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Étape Retour Poule Haute Ligue 2 Lille - by COTAN - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Vianney aka "Karoningor"FLille43Grand Alliance DeathNorth Lionsno
2. Matthieu aka "LUPETTE"FBezannes181Disciples of TzeentchDuo Ludisno
3. Thomas aka "Scharossar"BWoluwe-Saint-Lambert231The Legion of AzgorhBrotherhoodno
4. Maxime aka "Woodhell"BBruxelles606Idoneth DeepkinBrotherhoodno
5. Gregory aka "GregoryC"FHerrlisheim329Kharadron OverlordsStrastégieno
6. Raphaël aka "Garradon"FFéy66SeraphonStrastégieno
7. Timothy aka "Docteur_Gang"FSelestat187Stormcast EternalsStrastégieno
8. Romain aka "ErfMan"FDijon194Stormcast EternalsFist'O'Beurreno
9. Clément aka "Morbrock"FRonchin313Grand Alliance ChaosNorth Lionsno
10. David aka "Beelzebub69"FPfaffenheim981Grand Alliance ChaosStrastégieno
11. Fabien aka "Ymh"FPéronne107Grand Alliance OrderDuo Ludisno
12. Florent aka "Morativi"FSoissons283Ogor MawtribesDuo Ludisno
13. Daniel aka "Uthred"FCharleville-Mézières381Soulblight GravelordsDuo Ludisno
14. Pierre aka "Lalune"FBétheny184Gloomspite GitzDuo Ludisno
15. Eliot aka "Paugo"FReims400Gloomspite GitzDuo Ludisno

List of teams

Registered teams
1North LionsKaroningor, Morbrock
2Duo LudisLUPETTE, Ymh, Morativi, Uthred, Lalune, Paugo
3BrotherhoodScharossar, Woodhell
4StrastégieGregoryC, Garradon, Docteur_Gang, Beelzebub69

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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