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Bataille du Poitou - Edition Winter - Lijst van deelnemers

1. Christian-Benoit aka "Hookye"FCelles-Sur-Belle773Grand Alliance ChaosWargame79jaja
2. Samuel aka "DexQQ"FNiort38Grand Alliance DeathWargame79jaja
3. Gregory aka "Yroge"FVal Du Mignon806Ogor MawtribesDrak’Aunisjanee
4. Jean-Yves aka "le-coronel"FNiort627Grand Alliance Chaosjanee
5. Vivien aka "Pacstack"FSant Pardoux1058Grand Alliance OrderWargame79janee
6. Barthelemy aka "Abym"FNiort-Gloomspite GitzWargame79janee
7. Dominique aka "Random86"FMigne Auxances1327Grand Alliance OrderDrak’Aunisjanee
8. Tomasz aka "Runfixe"FBreuil-Magné190Slaves to DarknessDrak’Aunisjanee
9. Michael aka "Glacius"FVandré604Slaves to DarknessDrak'Aunisjanee
10. Martin aka "Phoenixflame"FSainte Soulle508Grand Alliance DeathDrak’Aunisjanee
11. Robert aka "RobJenx"FLa Jarrie108Grand Alliance DestructionDrak’Aunisjanee
12. (anoniem)-SylvanethLes chevaliers de la duchessejanee
13. Nicolas aka "Togi"FNantes-SeraphonLes chevaliers de la duchessejanee
14. Guillaume aka "G-1100"FAigrefeuille D'aunis39NighthauntDrak'Aunisjanee
15. Rudy aka "Rudy_Mzh"FLa Rochelle-Orruk WarclansDrak Aunisjanee
16. Matt aka "0cto"FBouvron-SkavenDé-Luminatisjanee
17. Anthony aka "Noromance"FMalville-Slaves to DarknessDé-Luminatisjanee
18. Yohan aka "Xepocado"FQuilly1200Grand Alliance ChaosDés'luminatisjanee
19. Abigael aka "Whalee"FPlessé-Grand Alliance OrderDé-Luminatisjanee
20. Antoine aka "uzagi"FBouaye412Grand Alliance Orderjaja
Geregistreerde spelers - Registratie is nog niet gefinaliseerd
21. Xavier aka "Xato"FPoitiers183The Legion of AzgorhMOFneenee
22. Quentin aka "Qu1nthus"FLille419Flesh-eater Courtsneenee
23. Vivien aka "RustyleClown"FPoitiers1105Grand Alliance Deathneenee
24. Pierre-Mikael aka "Waza"FGradignan1064Ossiarch BonereapersAdeptus coloresneenee
25. Frederic aka "muet"FLannion265Ossiarch BonereapersDé-Luminatisneenee

Leger verdeling
Grand Alliance Order:4
Grand Alliance Chaos:3
Slaves to Darkness:3
Grand Alliance Death:2
Gloomspite Gitz:1
Grand Alliance Destruction:1
Ogor Mawtribes:1
Orruk Warclans:1
Verdeling van herkomsten
Loire-Atlantique (44):7
Charente-Maritime (17):6
Deux-Sèvres (79):6
Vienne (86):1
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