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X Wing Namur EPISODE III - Tournament Results

Players' Awards

BLenaerts aka "Ayperos"player-award-fairplayFairest Player
BMichael aka "agenor1453"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Persévérance

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Jean-Christophe aka "Gnomp"BWépionJawa JuiceScum and Villainy20
2.2.p2Jean-Francois aka "Bfg9999"BHeusyScum and Villainy15
3.3.p3(anonym)BR2T3Scum and Villainy15
4.4.Guillaume aka "Lorccan"FBerles-Au-BoisFox squadronGalactic Empire15
5.5.Fred aka "Granger"BJambesJawa JuiceRebel Alliance15
6.6.Véronique aka "Dobbydudu"BLambermontScum and Villainy15
7.7.Xavier aka "Cartazimut"BMonsCartazimutScum and Villainy15
8.8.Alex aka "Bellor"BNamurFxgamingRebel Alliance13
9.9.Steve aka "Niner"BNamurJawa JuiceScum and Villainy10
10.10.Benoît aka "Aslar"BNamurZ.S.M.F.CRebel Alliance10
11.11.Vincent aka "Slipdebain"BNamurZ.S.M.F.CGalactic Empire10
12.12.Christophe aka "Seiei"BBeerselGalactic Empire10
13.13.Benjamin aka "RamZeC"FLa BasséeFox SquadronGalactic Empire10
14.14.Raphael aka "cillargent"BSaint ServaisJawa JuiceRebel Alliance10
15.15.Johan aka "lauthian"BGesvesFXgawingRebel Alliance10
16.16.Fabrice aka "Vobys"BNamurJawa JuiceScum and Villainy8
17.17.Steve aka "Troll_mops"BPapigniesRebel Alliance5
18.18.Gaëtan aka "Arzif"BNamurFxgawingGalactic Empire5
19.19.Nicolas aka "Nico_85"BAmayScum and Villainy5
20.20.Jérémy aka "Sombrevanne"BBioulFxgawingRebel Alliance5
21.21.Alexandre aka "Weizegger"BJambesRebel Alliance5
22.22.Lenaerts aka "Ayperos"player-award-fairplayBFlawinneScum and Villainy5
23.23.François aka "DAKILLER"BMonsCartazimutScum and Villainy3
24.24.Michael aka "agenor1453"player-award-specialBBruxellesbrussel cantinaScum and Villainy0
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.Jawa Juice (5)12.60
2.Fox Squadron (2)12.50
3.Z.S.M.F.C (2)10.00
4.Cartazimut (2)9.00
5.Fxgawing (3)6.67

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Jambes (2)10.00
2.Namur (6)9.33
3.Mons (2)9.00
4.Bruxelles (2)7.50

Army Results:

1.Scum and Villainy (11)10.09
2.Galactic Empire (5)10.00
3.Rebel Alliance (8)9.13
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