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Balance ton dé 2023 - SWL - Tournament Results

Players' Awards

FAlexandre aka "Con_sans_Gains"player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1David aka "grandada73"FRouilly-SaceyLe réveil de l'AubeEmpire3
2.2.p2Pierre aka "Uerki"FTroyesLe réveil de l'AubeSeparatists3
3.3.p3Hugo aka "Otak"FParisLes Rancors PerdusSeparatists2
4.4.Louis aka "Dark-Louis"FVilleneuve D'ascqEmpire2
5.5.Julien aka "brankignole"FAsnières Sur Seine1D100Rebels2
6.6.Alexandre aka "Con_sans_Gains"player-award-bestpaintedFBourg-achardLes chimèresEmpire2
7.7.Adrien aka "Corback"FSaint QuentinDuo LudisRebels1
8.8.Guillaume aka "Poups"FBucBuc WargameSeparatists1
9.9.Patrick aka "Katsumoto"FVilleneuve D'ascqEmpire1
10.10.Jérémy aka "Lord_Jim"FSoissonsDuo LudisShadow Collective1
11.11.Regis aka "Prince2Lavau"FLavauLe réveil de l'AubeGalactic Republic1
12.12.Victor aka "zorkon"FBougivalRebels1
13.13.Yann aka "Little_Brown"FRambouillet 78120La Barak'à jouerEmpire1
14.14.Michel aka "Mitch_Sayajin"FSoissonsDuo LudisEmpire0
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.Le réveil de l'Aube (3)2.33
2.Duo Ludis (3)0.67

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Soissons (2)0.50

Army Results:

1.Separatists (3)2.00
2.Empire (6)1.50
3.Rebels (3)1.33
4.Shadow Collective (1)1.00
5.Galactic Republic (1)1.00
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