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Spellenclubs - La légion celte

Club Details
Naam: La légion celte
Contact: Bigbi70 (Contact), Gueute (Contact)
Ontmoetingplaats: Maison du ty dour
Adres: 1 rue du ty dour
29600 Morlaix
Beschrijving: Club jdr et figurines
Jeux pratiqués : warhammer 40k, age of sigmar, Bolt action, saga, pillage, hobgoblin, warhammer the old world
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LedenTabletopsClub plaatsingToernooien

Warhammer 40K (3)


SAGA (2)


Warhammer Age of Sigmar (2)


Warhammer: The Old World (2)


Bolt Action (1)


Blood Bowl

Star Wars: Legion


OPR Grimdark Future

OPR Age of Fantasy

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