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Holoclash Nr.8 - Warhammer 40K - Tag Team Turnier - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Felix aka "Artimec"DUelsen2440Adeptus MechanicusKritische Trefferfreundeno
2. Adrian aka "Adek"DRheine1684Imperial KnightsEmstroopersno
3. Niels aka "Nelson85"DNordrhein-Westfalen - Rheine1655NecronsEmstroopersno
4. Sven aka "Hanni5034"DDresden2440Adeptus CustodesKritische Trefferfreundeno
5. Tobias aka "Gismotion"DEmsdetten851OrksTERRAno
6. (anonym)-Blood AngelsTERRAno
7. Tom aka "Goldjunge"DNordhorn-Death GuardPlague Eatersno
8. Christian aka "Christian_1"DEmlichheim-World EatersPlague Eatersno
9. Martin aka "mattinm"DWietmarschen1837TyranidsSpaßno
10. (anonym)-NecronsSpaßno
11. Jan aka "JanSabo"DWettringen1414TyranidsAssimilation Protocolno
12. Jan aka "Tinker"DLingen1414NecronsAssimilation Protocolno
13. Lukas aka "MasterLuke2nd"DLingen541DrukhariTwisted Mindsno
14. Malte aka "Marute"DMünster548Blood AngelsTwisted Mindsno
15. Jan aka "Badger"DRheine288Thousand SonsEmstroopers 2no
16. (anonym)-World EatersEmstroopers 2no
17. Johannes W.DLingen-Eldar6,02214076 · 10^23no
18. (anonym)-Dark Angels6,02214076 · 10^23no
19. (anonym)-World Eatersblood and bileno
20. Sebastian aka "Freakazoid_"DLingen1691Tyranidsblood and bileno

List of teams

Registered teams
1Kritische TrefferfreundeArtimec, Hanni5034
2EmstroopersAdek, Nelson85
3TERRAGismotion, (anonym)
4Plague EatersGoldjunge, Christian_1
5Spaßmattinm, (anonym)
6Assimilation ProtocolJanSabo, Tinker
7Twisted MindsMasterLuke2nd, Marute
8Emstroopers 2Badger, (anonym)
96,02214076 · 10^23Johannes W., (anonym)
10blood and bile(anonym), Freakazoid_

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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