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Warhammer underwolrd à l'antre jeu 1 - List of Participants

1. Arthur aka "Reploid"FLimoges142Stormsire's CursebreakersTemple du jeuyes
2. Sacha aka "Skwal"FLimoges120Magore’s FiendsTemple du jeuyes
3. (anonym)-The Farstridersyes
4. Laurent aka "Auspex"FLa Forêt du Temple54Thundrik's Profiteersyes
5. Maxime aka "Shuun"FLimoges-Steelheart's Championsyes
6. Amaury aka "Deceiver89"FLimoges-Thorns of the Briar Queenyes
7. Thomas aka "Georgio"FRilhac-Rancon137Ylthari's Guardiansyes
8. Alexandre aka "Alex33"FSaint-Maurice-Les-Brousses192Ylthari's Guardiansno
9. Philippe aka "Metroide"FCondat Sur Vienne289Ironskull's Boyzno

Distribution of Armies
Ylthari's Guardians:2
Ironskull's Boyz:1
Magore’s Fiends:1
Steelheart's Champions:1
Stormsire's Cursebreakers:1
The Farstriders:1
Thorns of the Briar Queen:1
Thundrik's Profiteers:1
Distribution of Origins
Haute-Vienne (87):8
Creuse (23):1
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