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Tournament Results - Katounga/Indicible - Le Tournoi des 4 Mousquetaires

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Army Total
1.1.GoldLa BM c’est la vie139
Franck aka "Elundara"FValenceSeraphon51
Remi aka "Hartank"FChanosOrruk Warclans35
Samuel aka "Quatre_26"FCornasBlades of Khorne34
Jordan aka "NAIN-BUS-2000"FBesayesSlaves to Darkness19
2.2.SilverNemausus Squamae129
Bruno aka "Runepapa"FGajanKharadron Overlords40
Vincent aka "Panbagnat"FNîmesBlades of Khorne37
William aka "Wiwox"FNîmesMaggotkin of Nurgle29
Leo aka "Kingofka0"FMontaren-et-Saint-MédiersIdoneth Deepkin23
3.3.BronzeLes Indicibles126
Guillaume aka "Panda-One"FAmbérieu-En-BugeyMaggotkin of Nurgle43
Laurent aka "Dweeps"FPortes Lès ValenceNighthaunt43
Nicolas aka "Blackwind26"FValenceGloomspite Gitz25
Sylvain aka "Kenou"FCerdonSeraphon15
4.4.Zouzous united86
Cedric aka "Telegraf"FEtoile-Sur-RhôneFlesh-eater Courts26
(anonym)Stormcast Eternals25
Raphael aka "Farael"FSaint VallierOssiarch Bonereapers20
Romain aka "kazor"FLa Voulte Sur RhoneOrruk Warclans15
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Valence (2)38.00
2.Nîmes (2)33.00

Army Results:

1.Nighthaunt (1)43.00
2.Kharadron Overlords (1)40.00
3.Maggotkin of Nurgle (2)36.00
4.Blades of Khorne (2)35.50
5.Seraphon (2)33.00
6.Flesh-eater Courts (1)26.00
7.Gloomspite Gitz (1)25.00
7.Orruk Warclans (2)25.00
7.Stormcast Eternals (1)25.00
8.Idoneth Deepkin (1)23.00
9.Ossiarch Bonereapers (1)20.00
10.Slaves to Darkness (1)19.00
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