Hammer & Bolters - Duo Tournament |
Beschrijving: Charge fee 25€ per team of 2 players - 24 team - 12 tables - Special duo missions
Rule pack available under information and rules
*After play testing we have alter mission 1 slightly, heart of the defense can only be scored as of the 2nd battle round.
Updated rule pack:
Organisator: Antaios (Contact)
Spelsysteem: Warhammer 40K (W40K)
Start: 17-11-24 09:00
Einde: 17-11-24 16:00
Zetels: 48
Charge: 25 €
Clubhouse Tin Soldiers of AntwerpLeugenberg 187/22180 EkerenBelgië
Website: https://tsoa.be https://www.tabletoptournaments.net/nl/t3_tournament.php?tid=36166
Lading:67% Info: Het toernooi is beëindigd
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