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HTL -1. Berliner Herr der Ringe und Hobbit Meisterschaft 2017- - Tournament Results

Players' Awards

DEnnio aka "SchlachtenGurke"player-award-youngbloodYoungblood
DLukas aka "Chiruku"player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
DTim aka "Rescrus"player-award-quizmasterQuizmaster

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Andreas aka "Ahmos"DHamburgTeam NordfrontMinas Tirith120
2.2.p2Dennis aka "Drakaria"DHamburgTeam NordfrontGoblin Town100
3.3.p3Byron aka "Grueno"DHamburgTeam NordfrontThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains95
4.4.Anas aka "Isnogud"DCottbusGummibeornbandeThe Wizards95
5.5.Ennio aka "SchlachtenGurke"player-award-youngbloodDRauenGummibeornbandeAngmar80
6.6.Nick aka "Embravo"DHamburgTeam NordfrontRivendell80
7.7.Paul aka "Ragon"DBerlinGummibeornbandeThe Wild Men of Drúadan Forest80
8.8.Tim aka "Icebone"DBrandenburgTeam OstfrontArnor75
9.9.Tim aka "Timjey"DRellingenTeam NordfrontThe Army of Lake-town75
10.10.Tim aka "Rescrus"player-award-quizmasterDDresdenTeam OstfrontArnor75
11.11.Johannes aka "Mondil"DGüstrowEastern Kingdoms75
12.12.Philipp aka "Phantomfall"DBerlinTeam OstfrontThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains75
13.13.Josua aka "meleh"DBerlinTeam OstfrontThe Shire70
14.14.Richard aka "Rich88"DBerlinGummibeornbandeMonsters of Middle-Earth65
15.15.Stefan aka "Hugyyy"DLütjenseeTeam NordfrontThe Dead of Dunharrow60
16.16.Meiko aka "MeikORIA"DBerlinMoria60
17.17.Christoph-Tobias aka "Prokyon"DKembergTeam OstfrontThe Riders of Eorl60
18.18.Gabriel aka "Gundulf"DLeipzigHTL ConnewitzMoria60
19.19.Martin Q.DBerlinGummibeornbandeThe Fellowship60
20.20.Tim aka "Timalexander"DBerlinGummibeornbandeMoria55
21.21.Lukas aka "Tiuz"DBerlinGummibeornbandeIsengard50
22.22.Tom aka "BananaJoe"DFrankfurt (Oder)GummibeornbandeThe Easterlings50
23.23.Marcel aka "m3tus"DHamburgTeam NordfrontMonsters of Middle-Earth50
24.24.Lukas aka "Chiruku"player-award-bestpaintedDLeipzigHTL ConnewitzMoria50
25.25.Patrick aka "Ragroth"DBerlinGummibeornbandeElrond's Household50
26.26.Paul aka "Enir"DBerlinUmbar50
27.27.Christian aka "Pelennorfarmer"DBeeskowMinas Morgul45
28.28.Lennert aka "Merkava"DLeipzigHTL ConnewitzRivendell45
29.29.Tom aka "Sinthoras14"DBerlinAzog's Hunters45
30.30.Franki aka "BrauseKrause"DBerlinThranduil's Halls40
31.31.Fabian aka "Schmuel"DLeipzigHTL ConnewitzThe Grey Company40
32.32.Jakob aka "SiriusLee"DBerlinTeam OstfrontDurin's Folk40
33.33.Johannes aka "RemoLade"DBerlinTeam OstfrontIsengard35
34.34.Marvin aka "AlteMarv"DFredersdorf-VogelsdorfTeam OstfrontGarrison of Dale30
35.35.Kai aka "Rancor"DBerlinmuskeltiereThe Army of the High King20
36.36.Marc aka "Mutzi"DBerlinRivendell5
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.Team Nordfront (7)82.86
2.Gummibeornbande (9)65.00
3.Team Ostfront (8)57.50
4.HTL Connewitz (4)48.75

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Hamburg (5)89.00
2.Berlin (16)50.00
3.Leipzig (4)48.75

Army Results:

1.Minas Tirith (1)120.00
2.Goblin Town (1)100.00
3.The Wizards (1)95.00
4.The Eagles of the Misty Mountains (2)85.00
5.The Wild Men of Drúadan Forest (1)80.00
6.Angmar (1)80.00
7.Arnor (2)75.00
8.The Army of Lake-town (1)75.00
9.Eastern Kingdoms (1)75.00
10.The Shire (1)70.00
11.The Fellowship (1)60.00
12.The Riders of Eorl (1)60.00
13.The Dead of Dunharrow (1)60.00
14.Monsters of Middle-Earth (2)57.50
15.Moria (3)56.67
16.Moria (1)55.00
17.Umbar (1)50.00
18.The Easterlings (1)50.00
19.Elrond's Household (1)50.00
20.Azog's Hunters (1)45.00
21.Minas Morgul (1)45.00
22.Rivendell (3)43.33
23.Isengard (2)42.50
24.Thranduil's Halls (1)40.00
25.The Grey Company (1)40.00
26.Durin's Folk (1)40.00
27.Garrison of Dale (1)30.00
28.The Army of the High King (1)20.00
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