne (3)0.00
8.Trollblood (1)0.00
9.Khador (1)0.00
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