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Ligue 40K des Forges de Lumière - Saison 2024 / 2025 - Partie 4 - List of Participants

1. Greg aka "KAISER81"FAlbi76Astra MilitarumUnicorn Bolter Poweryesyes
2. Armand aka "Kantor81"FCastres31Chaos Space MarinesLe Catachan de Labruguièreyesyes
3. David aka "aries44"FPamiers-Adeptus Custodesyesyes
4. Benoit aka "Lordprout"FRieux Volvestre7552Imperial Knightsyesyes
5. Gus aka "Chaoslord09"FLapenne212NecronsFlame-onyesyes

Distribution of Armies
Adeptus Custodes:1
Astra Militarum:1
Chaos Space Marines:1
Imperial Knights:1
Distribution of Origins
Ariège (09):2
Tarn (81):2
Haute-Garonne (31):1
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