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L2 - Sud-Ouest - Lijst van deelnemers

1. Vincent aka "Artanom"FBordeaux91Grand Alliance ChaosLes Griffonsja0
2. Sebastien aka "Scieachene"FBerson321Grand Alliance DeathLes Griffonsja0
3. Cyrille aka "FergusEcam"FSt Jean De Moirans500Hedonites of SlaaneshLes Griffonsja0
4. Andréas aka "Zetsu"FMérignac204Grand Alliance ChaosLes Griffonsja0
5. Kevin aka "Kekeleboucher"FBoucau120Gloomspite GitzLes Griffonsja0
6. François aka "Kozo"F33000 - BORDEAUX111Sons of BehematLes Griffonsja0
7. Bruno aka "Nibeuh"FLe Haillan60Grand Alliance DeathLes Griffonsja0
8. Erwan aka "Toucan_du_turfu"FBegles106NighthauntLes Griffonsja0
9. Clément aka "Jacknife"FToulouse167Grand Alliance DestructionFig'oxitanja0
10. Alexandre aka "Bibiou"FSaint Jean248Legions of NagashFig'oxitanja0
11. Clement aka "Azukay"FMuret267Grand Alliance ChaosFig'oxitanja0
12. Erwan aka "Pacifieur"FCornebarrieu59FyreslayersFig'oxitanja0
13. Julien aka "Jb13"FPin Justardt168Grand Alliance DeathFig'oxitanja0
14. Nicolas aka "Vil"FToulouse397Grand Alliance ChaosFig'oxitanja0
15. William aka "BlackSword"FToulouse243Daughters of KhaineFig'oxitanja0
16. Arthur aka "Magnus_wargame"FLarra495Grand Alliance DeathFig'oxitanja0
17. Xavier aka "Xato"FPoitiers230NighthauntMOF 1ja0
18. Enzo aka "Yellow_Cold_Cuba_Banana"FBayonne462NighthauntMOF 1ja0
19. Eric aka "RICOTHRAX"FBiarritz238NighthauntMOF 1ja0
20. Alexandre aka "Calas"FOndres1109NighthauntMOF 1ja0
21. Alexandre aka "aZzixPhoenix"FClermont-Ferrand867NighthauntMOF 1ja0
22. Florian aka "Cebed"FSt Quentin De Baron47NighthauntMOF 1ja0
23. Bruno aka "Doul"FAmbares528NighthauntMOF 1ja0
24. Thomas aka "Karrig"FLabouheyre121NighthauntMOF 1ja0
25. Louis aka "Huskarl"FAndernos-Les-Bains785Grand Alliance OrderGRABUJja0
26. Arthur aka "ArtOfWar"FBordeaux332Beasts of ChaosGRABUJja0
27. Philippe aka "Vindic"FLanton522Kharadron OverlordsGRABUJja0
28. Hugo aka "Astsaroth"FLe Teich772Ogor MawtribesGRABUJja0
29. Marc aka "marcvador"FMios728Grand Alliance DestructionGRABUJja0
30. Damien aka "Poete"FMérignac891Soulblight GravelordsGRABUJja0
31. Guillaume aka "laear"FGujan Mestras-NighthauntGRABUJja0
32. Arthur aka "Monsieur-Arthur"FLe Teich1156Slaves to DarknessGRABUJja0
33. Michel aka "Taliesin"FAudressein563Maggotkin of NurgleC’est Pas Fauxja0
34. Jérôme aka "Berzy"FCarcassonne376Maggotkin of NurgleC’est Pas Fauxja0
35. Christophe aka "Sebas"FFendeille447Maggotkin of NurgleC’est Pas Fauxja0
36. Antoine aka "Akira2f"FCazilhac457Maggotkin of NurgleC’est Pas Fauxja0
37. Mickael aka "Funa"FPennautier410Maggotkin of NurgleC’est Pas Fauxja0
38. Valentin aka "Tuor"FAudressein647SeraphonC’est Pas Fauxja0
39. Kevin aka "Horsten"FToulouse-Grand Alliance ChaosC’est Pas Fauxja0
40. Emile aka "Allanon"FToulouse422The Legion of AzgorhC’est Pas Fauxja0
41. Hervé aka "spartanherve"FToulouse193Grand Alliance ChaosFrackass'teamja0
42. Jean-Baptiste aka "Met_dix_ans"FClamart547Grand Alliance DeathFrackass'teamja0
43. Cedric aka "Lasril"FGennevilliers323Legions of NagashFrackass'teamja0
44. Thomas aka "Scharossar"BWoluwe-Saint-Lambert266The Legion of AzgorhFrackass'teamja0
45. Teddy aka "Valeus"FMiremont328Grand Alliance ChaosFrackass'teamja0
46. Mehdi aka "Babi"FToulouse197Grand Alliance ChaosFrackass'teamja0
47. Nicolas aka "Dadris"FToulouse313Beasts of ChaosFrackass'teamja0
48. Xavier aka "Drazharc"FToulouse330Ossiarch BonereapersFrackass'teamja0

Lijst van teams

1Les GriffonsArtanom, Scieachene, FergusEcam, Zetsu, Kekeleboucher, Kozo, Nibeuh, Toucan_du_turfu
2MOF 1Xato, Yellow_Cold_Cuba_Banana, RICOTHRAX, Calas, aZzixPhoenix, Cebed, Doul, Karrig
3Fig'oxitanJacknife, Bibiou, Azukay, Pacifieur, Jb13, Vil, BlackSword, Magnus_wargame
4GRABUJHuskarl, ArtOfWar, Vindic, Astsaroth, marcvador, Poete, laear, Monsieur-Arthur
5C’est Pas FauxTaliesin, Berzy, Sebas, Akira2f, Funa, Allanon, Tuor, Horsten
6Frackass'teamspartanherve, Met_dix_ans, Lasril, Scharossar, Valeus, Babi, Dadris, Drazharc

Leger verdeling
Grand Alliance Chaos:8
Grand Alliance Death:5
Maggotkin of Nurgle:5
Beasts of Chaos:2
Grand Alliance Destruction:2
Legions of Nagash:2
The Legion of Azgorh:2
Daughters of Khaine:1
Gloomspite Gitz:1
Grand Alliance Order:1
Hedonites of Slaanesh:1
Kharadron Overlords:1
Ogor Mawtribes:1
Ossiarch Bonereapers:1
Slaves to Darkness:1
Sons of Behemat:1
Soulblight Gravelords:1
Verdeling van herkomsten
Gironde (33):16
Haute-Garonne (31):15
Aude (11):4
Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64):3
Ariège (09):2
Landes (40):2
Hauts-de-Seine (92):2
Aveyron (12):1
Isère (38):1
Puy-de-Dôme (63):1
Vienne (86):1
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