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EDIL Combat Patrol 2024 2ème édition - Lijst van deelnemers

1. Hugo aka "Gaow"FBègles331Space Marinesja
2. Yohan aka "Lestat33"FLe Bouscat306T'au EmpireLes Cuillères en boisja
3. Ariane aka "calypso"FBordeaux425Genestealer Cultsja
4. Florent aka "Moufette"FBordeaux945Thousand Sonsja
5. Vianney D.FBordeaux-Dark Angelsja
6. Anthony aka "GivraL"FBordeaux1040Adeptus Custodesja
7. Michael aka "Vankoultis"FCarbon-Blanc1435Chaos Space Marinesja
8. Julien aka "Ptitju"FVillenave D'ornon-Eldarja
9. Jérémy aka "GrM"FBordeaux330Leagues of Votannja
10. Kevin aka "Bushette"FBordeaux354Necronsja

Leger verdeling
Adeptus Custodes:1
Chaos Space Marines:1
Dark Angels:1
Genestealer Cults:1
Leagues of Votann:1
Space Marines:1
T'au Empire:1
Thousand Sons:1
Verdeling van herkomsten
Gironde (33):10
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