T³ - TableTop Toernooien
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X-WING Championnat Magasin Edge - Toernooi resultaten

Spelers awards

FJérémie aka "Tamaky"player-award-bestgeneralBeste Generaal
FLaurent aka "lolopsycho"player-award-specialSpeciale Prijs - VIP
FMaxime aka "Maxime33"player-award-youngbloodYoungblood

Enkel speler resultaten:

No. Plaats Naam Oorsprong Team Leger Totaal
1.1.p1Jérémie aka "Tamaky"player-award-bestgeneralFToulouseTeam ThalosGalactic Empire20
2.2.p2Nathan aka "Ishkar"FToulouseTeam ThalosRebel Alliance20
3.3.p3Thibaut aka "Tyy"FMontpellierTeam Tableraze MontpellierScum and Villainy15
4.4.Alfredo aka "Txutxo"FLabastidetteScum and Villainy15
5.5.Patrick aka "patrack"FLa Salvetat St GilleTeam ThalosRebel Alliance15
6.6.Maxime aka "Erelone"FMontpellierTeam Tableraze MontpellierGalactic Empire15
7.7.Stéphane aka "zesteph"FLhermTeam ThalosScum and Villainy15
8.8.Gilles aka "Taraz-Boulba"FMurviel Lès MontpellTeam Tableraze MontpellierRebel Alliance15
9.9.Jacky aka "Jack_Vador"FToulouseRebel Alliance15
10.10.Patrice aka "Capitaine_xerxes"FRoques Sur GaronneRebel Alliance13
11.11.Damien aka "Trafikan"FL Isle En DodonGalactic Empire11
12.12.Laurent aka "lolopsycho"player-award-specialFToulouseTeam ThalosScum and Villainy10
13.13.Alexandre aka "lGarudal"FMurviel Lès MontpellTeam Tableraze MontpellierGalactic Empire10
14.14.Patrick aka "Chewpatca"FToulouseScum and Villainy10
15.15.Jean-Thomas aka "DoctorJanus"FToulouseGalactic Empire10
16.16.Guillaume aka "Kristarsse"FBlagnacTeam ThalosScum and Villainy10
17.17.Frederic aka "Fred2-D2"FChartresRebel Alliance10
18.18.Benoit aka "Ben-ito"FSt Laurent De CerdanLes Gobelins SolitairesGalactic Empire10
19.19.Wilfrid aka "Ender"FCestas-GazinetAdeptus ColoresRebel Alliance10
20.20.Jean aka "Jano"FToulouseLes Azes, Team ToulouseGalactic Empire10
21.21.Valérian aka "Anadidathorion"FRamonville-Saint-AgnRebel Alliance10
22.22.Sébastien aka "Ryzzen"FCastanet-TolosanTeam ThalosScum and Villainy10
23.23.Aymeric aka "S3phiroxx"FTalenceAdeptus ColoresRebel Alliance6
24.24.Guillaume aka "Feyd01_Tiberion"FVerfeilRebel Alliance6
25.25.Mathieu aka "Silkoun"FPujaudranLes AzesRebel Alliance6
26.26.Olivier aka "snipy-olive"FMartillacGalactic Empire5
27.27.Mickaël aka "Cameron"FToulouse43rd Rebel SquadronRebel Alliance5
28.28.Matthieu aka "Zeus"FEscalquensOrk n rollRebel Alliance5
29.29.Stéphane aka "LeStef"FCastanet TolosanTeam ThalosRebel Alliance5
30.30.Pierre aka "PieR2-D2"FToulouseRebel Alliance5
31.31.Benjamin aka "JediYoda"FTalenceL'équipe qui défourailleGalactic Empire3
32.32.Gris aka "l_homme_des_sables"VaourRebel Alliance3
33.33.Maevatiana aka "Maevatiana"FBordeauxAdeptus ColoresGalactic Empire0
34.34.Maxime aka "Maxime33"player-award-youngbloodFMartillacGalactic Empire0
Beschrijving van de gebruikte afkortingen (ze hoeven niet allemaal gebruikt te worden): LS= Leger Samenstelling, VS=Verf Score, ES = Eerlijk Spel, QP= Quiz Punten, AP= Andere Punten

Team resultaten (op zijn minst 2 spelers):

1.Team Tableraze Montpellier (4)13.75
2.Team Thalos (8)13.13
3.Adeptus Colores (3)5.33

Stads resultaten (op zijn minst 2 spelers):

1.Montpellier (2)15.00
2.Murviel Lès Montpell (2)12.50
3.Toulouse (9)11.67
4.Talence (2)4.50
5.Martillac (2)2.50

Leger resultaten:

1.Scum and Villainy (7)12.14
2.Rebel Alliance (16)9.31
3.Galactic Empire (11)8.55
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