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Age of Waaagh Taverne #10 - 2000 points - Tournament Results

Players' Awards

FBenoit aka "Burning-Map"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - couine & ouin-ouin
FGuillaume aka "Sarhantai"player-award-bestgeneralBest General
FJoris aka "Balrogue"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - cuillère en bois
FMichael aka "Miladin"player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Guillaume aka "Sarhantai"player-award-bestgeneralFVillejuifEsprit LudiqueDaughters of Khaine12
2.2.p2Florian aka "Luffy76300"FVersaillesEsprit ludiqueSeraphon10
3.3.p3Benoit aka "Burning-Map"player-award-specialFParisParis XIVDaughters of Khaine9
4.4.Arne aka "Gizdalak"CHBaselArea 57Maggotkin of Nurgle8
5.5.Jean-Baptiste aka "Met_dix_ans"FDraveilParis VISeraphon8
6.6.Antoine aka "Pizza-de-Tzeentch"FMaison AlfortGrenier des LégendesSylvaneth8
7.7.Jbdeb aka "Arthenon"FParisPARIS XVDisciples of Tzeentch6
8.8.Paul aka "Neow"FSuresnesStormcast Eternals5
9.9.Julien aka "brankignole"FAsnières Sur SeineIronjawz5
10.10.David aka "Xandary"FGuyancourtEsprit LudiqueStormcast Eternals5
11.11.Michael aka "Miladin"player-award-bestpaintedFParisPARIS XVNighthaunt4
12.12.Luce aka "Arlus"FParisLegions of Nagash4
13.13.Antoine aka "Diabolize"FParisDaemons of Tzeentch4
14.14.Philippe aka "sam"FVERSAILLESBrayherds3
15.15.Joris aka "Balrogue"player-award-specialFColombesIronjawz2
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.Esprit Ludique (3)9.00
2.PARIS XV (2)5.00

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Versailles (2)6.50
2.Paris (5)5.40

Army Results:

1.Daughters of Khaine (2)10.50
2.Seraphon (2)9.00
3.Sylvaneth (1)8.00
4.Maggotkin of Nurgle (1)8.00
5.Disciples of Tzeentch (1)6.00
6.Stormcast Eternals (2)5.00
7.Daemons of Tzeentch (1)4.00
8.Nighthaunt (1)4.00
9.Legions of Nagash (1)4.00
10.Ironjawz (2)3.50
11.Brayherds (1)3.00
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