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TC SaarHammer - Organized Play No4 - Tournament Results

Players' Awards

DAndreas aka "Lamb3rman"player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Mischa aka "LoonFox"DKaiserslauternDie WürfelbäckereiGrand Alliance Order3044
2.2.p2Uli aka "MsChaos"DMannheimCrown of ChampionsSoulblight Gravelords3038
3.3.p3Andreas aka "Lamb3rman"player-award-bestpaintedDSpeyerCharge of DisrespectOrruk Warclans2041
4.4.Ageo aka "BenjiSantiago"DKaiserslauternDaughters of KharenDaughters of Khaine2041
5.5.Daniel aka "NotSure"DMerchweilerDie WürfelbäckereiIdoneth Deepkin2037
6.6.Philipp aka "Kodama"DKaiserslauternDie WürfelbäckereiDisciples of Tzeentch2032
7.7.Jannis aka "SirPent"DSaarbrückenTC SaarHammerKharadron Overlords2031
8.8.Robin aka "Rob_Juggernaut"DSchmelzAWA echt! TabletopSlaves to Darkness1029
9.9.Alexander aka "Elmo76"DSpeyerCrown of ChampionsGloomspite Gitz1028
10.10.Dietmar aka "blackbass01"DHockenheimCrown of ChampionsHedonites of Slaanesh1025
11.11.Thomas aka "Jumbo"DSaarbrückenTC SaarHammerSlaves to Darkness1021
12.12.Tristan aka "Engine"DSchmelzAWA echt! TabletopOgor Mawtribes1018
13.13.Aaron aka "Rediblackdragon"DKindsbachDaughters of KharenSkaven20
14.14.Florian aka "Cantusmortis"DHeidelbergCrown of ChampionsNighthaunt15
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.Die Würfelbäckerei (3)2371.00
2.TC SaarHammer (2)1526.00
3.Crown of Champions (4)1276.50
4.Daughters of Kharen (2)1030.50
5.AWA echt! Tabletop (2)1023.50

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Kaiserslautern (3)2372.33
2.Speyer (2)1534.50
3.Saarbrücken (2)1526.00
4.Schmelz (2)1023.50

Army Results:

1.Grand Alliance Order (1)3044.00
2.Soulblight Gravelords (1)3038.00
3.Daughters of Khaine (1)2041.00
4.Orruk Warclans (1)2041.00
5.Idoneth Deepkin (1)2037.00
6.Disciples of Tzeentch (1)2032.00
7.Kharadron Overlords (1)2031.00
8.Gloomspite Gitz (1)1028.00
9.Hedonites of Slaanesh (1)1025.00
10.Slaves to Darkness (2)1025.00
11.Ogor Mawtribes (1)1018.00
12.Skaven (1)20.00
13.Nighthaunt (1)15.00
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