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Tournament Results - Hobby One Episode X

Players' Awards

BHugo aka "Orik_du_Cartel"player-award-youngbloodYoungblood
BOlivier aka "bong"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Amiral suicide
BVincent aka "Slipdebain"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - dernier verre
BYves aka "RookiePilot"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Amiral Zen

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Army Total
Nicolas aka "Nico_85"BAmayGalactic Empire0
Jean-Christophe aka "ducfeanor"BWavreRebel Alliance0
2.2.SilverAll guns blazing3
Véronique aka "Dobbydudu"BLambermontScum and Villainy0
Jean-Francois aka "Bfg9999"BHeusyScum and Villainy0
Gaëtan aka "Arzif"BJambesGalactic Empire0
Benoît aka "Aslar"BNamurRebel Alliance0
4.4.Bantha trainer2
Laurent aka "Auramagma"BHognoulScum and Villainy0
Olivier aka "bong"player-award-specialBLiègeRebel Alliance0
5.5.roXor Team2
Frederic aka "CKlink"BHermalle Sous ArgenteauScum and Villainy0
Boark aka "Interloper"BLiègeGalactic Empire0
6.6.Z.S.M.F.C la bonne1
Vincent aka "Slipdebain"player-award-specialBNamurGalactic Empire0
Benoit aka "Gyasi"BNamurScum and Villainy0
7.7.Jawa Juice1
Fred aka "Granger"BFlawinneRebel Alliance0
Hugo aka "Orik_du_Cartel"player-award-youngbloodBFlawinneGalactic Empire0
8.8.Suicide Squad0
Quentin aka "Gauvain"BNamurGalactic Empire0
Yves aka "RookiePilot"player-award-specialBSpyScum and Villainy0
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Liège (2)2.00
2.Flawinne (2)1.00
2.Namur (4)1.00

Army Results:

1.Rebel Alliance (4)2.25
2.Scum and Villainy (6)1.83
3.Galactic Empire (6)1.67
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