[DSS] NK Qualifier Groningen 19 maart 2016 Masters format |
Beschrijving: 4 round tournament part of the Dutch Steamroller Series. Will use the Masters format, so players can play with ADR.
Organisator: raven_guard (Contact)
Spelsysteem: Warmachine (WM)
Start: 19-03-16 10:00
Einde: 19-03-16 19:30
Zetels: 16
Charge: 8 €
Purperen DraakNieuwe Ebbingestraat 86a9712 GroningenNederland
Website: http://www.gwhobby.net/forum/index.php https://www.tabletoptournaments.net/nl/t3_tournament.php?tid=15990
Lading:81% Info: Het toernooi is beëindigd
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