9. Offizielles Freebooter's Fate-Turnier - Team-Geplänkel |
Description: Weitere Details folgen
Organizers: Freebooter_Miniatures (Contact), Nirnaeth (Contact)
Gamesystem: Freebooter's Fate (FF) - Team Tournament
Team size: 2 players per team
Start: 2025-07-19 10:00
End: 2025-07-19 19:30
Seats: 32
Charge: 1 €
Vereinsheim Würfelgötter e.V.Rombergskamp 1045894 Gelsenkirchen Germany
Website: https://www.freebooterminiatures.de/ https://www.tabletoptournaments.net/it/t3_tournament.php?tid=37841
Info: The registration phase will be open manually by the organizer team.
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