No. | Name | Origin | NTR | Army | Team | Paid | Armylist |
1. | Olga aka "Olly_Ollysen" | Bayreuth | 1069 | Beastmen | Voodoo Doctor's | yes | yes |
2. | Stephan aka "primus-inter-pares" | Glasthütten | - | High Elves | | yes | yes |
3. | Martin aka "Sheina" | Fichtelberg | - | Empire | Team Zwiebel | yes | no |
4. | Patrick aka "Lardt" | Weismain | - | Dark Elves | | yes | no |
5. | Peter aka "semiclism" | Bayreuth | - | Chaos Warriors | Voodoo Doctor's | yes | yes |
6. | Julia aka "Lux" | Marktdrewitz | - | Dark Elves | Team Zwiebel | yes | no |
7. | Lorenz B. | Oberbibrach | - | Dwarfs | Oberbibrachere Winning Machinery | yes | yes |
8. | Alexander aka "Baer" | Bad Rodach | - | Ogre Kingdoms | Die Daheimgebliebenen | yes | no |
9. | Simon R. | Nürnberg | - | Ogre Kingdoms | Des Don´s wilde Bande | yes | yes |
10. | Martin aka "Lukarus" | Bayreuth | 954 | Empire | Voodoo Doctor's | yes | yes |
11. | Matthias aka "Kampfzwerg" | Bayreuth | 968 | Vampire Counts | | yes | no |
Distribution of Armies |
Dark Elves: | 2 |
Empire: | 2 |
Ogre Kingdoms: | 2 |
Beastmen: | 1 |
Chaos Warriors: | 1 |
Dwarfs: | 1 |
High Elves: | 1 |
Vampire Counts: | 1 |
Distribution of Origins |
Bayreuth: | 4 |
Bad Rodach: | 1 |
Fichtelberg: | 1 |
Glasthütten: | 1 |
Marktdrewitz: | 1 |
Nürnberg: | 1 |
Oberbibrach: | 1 |
Weismain: | 1 |