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EuroGT XVII WH - Turnierbewertung

Eigene Bewertung abgeben



Sehr Gut (1.1)

Erreichbarkeit top-rating
Sehr Gut (1)
Parkplätze top-rating
Sehr Gut (1.3)
Veranstaltungsort top-rating
Sehr Gut (1)
Platzangebot top-rating
Sehr Gut (1)
Sanitäre Anlagen top-rating
Sehr Gut (1)
Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten top-rating
Sehr Gut (1)


Sehr Gut (1.4)

Ablauf top-rating
Sehr Gut (1.3)
Ordnung top-rating
Sehr Gut (1.3)
Zeitplan top-rating
Sehr Gut (1.3)
Gut (1.7)
Schiedsrichter top-rating
Sehr Gut (1)


Sehr Gut (1.5)

Gut (2)
Spieltische top-rating
Sehr Gut (1)
Gelände top-rating
Sehr Gut (1)
Gegnerische Armeelisten 
Gut (2)


Sehr Gut (1.2)

Auswahl top-rating
Sehr Gut (1)
Gut (1.5)
Geschmack top-rating
Sehr Gut (1)

Abgegebene Stimmen: 3 / 12 (25%)

Kommentare* zum Turnier (3)

a great tournament (how every year), nice peoples, nice games full in the spirit of the event. I only missed any guys from the last years (means the complete english-gang, some Austrians) and I missed the Mortheim-boys.The canceling of the third game-system takes a lot of the fun for the meta-game. I`m hopefull looking forward that there will be a EURO-GT in the next year, where ever it will stay.
Big thank to Jürgen and the crew.


A big thanx to everyone involved in organizing this edition of the EuroGT! I had a great time :-)


hi guys,
Thank you once they have made ​​to the organizers for the work.
Some comments on WHF,
to me it was a lot of fun in an informal setting with very nice opponent to play. Thank you to all my opponents.
For next time, however, one or two people make correct rules for the slaughter.
There were quite a few questions have been raised regarding the rules. Even if it was a casual event, it still needs a few rules for the armies.
I think one of us from London can take this love and commanding control to adjust the corresponding edition.

Cost of the tournament,
€ 75.00 I think a lot of money and can not be worn by all. A control with the option of a dinner I would think was reasonable. That would have probably attracted more people to the tournament.
Maybe even in the other systems. The one with the soft drinks I found in order, and it would have been perfectly feasible to be included with the coffee.
The costs this matter are quite high. :-)

Otherwise it was great fun and I think we see again next year.
Greetings Andi

* Kommentare sind keine Pflichtangaben der Bewertung und lassen keinen Rückschluss auf die Anzahl der abgegeben Stimmen zu.
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