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Mootland Team Championship #2 - Lijst van deelnemers

1. Charles aka "kikipou"F007 Ponnecra301The Vermin SwarmLRA 10 ans aprèsjanee
2. Vincent aka "pti_vincent"FLyon20Warriors of the Dark GodsC3Fjanee
3. Christophe aka "Christophe63"FLe Breuil637Dwarven HoldsTeam burgonde 2janee
4. Cedric aka "yellowchicken"FDijon372The Vermin SwarmTeam burgonde 2janee
5. Paul aka "Dalamyre"FDijon119Ogre KhansTeam burgonde 2janee
6. Gérald aka "Groumbahk"FRuffey Les Echirey285Daemon LegionsTeam Burgondejanee
7. Manuel aka "T9A_Eru"FMontiéramey514Ogre KhansTeam Burgondejanee
8. Lionel aka "Desd"FMontpellier54Warriors of the Dark GodsTeam Burgondejanee
9. Jacques-Antoine aka "Jackot"FDijon285Kingdom of EquitaineTeam Burgondejanee
10. Benjamin aka "grand_frere"FVillié-Morgon763Highborn ElvesTeam Caladejanee
11. Fabian aka "Fledoux"FChazay d'Azergues745Vampire CovenantTeam Caladejanee
12. Érick aka "howloon"FVille Sur Jarnioux503Dwarven HoldsTeam Caladejanee
13. Antoine aka "Toul"FLyon829Saurian AncientsTeam Caladejanee
14. Jérémie aka "Cheveux"FAngers9The Vermin SwarmAnonynoobz - The Farce Awakensjanee
15. Aymeric aka "zami"FLa Chapelle du Bard595Saurian AncientsAnonynoobz - The Farce Awakensjanee
16. Kévin aka "xekaar"FSeyssins228Ogre KhansAnonynoobz - The Farce Awakensjanee
17. Laurent aka "MysticAngel"FGerbaix112Vampire CovenantAnonynoobz - The Farce Awakensjanee
18. Pierre aka "Petrus-"FDijon136Dread ElvesTeam Burgonde 3janee
19. Mael aka "Tartuffe"FSaint-Apollinaire971Infernal DwarvesTeam Burgonde 3janee
20. Jérémy aka "Pretorkos"FPont-Evêque626Beast HerdsTeam Burgonde 3janee
21. Stéphane aka "Sleekit"FLongvic367Daemon LegionsTeam Burgonde 3janee
22. (anoniem)-Saurian AncientsLes résistants battle 2janee
23. Romain aka "voltar_"FSuresnes530Beast HerdsLes résistants battle 2janee
24. Baptiste aka "Braxx"FVeneux-les-Sablons104Dwarven HoldsLes résistants battle 2janee
25. Romain aka "Audin"FCachan168Highborn ElvesLes résistants battle 2janee
26. Guillaume aka "Skalf"FLyon37Empire of SonnstahlLRA 10 ans aprèsjanee
27. Simon aka "Fromagefondu"FCHATILLON-EN-MICHAILLE148Orcs and GoblinsLes résistants battlejanee
28. Camille aka "Hebus_"FMontrabé19Saurian AncientsJeux Tablejanee
29. Presumey aka "kpcien"FDrom126Empire of SonnstahlLes résistants battlejanee
30. Cyril aka "Gondin"FLavaur567The Vermin SwarmJeux Tablejanee
31. Vivien aka "Trip"FRoquevidal264Empire of SonnstahlJeux Tablejanee
32. Emmanuel aka "Dolboth"FToulouse60Daemon LegionsJeux Tablejanee
33. Marc aka "Sorrente"FBordeaux-Dread ElvesLes résistants battlejanee
34. Xavier aka "FlintBMacFlanagan"FMorance30Vampire Covenantjeune garde de lyonjanee
35. Vincent aka "Morkin"FAmberieu En Bugey55Warriors of the Dark Godsjeune garde de lyonjanee
36. Amaury aka "FlintJunior"FMorance88Daemon Legionsjeune garde de lyonjanee
37. Pierre aka "Tharbak"FParis32Saurian Ancientsles chevaliers de la table rasejanee
38. Adrien aka "Ikit976"FSaint-Denis110The Vermin Swarmles chevaliers de la table rasejanee
39. Louis-Marie aka "Aegitru"FParis214Warriors of the Dark Godsles chevaliers de la table rasejanee
40. Sami aka "Galdenos"FChatillon274Vampire Covenantles chevaliers de la table rasejanee
41. Leroy aka "Grolup"FVERSAILLEUX613Dwarven Holdsjeune garde de lyonjanee
42. César aka "Meuh"FToulouse298Empire of SonnstahlOrk & Tablejanee
43. Lionel aka "wingaal"FRoquesérière59Beast HerdsOrk & Tablejanee
44. Greg aka "azrael2"FAlbi525Infernal DwarvesOrk & Tablejanee
45. Bruno aka "Leloup"FMontpellier515Vampire CovenantDreams teamjanee
46. Rudy Luciano aka "Mel"FGrigny95Beast HerdsDreams teamjanee
47. Yann aka "Shizuu"FLyon4Daemon LegionsDreams teamjanee
48. Nicolas aka "mercos"Fnantes440Infernal DwarvesPDL1janee
49. Guillaume aka "Gozher"FNantes319Orcs and GoblinsPDL1janee
50. Loïc aka "Chareos"FNantes8Ogre KhansPDL1janee
51. Julien aka "Solkiss"FSaint Pierre de Mésage10Warriors of the Dark GodsLes papas du Sudjanee
52. Louis aka "Juggernaut"FGrandfontaine42Dread ElvesLes papas du Sudjanee
53. Pierre-Emmanuel aka "Gilg248"FNice6Dwarven HoldsLes papas du Sudjanee
54. Dimitri aka "mortis06"FCantaron125Vampire CovenantLes papas du Sudjanee
55. Paul aka "Polo-la-lune"FNantes494Dread ElvesPDL1janee
56. Jonathan aka "Kroxi38"FChazelles-sur-Lyon183Daemon Legions1DTroyesjanee
57. Guillaume aka "Vollen"FTroyes284Dwarven Holds1DTroyesjanee
58. Ludovic aka "ludmar"FSaint Lyé295Ogre Khans1DTroyesjanee
59. Raphaël aka "le_roi_liche"FHuttenheim33The Vermin SwarmKYchLO RENjanee
60. Julien aka "kraichti"FZillisheim87Warriors of the Dark GodsKYchLO RENjanee
61. Maxime aka "yajirobe68"FMulhouse227Dwarven HoldsKYchLO RENjanee
62. Nicolas aka "Toutancarton"FBourdeaux72Highborn ElvesLes Joyeux cons peintjanee
63. Thomas1 aka "tox"FBesançon210Undying DynastiesLes Joyeux cons peintjanee
64. Benjamin aka "Brutal"FLes Velluire sur Vendée91Daemon LegionsLes chevaliers de la duchiassejanee
65. Cyril Jean aka "Tiamat83"FNantes85The Vermin SwarmLes chevaliers de la duchiassejanee
66. Maxime aka "sysnow"FNantes309Ogre KhansLes chevaliers de la duchiassejanee
67. Nicolas aka "AshBanzai"FBouguenais7Dwarven HoldsLes chevaliers de la duchiassejanee
68. Arthur aka "MeuhMeuh"FLyon466Dwarven HoldsLes Joyeux cons peintjanee
69. Steven aka "Ezekiel57"FNancy261Undying DynastiesEnfantacidejanee
70. Olivier aka "Nico57"FChatel St Germain270Dwarven HoldsEnfantacidejanee
71. Matthieu aka "Berlioz"FToulouse154Saurian AncientsEnfantacidejanee
72. Gaspard aka "Gaspaccio"FCrest28Orcs and GoblinsEnfantacidejanee
73. Danny aka "Shinoa"FLA GARDE259Dread ElvesLes Chupacabrasjanee
74. Renaud aka "Renork"FHyères344Orcs and GoblinsLes Chupacabrasjanee
75. Antoine aka "flyhunter"FSaint Martin De Valamas365Vampire CovenantLes Chupacabrasjanee
76. Kévin aka "Sibelgo"FBourgoin-Jallieu233Warriors of the Dark Gods1DTroyesjanee
77. Tanguy aka "Crush-dur"FLyon304Vampire CovenantLes Joyeux cons peintjanee
78. Romain aka "sallustre"FKirchheim185Kingdom of EquitaineKYchLO RENjanee
79. Jean-Cyrille aka "valius-lisanus"FTours106Orcs and GoblinsLes Résistants Battle 1janee
80. Florian aka "bouffy"FParis335Highborn ElvesLes Résistants Battle 1janee
81. Maxime aka "Mweax"FParis143Dwarven HoldsLes Résistants Battle 1janee
82. Alexandre aka "Seven"FRouen52Vampire CovenantLes Résistants Battle 1janee
83. Bertrand aka "superchinois"FAlès160Highborn ElvesMOGAjanee
84. Alex aka "Scorbol"FMontpellier163Empire of SonnstahlMOGAjanee
85. Gabriel aka "Gabiox"FLyon468Saurian AncientsMOGAjanee
86. Jérémie aka "Dego"FMontpellier232Dread ElvesMOGAjanee
87. Jérémy aka "BilliG"FSavigneux581Kingdom of EquitaineC3Fjanee
88. Jean-Philippe aka "Djine"FVilleurbanne29Orcs and GoblinsC3Fjanee
89. Mathieu aka "Stach"FFraisses615Dread ElvesC3Fjanee
90. Julien aka "Mimoteph"FSaint-Laurent-d'Agny31Saurian AncientsLRA 10 ans aprèsjanee
91. Yannick aka "Scop"FLyon273Kingdom of EquitaineLRA 10 ans aprèsjanee
92. Hadrien aka "Corax92"FLevallois-Perret141Ogre KhansLes résistants battlejanee
93. Maxime aka "d_Estro"FToulouse386Kingdom of EquitaineOrk & Tablejanee
94. Franck aka "Aesanar"FCernay-Highborn ElvesDreams teamjanee
95. Michael aka "archaon38"FParmilieu-Sylvan ElvesTeam burgonde 2janee
96. Alexandre aka "marsky"FDoissin-Ogre KhansLes Chupacabrasjanee

Lijst van teams

1Anonynoobz - The Farce AwakensCheveux, zami, xekaar, MysticAngel
2Team Caladegrand_frere, Fledoux, howloon, Toul
3jeune garde de lyonFlintBMacFlanagan, FlintJunior, Morkin, Grolup
4Dreams teamLeloup, Mel, Shizuu, Aesanar
5Les Joyeux cons peintToutancarton, MeuhMeuh, tox, Crush-dur
6Ork & TableMeuh, wingaal, azrael2, d_Estro
7Les résistants battlekpcien, Fromagefondu, Sorrente, Corax92
8les chevaliers de la table raseIkit976, Tharbak, Galdenos, Aegitru
9Les résistants battle 2(anoniem), voltar_, Braxx, Audin
10LRA 10 ans aprèskikipou, Skalf, Mimoteph, Scop
11Les papas du SudSolkiss, Juggernaut, Gilg248, mortis06
12Jeux TableHebus_, Gondin, Trip, Dolboth
13Team BurgondeT9A_Eru, Desd, Groumbahk, Jackot
14Les Résistants Battle 1Seven, Mweax, bouffy, valius-lisanus
15EnfantacideEzekiel57, Nico57, Berlioz, Gaspaccio
16Team burgonde 2Christophe63, yellowchicken, Dalamyre, archaon38
17Team Burgonde 3Petrus-, Tartuffe, Pretorkos, Sleekit
18KYchLO RENle_roi_liche, kraichti, yajirobe68, sallustre
191DTroyesKroxi38, Vollen, ludmar, Sibelgo
20Les chevaliers de la duchiasseBrutal, AshBanzai, sysnow, Tiamat83
21PDL1mercos, Gozher, Chareos, Polo-la-lune
22MOGAsuperchinois, Scorbol, Gabiox, Dego
23Les ChupacabrasRenork, flyhunter, Shinoa, marsky
24C3Fpti_vincent, BilliG, Djine, Stach

Leger verdeling
Dwarven Holds:11
Vampire Covenant:9
Ogre Khans:8
Saurian Ancients:8
Daemon Legions:7
Dread Elves:7
The Vermin Swarm:7
Warriors of the Dark Gods:7
Highborn Elves:6
Orcs and Goblins:6
Empire of Sonnstahl:5
Kingdom of Equitaine:5
Beast Herds:4
Infernal Dwarves:3
Undying Dynasties:2
Sylvan Elves:1
Verdeling van herkomsten
Rhône (69):17
Côte-d'Or (21):7
Loire-Atlantique (44):7
Haute-Garonne (31):6
Isère (38):5
Ain (01):4
Hérault (34):4
Hauts-de-Seine (92):4
Aube (10):3
Loire (42):3
Paris (75):3
Tarn (81):3
Alpes-Maritimes (06):2
Doubs (25):2
Drôme (26):2
Bas-Rhin (67):2
Haut-Rhin (68):2
Var (83):2
Ardèche (07):1
Gard (30):1
Gironde (33):1
Indre-et-Loire (37):1
Maine-et-Loire (49):1
Meurthe-et-Moselle (54):1
Moselle (57):1
Nord (59):1
Saône-et-Loire (71):1
Savoie (73):1
Seine-Maritime (76):1
Seine-et-Marne (77):1
Vendée (85):1
Seine-Saint-Denis (93):1
Val-de-Marne (94):1
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